Writing Exercise #3 Fictional AI World Prompt for a GPT

For my AI world I wanted to mix a bunch of concepts that I have read or seen from books and movies. The general concept is that humans and AI now live in harmony. The Government has been replaced by a single high functional AI and Earth is a utopia.

The era is 3040 but the AI has maintained the nostalgic theme of the 2000’s with some exceptions with technology such as taxis being all eclectic and all automated.

The AI in charge, the Governance Intelligence Network or GIN for short has cleaned up after humanity and has restored the earth. There is no pollution, the polar ice caps have been restored, the rainforest has been brought back, there is no global warming. The Earth is in perfect balance. There is also a giant ring around the planet that works as a space station.

World hunger no longer exists. Technology has produced highly notorious pills that can be taken once a day. Food is still eaten and made but only for enrichment and enjoyment. With the guidance of AI new foods have been made like a chocolate lava cake that is actually made out of lava.

All cultures of the previous eras have been maintained with some new cultures and religions being developed with technology. Interested in rocks? Why not join the new religion of monks who practice becoming one with the earth by eating rocks?

With GIN the economy has moved into a system meets the needs of all of its citizens. All goods and services are provided, with currency given to citizen for things they want not what they need.

All education is free and is only mandatory up until a high school diploma. All educators are AI that specialize in their own field and all learning is done one on one.

The one uniqueness that I added was a legacy system that allows people to upload their minds into a network so friends and families could speak to them for guidance or wisdom.

Fictional Music Band – Byte & Banjo

Album Cover:

Album Title: Techno Hoedown

Song Titles:

  1. Cybernetic Line Dance
  2. Neon Cowboy Rhapsody
  3. Silicon Prairie Serenade
  4. Digital Dust Bowl Ballad
  5. Synthetic Saddle

Band Photos:

Album Description:

Dive into the electrifying fusion of country twang and electronic beats with Byte & Banjo’s groundbreaking album, “Techno Hoedown.” This innovative collection of tracks takes you on a wild ride through neon-lit barn dances, cybernetic prairies, and futuristic hoedowns, where the spirit of country music meets the pulse of electronic soundscapes.

Blog #4 World Building

How would you go about creating a visual and text presentation of a fictional world using AI tools? What steps would you take? What are some themes and ideas you want explore in your world? 

With AI tools world building can become a more efficient process. Personally I would start with brainstorming. What do I want my world to look like? Is it on a planet? A ship? In the middle of the sea? Inside a giant whale? Next I would think about what inhabits the scene. Plants? Animals? Robots? Humans? Aliens? If I can’t think of anything I can use Chat GPT to help generate ideas, like how we did it in class we can created a short story with 3 words. Once I have a general mental image of the world I want to create I can use other GPT to better develop my world. I think that it is best to have a story in mind before creating the world around it. Once you have your story you can build the environment. Where does the story take place? Where are the characters going? What kind of people will they meet? I can then use AI to help me create towns and cities with lore and societies. I can make geographical areas like mountains and lakes. Maybe there is a giant bottomless pit somewhere. Why is there a giant bottomless pit? Give it lore. Next I can do langue and technology. Is it sci-fi and super futuristic? Or is there magic?

In my world building I want to explore and experiment with magic, mythical beast, and monsters. With AI I can create things that don’t exists.

Imagine a whimsical mythical beast, akin to a jellyfish, with a gooey, translucent body in a vivid purple hue, floating effortlessly through the air. Its bell-like structure, adorned with a charming smiley face, now encapsulates a magical scene within. Inside this ethereal creature, a collection of mystical items float serenely: ancient spell books with intricate covers and glowing potions in variously shaped bottles, each emitting a soft luminescence. These items, suspended in the creature's body, hint at its unique ability to duplicate anything it holds. The backdrop is a mystical forest clearing, where the natural and supernatural blend seamlessly.

This took me like 2 minutes to make and its called a Glimmergleam.

Writing Exercise #2 Short Fiction

For this writing assignment I tried to keep it simple. I asked ChatGPT to write me a story that involved 3 words as a theme.

The three words are:

  • Mars, because I am currently reading a sci-fi novel about Mars
  • Public, because that is the first word that came to my uncle’s head
  • Chalice, because I was drinking apple cider out of a mug

The first story was, “The Martian Chalice”, about a young astronomer getting his wish granted at the annual chalice ceremony on Mars. I thought the story was kind of bland so I edited it to make it a horror story. The second story, “The Blood Pact of Mars”, was about people of Mars being forced to bleed in the annual chalice ceremony by a dark and evil cult.

