In Class Workshop: AI Business Plan

Executive Summary

Business Name: Timeless Memories Restoration Services

Business Model: Timeless Memories provides digital photo restoration services, utilizing advanced Adobe Photoshop capabilities enhanced with AI to repair, restore, and rejuvenate aged or damaged photographs. This service targets individuals, families, historical societies, and educational institutions with a need to preserve precious memories and historical documents.

Services Offered

  • Basic Restoration: Includes scratch removal, minor color corrections, and small damage repairs.
  • Standard Restoration: Covers moderate damage repairs, detailed color corrections, and some restorative enhancements.
  • Premium Restoration: Involves extensive damage repair, detailed restorative enhancements, colorizing black and white photos, and custom requests like background changes.

Market Analysis

  • Target Market: Focuses on both personal users (families, individual collectors) and institutional clients (museums, archives, schools).
  • Market Need: Growing interest in genealogy, historical research, and personal memorabilia preservation.
  • Competition: Local photo restoration services and online platforms offering similar services. Differentiation through quality, customer service, and advanced AI integration.

Marketing Strategy

  • Online Marketing: Robust social media presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest showcasing before-and-after photos, customer testimonials, and engaging content.
  • SEO Strategy: Optimize the website to rank highly for keywords related to photo restoration services.
  • Local Advertising: Partner with local businesses, historical societies, and educational institutions; participate in community events.

Operational Plan

  • Technology: Use the latest version of Adobe Photoshop with AI tools. Secure data handling with platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox for photo submissions.
  • Workflow: Detailed process from photo submission to restoration and final delivery. Quality checks to ensure high standards.
  • Customer Service: Responsive customer support system via email, phone, and live chat on the website.

Financial Plan

  • Pricing: Tiered pricing model based on the complexity of the restoration work. Offer discounts for bulk orders and repeat customers.
  • Revenue Streams: Direct payments from clients, subscription models for regular customers, potential partnerships with archives and institutions.
  • Budget: Initial investment in software licenses, website development, and marketing. Ongoing costs include technology updates, advertising, and payroll.

Legal and Administrative Aspects

  • Business Structure: Sole proprietorship, transitioning to an LLC as the business scales.
  • Contracts: Digital service agreements outlining the scope of work, pricing, and privacy policies to protect both the business and clients.
  • Payment Methods: Integration of payment systems like PayPal, Stripe, and Square for easy and secure transactions.

Launch Strategy

  • Soft Launch: Offer services at a discounted rate to family and friends to refine processes and gather initial portfolio pieces.
  • Full Launch: Implement a full-scale marketing campaign, focusing on online engagement and local partnerships. Promotional offers for first-time customers.

Timeless Memories Restoration Services aims to become a leading provider in the photo restoration industry by leveraging cutting-edge technology and providing unparalleled customer service. The focus on quality restoration, combined with strategic marketing and efficient operations, positions the business for success in a niche market with growing demand.

WK14: Blog Post

Blog Prompt:

Consider how the entertainment industry (games, tv, movies, music), commercial design and marketing companies, and the artists that work for them, will be using Generative AI in the near future. If you were to start a small AI digital design/development/content company or service, how would you use AI to get started? How would you leverage what you know so far in the course to write a project plan, research, budget, create and market your idea?

Use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for starting a small AI digital design or development business focusing on either entertainment (games, TV, movies, music), education, commercial design, or marketing. In a 300-500 word blog post, describe how you’d use AI tools to start a creative AI business. Given that everyone has access to these tools how would you add something unique?

Starting a photo restoration business leveraging Adobe Photoshop and AI integration offers a valuable service to individuals and organizations looking to preserve or restore old photographs. This business will cater to a wide range of clients, from families with cherished personal memories to historical societies and educational institutions with archival needs.

The business will provide tiered services—basic, standard, and premium—depending on the extent of restoration required. Basic services will cover minor fixes such as scratch removal, while premium services will handle intensive restorations like severe damage repair and color corrections. Pricing will be structured accordingly, with discounts or package deals for large volumes or repeat customers.

Clients will submit their photos digitally via secure file transfer platforms such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Payments will be facilitated through reliable services like PayPal, Stripe, or Square, accommodating both credit card and bank transfers. A digital contract outlining the scope of work, pricing, and service terms will need to be signed by clients to ensure clear agreements and protect both parties.