Not the direction I wanted to go in, I did some more tweaks and edits to get this:

“The Benevolent Offerings of Mars”

Beneath the serene, radiant skies of Mars, lay the magnificent city of “Veridia,” a utopia in every sense. Its citizens lived in perfect harmony, their lives filled with happiness, prosperity, and contentment. Yet, beneath the city’s pristine exterior, a dark and enigmatic tradition thrived – the Annual Blood Offering.

Veridia was a place where laughter echoed through the streets, where lush gardens flourished, and where every need was effortlessly met. The citizens lived in a state of perpetual joy, their hearts brimming with goodwill toward one another. They embraced their city’s motto, “Sacrificium ad Plenitudo,” which translated to “Offering for Abundance.”

Once a year, without question or hesitation, the citizens of Veridia willingly participated in the Annual Blood Offering. They believed that by doing so, they contributed to the city’s perpetual prosperity, although they did not understand how their offerings achieved this.

The residents gathered in the city’s central square, adorned in vibrant garments and wearing serene smiles. As the ceremony began, a group of robed figures appeared, known as the Guardians of Abundance. They were responsible for collecting the citizens’ blood, a task that was seen as a noble duty.

Each citizen, filled with trust and devotion, extended their arms willingly to the Guardians. As the blood was collected, the Guardians recited a solemn chant: “In unity, we give. In unity, we thrive.”

No one questioned the purpose of the ceremony, for Veridia was a place of unwavering faith in the principles of community and selflessness. The citizens believed that their collective sacrifices sustained the city’s utopian existence.

However, beneath the surface, a select few had begun to question the true nature of the Annual Blood Offering. Among them was Elena, a curious scientist with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She had spent years secretly researching the city’s history and traditions, determined to uncover the hidden truth.

Elena’s investigations led her to a forgotten library, where she stumbled upon ancient texts hinting at a deeper, more sinister purpose behind the Blood Offering. They spoke of a cosmic entity that required blood to remain imprisoned beneath the city, preventing it from unleashing chaos and destruction.

Terrified by the revelation, Elena sought allies who shared her concerns. Together, they devised a plan to expose the dark secret of Veridia to the unsuspecting citizens. They knew that revealing the truth would shatter the city’s idyllic façade, but they believed it was a necessary sacrifice to free their people from the sinister force that lurked beneath.

As the next Annual Blood Offering approached, Elena and her allies prepared to unveil the unsettling truth that had been hidden from Veridia’s blissful inhabitants for generations. Their quest for enlightenment would challenge the very foundations of their utopian society, raising the ultimate question: Is true happiness built on ignorance or enlightenment?

Blog #3 Ai Art

In my life I have produced art and I have seen a lot of art. Some of it I understood, some of it I didn’t, and sometimes I had no idea what I was looking at. I have never had any strong feelings about art. I’ll look at a painting and think, “That’s neat” and then move on. I don’t really have any concerns about Ai in the visual arts. As a tool AI can bring interesting concepts that human’s can only dream of.

I do think that it is important to have a human hand involved in any art. I don’t literally mean a human hand, because animals can create art as well. I mean there needs to be a drive to create art. When AI tools create “art” they don’t do it to make “art” they do it because it was prompted. There has to be an artistic approach.

If an AI with self awareness and consciousness makes art, that’s fine, but if someone uses AI tools to create art and has no input or effort in it then that art is not theirs to claim.

What can artists/creators do with AI tools to address or respond to these personal and collective concerns about machine creativity?

I suppose the only way artist can respond to concerns about machine creativity is to show their creative process. Prove that its not just the machine at work, show them that there is more at play.

This controversy reminds me of a scene from I Robot.


Blog 2 Mark Amerika and creative writing

What is your response to this kind of experimental writing with AI tools?

I find using Ai tools for experimental writing is an interesting topic. When using Ai tools you can’t simply copy whatever the Ai gives you. That’s cheating. You can however, use Ai tools to help generate new and creative ideas. Human thoughts and ideas are so limited and writer’s block and occur so easily. With so many different strategies and techniques that have been developed for creative writing it was inevitable that Ai would be included. I find it exciting to see what kind of films or stories that will be produced with the help of Ai, human kind may create something that would have never exist without the help of Ai. Ai can’t do it alone, like in the video “Sunspring” we watched in class about the Ai who wrote a screen play, it needs a human touch. 