A dedicated business website will serve as the central hub for service information, photo submissions, contractual processes, and payments. This site will also feature a portfolio of before-and-after photos to demonstrate service quality and effectiveness.

Marketing strategies will include a robust online presence, utilizing social media platforms to showcase work and engage with potential customers. SEO will be critical to increase visibility and attract users actively searching for photo restoration services. Additionally, local advertising and community engagement will help build a loyal customer base in the local area.

The operational plan will ensure a streamlined workflow from photo submission to delivery, emphasizing quality control and customer satisfaction. Initial steps include a soft launch with friends and family to refine the process, followed by a full launch with targeted marketing campaigns and promotional offers to attract a broader audience.

WK13: Blog Post

Blog Prompt: This week, start thinking/researching/chatting about your final project and research essay. By class, post a description of both your project idea and essay topic.

For my final project, I am planning to restore old photos that have been damaged or distorted due to aging. I want to use generative AI to restore these photos to their original condition as if they were first printed. To accomplish this, I will be requesting my friends and family to provide me with a few photos that they want me to fix. I am not yet sure which AI software I will be using, but I will try various options, with photoshop being the first one.

**HTML generated & put into Cyber duck**

WK11: Blog Post

Blog Prompt: Go to the website of –  a design firm with offices in Portland, London, Milan and Verona. Explore the variety of work in the Gallery. In a blog post, prepare 2-3 questions to ask Toby Roberts about the uses of AI in the company.  He is the President / COO of and visiting our class.


How would you get your foot in the door with a job like yours?
How often do you currently use AI in the field you are in?
Do you enjoy using AI in your field?
How do your clients act when they find out about the AI being used?

Wk10: Blog Post

Blog Prompt: Have a Chat in your Research GPT about creating an HTML5 (browser-based) game with a team of 3-4 students. Given your skills and interests in using AI tools, discuss what types or genres of game you would like to work on and what role you would like to play in its design/development. A text game, narrative game, exploratory game (world-building) or physics game (jumping, dodging shooting at obstacles).

In a blog post, share the type/genre, your role (coder, designer, writer) and a general description for a game you would like to collaborate on.


My group and I will be working on a physics game. I will personally be taking more of a designer role, however, in class I was taking more of the coding role. I would like to worry about the functionality of the game first before making it pretty. We would like to make a game that is a Pumpkin toss game that you need to make into a bucket under a certain amount of time. Sort of like the game angry birds, however, we are tossing the pumpkins instead of birds. It would be nice to have a pumpkin splatter, but that will be part of the later design if we can make it.

WK9: In Class Workshop – Mini Assignments

Assignment 1: Interactive HTML5 Work

Create a webpage that changes when the user clicks a button or presses a key.

  1. Discuss with ChatGPT to decide on the interaction (e.g., change color, show text).
  2. Describe in a prompt what you want for a one-page HTML5 page with JavaScript for your idea.Ask for comments in the source code to help you learn
  3. Copy code and paste into a text-editor
  4. Experiment with different events, values and effects.
  5. Upload and post to blog

Assignment 2: Generative Art with P5.js

Use P5.js to create a design that randomly generates shapes or patterns.

  1. Brainstorm ideas, in a Chat, for designs with P5js and random behavior
  2. Describe in a prompt what you want for a one-page HTML5 page with JavaScript for your idea. Ask for comments in the source code to help you learn]
  3. Copy code and paste into a text-editor
  4. Adjust parameters to refine the design.
  5. Upload and post to blog

Assignment 3: Generative Animation with P5.js

Create an animation in P5.js where elements move or change over time

  1. Brainstorm ideas, in a Chat, for designs with P5js and random behavior.
  2. Conceptualize the animation, planning movement and interactions.
  3. Describe in a prompt what you want for a one-page HTML5 page with JavaScript for your idea. Ask for comments in the source code to help you learn
  4. Copy code and paste into a text-editor
  5. Experiment with movement parameters and interactions.
  6. Upload and post to blog


WK9: Blog Post – Generative Arts with AI

Blog Prompt: Read the article by Amy Goodchild and discuss some of the techniques that interest you. In class we will play with both generative visual art as well as generative literature or language art. Both require the use of JavaScript.

The techniques I found most interesting were “The System is the Art” and “Growing Art.” This art can’t be fully controlled, making it appealing. The outcomes are always different. I enjoy using this method in my creative process because it leads to unique work. This also reminds me of a more randomness structure, however, some nature can create the same thing over and over. With generative AI, I believe it embraces this technique and will allow users to keep pushing their focus forward.

**The above photo is not apart of the article, but this is something I am personally fascinated by with using nature for sculpting items**

WK2: Blog Post – AI Technologies & Foundations

Blog Prompt:  What is missing in the Omega Team scenario? What went wrong? Reflect on Tegmark’s text along with your own notes on dystopian and utopian futures of AI. What do we need to do to avoid the undesirable outcomes and maximize potential desirable outcomes? 

Here’s a breakdown of potential gaps in the scenario and strategies to foster positive AI futures:

1. Ethical Oversight: A lack of ethical guidelines and oversight can lead to AI systems that operate without consideration for human values, privacy, and rights. An ethical framework is essential to ensure that AI systems promote well-being and do not harm individuals or communities.

2. Inclusive Design: If the Omega Team’s design process isn’t inclusive, the resulting AI systems might not address the diverse needs of global populations, leading to inequities in the benefits AI can offer.

3. Transparency and Accountability: Without mechanisms for transparency, it can be difficult to understand AI decision-making processes, leading to trust issues. Accountability structures are necessary to ensure that any negative impacts can be addressed and responsible parties held accountable.

Strategies to Maximize Desirable Outcomes:

1.*Develop and Enforce Ethical AI Guidelines: Establishing global standards for ethical AI development and use, focusing on fairness, transparency, and privacy, can help ensure that AI technologies benefit humanity.

2. Promote Inclusive and Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Encouraging diverse teams that include ethicists, sociologists, psychologists, and end-users in the AI development process can lead to more equitable and effective solutions.

3. Foster AI Literacy and Education: Educating the public about AI’s potential and risks can empower individuals to make informed decisions and engage in meaningful discussions about AI governance.

4. Implement Transparent and Accountable AI Systems: Creating mechanisms for explaining AI decisions and holding developers and users accountable for misuse can build trust and ensure responsible AI utilization.

5. Invest in AI Safety Research: Allocating resources to anticipate, study, and mitigate potential adverse outcomes can help prevent or minimize risks associated with advanced AI technologies.

Incorporating these elements and strategies into AI development projects like the Omega Team scenario can help navigate the complex landscape of AI futures. By emphasizing ethical principles, inclusivity, transparency, and long-term planning, we can work towards maximizing AI’s benefits while minimizing its risks. Balancing innovation with caution and responsibility is key to achieving a future where AI contributes positively to societal progress and well-being.

WK8: Blog Post – AI & Coding

Blog Prompt: Create a Chat in ChatGPT and describe a basic website. Give some sense of the layout, colors and typography. Ask that the response be coded in HTML5 and CSS as one HTML page. Download the file and open it in a browser. 

After reading the articles above and performing the coding exercise, share your thoughts about what this all means for the future of coding. What does AI mean for software, game, app and web development?  What are your concerns about the profession and what do you see are the opportunities? How might this affect your own future plans? 


1. Increased Efficiency: AI can automate repetitive tasks, speeding up the development process. This can lead to faster project turnovers, more time for developers to focus on complex problem-solving, and ultimately, more innovative products.

2. Enhanced Creativity: With AI tools, developers can explore new possibilities in design and functionality that were previously difficult or impossible to achieve. In game development, for instance, AI can generate unique content, creating more immersive and dynamic gaming experiences.

3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: AI can make coding more accessible to a wider audience, including those without a formal background in computer science. This democratization of development could spur a wave of innovation from diverse perspectives.

4. Improved Quality: AI can assist in identifying bugs and vulnerabilities more efficiently than traditional methods, improving the overall quality and security of software.

5. Personalized Experiences: In app and web development, AI can enable the creation of more personalized user experiences through adaptive interfaces and content, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.


1. Job Displacement: As AI takes over more routine coding tasks, there’s concern about the displacement of jobs, particularly for those in entry-level positions. This necessitates a shift in focus towards more strategic, creative, and oversight roles.

2. Ethical and Security Risks: The integration of AI in development processes introduces complex ethical considerations, including bias in AI algorithms and increased potential for sophisticated cyber-attacks.

3. Dependence on AI: Over-reliance on AI tools could lead to a degradation of fundamental coding skills among new developers, making it difficult to solve complex problems without AI assistance.

Impact on Future Plans:

For individuals in the field, these changes necessitate a proactive approach to skill development, focusing not only on technical coding skills but also on understanding AI and machine learning concepts. There’s a growing need for skills in data science, AI ethics, and human-computer interaction to design and implement AI-integrated systems effectively.

The future will likely require a more interdisciplinary approach to development, blending coding with other fields such as psychology, design, and ethics. Staying adaptable, continuously learning, and embracing a multidisciplinary perspective will be key to thriving in this evolving landscape.

In conclusion, the integration of AI in development fields is a double-edged sword, offering the potential to significantly advance technology and bring creative ideas to life more efficiently, while also presenting substantial challenges that need to be navigated carefully. The future of coding with AI will be shaped by how well the industry can balance these opportunities and concerns, ensuring that technological advancements lead to positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

WK7: Blog Post – AI and Music/Sound Art

Blog Prompt: Post a paragraph summary description of your story/moment that you will turn into a series of shots and then compile into a video sequence. Write another paragraph that describes the visual style and what you imagine the soundtrack to include: voices, sound effects, music. 

Paragraph “In the heart of the vast, uncharted waters of Aquarius, Luma, a brilliant marine technologist, finds herself at the forefront of a critical mission: to maintain the delicate balance between the burgeoning underwater technology and the rich tapestry of marine life. Aquarius, a marvel of modern science, is a testament to humanity’s ingenuity—a submerged world where AI and biotechnology have intertwined with the ocean’s ecosystems to create a living, breathing underwater utopia. Smart-Reefs pulsate with digital life, cybernetic marine creatures swim alongside their organic counterparts, and AI-controlled environmental systems regulate the health of this underwater paradise.”

Visual Style:
For the visual style of Aquarius, I prompted my ChatGPT world with the following: “Will you generate 10 photos in 16:9 to portray this story in sequence, and use lots of blues, purples, and bright colors to make the marine animals pop, but give them a cinematic look so the pictures appear professionally taken by a DSLR?” Then I prompted, “With this story, generate 5 more photos in 16:9 with neon colors of sea creatures and beautiful blue and purple water. I want photos that glow.” Overall, I really liked the photos! I do have some I did not choose because they did not achieve the overall effect I was going for. As for the sound, I wanted it in a documentary style, which is why I chose Daniel with Eleven Labs which gives it a Discovery Channel feel. Then, I wanted to go for a binaural beat sound for the background music that plays different relaxing frequencies. I wanted it to evoke the feeling of a calm world, mirroring the floating sensation you experience when underwater.


In class Workshop – Sound

Title: “Neon Lights on Sunset”

**Verse 1:**
In the heart of the city where the dreams are wide,
Sunset Boulevard, where our spirits collide.
Golden hour glow, lighting up the sky,
We’re chasing horizons, where our dreams fly high.

With every beat, we come alive,
Dancing under the neon lights.
In the rhythm, we find our escape,
Sunset Boulevard, our dreamscape.

Neon lights on Sunset, we’re dancing away,
In the glow of the city, we make our own way.
Pop and electronic, our symphony,
Under the indigo sky, we’re free.

**Verse 2:**
From the echoes of legends to the beats of today,
We blend the sounds, in our own unique way.
Indie whispers in the bustling crowd,
Our music’s alive, vibrant and loud.

With every beat, we come alive,
Dancing under the neon lights.
In the rhythm, we find our escape,
Sunset Boulevard, our dreamscape.

Neon lights on Sunset, we’re dancing away,
In the glow of the city, we make our own way.
Pop and electronic, our symphony,
Under the indigo sky, we’re free.

In the pulse of LA, we find our song,
Amidst the city lights, where we belong.
The spirit of youth, freedom in our sound,
On Sunset Boulevard, our dreams are found.

Neon lights on Sunset, we’re dancing away,
In the glow of the city, we make our own way.
Pop and electronic, our symphony,
Under the indigo sky, we’re free.

Sunset Boulevard, in the neon glow,
We’re the melody of the city’s soul.
In the golden hour, our dreams unfold,
On Sunset Boulevard, our story’s told.