How does Amerika understand the creative relationship with a GPT for creative writing or any kind of creative work?

When using Ai Amerika has a unique approach. He has in the past copied and pasted bits and pieces from Ai which is basically editing. But he also remixes and and finish what his GPT produces. When adding his own writing his goal is to “Lose consciousness” creating a hybrid mind that is both his writing and the writing of the Ai. 

Writing Assignment #1.2 – Research Statement – Vincent Lam

I have not always found the idea of artificial intelligence to be interesting, but as AI technology develops and grows, I find that I am drawn more to it. I was exposed to the concept of AI at an early age. When I was a kid, I often spent my time watching all of the movies in my grandmother’s VHS collection, its why I love movies and stories so much. My favorite movie was Termination 2: Judgement Day which in my mind is an instant classic about an artificial intelligence sending killer robots back in time. I am drawn towards AI technology because of its potential like the T-800 from judgment day. Will AI take over and enslave the human race? Or will it be our hero that saves us from ourselves? Perhaps maybe it will just be a helpful friend.

With AI I am interested in its ability to create images and art along with its capacity to write and produce stories.

I am interested in movies, comics, books, and video games. All of which are devices of storytelling. With ChatGPT’s recommendation it has proposed some Ai tools that can help me with my interest.

1. Content Generation

  • Movie Scripts and Plot Ideas: Develop a GPT that generates movie scripts or plot ideas based on genres, themes, or even simple prompts provided by users.
  • Book and Comic Writing Assistant: Create a model that helps writers by generating story ideas, character descriptions, dialogues, or even full chapters based on the input themes or storylines.
  • Video Game Storylines: Build a GPT model that specializes in creating complex storylines, quests, and character backstories for video games

2. Analysis and Recommendations

  • Movie Recommendation System: Develop a GPT that can recommend movies based on a user’s past preferences, mood, or even a short description of the kind of movie they want to watch.
  • Literary Analysis: Create a model that provides analysis on books and comics, including themes, character development, and stylistic elements.
  • Video Game Review and Recommendation: Build a GPT that can review video games based on gameplay, story, graphics, and other criteria or recommend games based on a user’s interests and past favorites.

3. Interactive Entertainment

  • Interactive Stories and Adventures: Use GPT to create interactive stories or text-based games where users can choose their own adventure, particularly in genres common to movies, books, comics, and video games.
  • Role-playing Game (RPG) Assistants: Develop a model that serves as a dungeon master for RPGs, generating scenarios, characters, and plot twists on the fly.

I am still not sure what I want to do for my final project. An idea I have been juggling in my mind is to create music video or comics based on songs that I like. I have experimented with creating storyboards based on lyrics from songs with the help of ChatGPT which have been successful. Then I have tried making comic panels based on those story boards with ChatGPT, which have been less successful.

Personally, so far my experience with AI has been very interesting. I have seen the wonderful things AI can do and create, but I have also seen its limitations and errors. I feel that a lot of people have hate for AI tools but I feel that if they are used in the correct way it can open more opportunities.

Blog #1 Omega Team Reading

What is missing in the Omega Team scenario?

I feel that the story of the Omega Team is only missing two things, resistance and an actual apocalypses. In the reading it shows how Omega team and Prometheus basically took over the world. I feel that if something like this would happen in reality there would be more resistance. For example in phase 1 there were making millions of dollars a day by taking advantage of the .Amazon Mechanical Turk. Or maybe someone would have notice that all of the media outlets where being bought by the same company but under different aliases. The second thing that was missing was destruction. Usually in stories when Ai becomes all powerful it decides to enslave or destroy humanity. In this case Ai takes over and things people are actually happy.

What went wrong?

In the sense of the Omega Team and Prometheus everything went well. But for everyone else the thing that went wrong was that with basically unlimited funds and resources Prometheus started to buy and own everything, becoming all powerful.

What do we need to do to avoid the undesirable outcomes and maximize potential desirable outcomes?

On what is desirable and undesirable is really up to perspective. On one hand Ai controls everything but on the other hand people are happy. If the desirable outcome is to have Ai without it taking over everything I would say that we have to be careful on who develops Ai and how fast it grows. In the reading it shows how Prometheus at first was awful at writing stories but after some time it perfected its craft. If left unchecked all stories will be written by Ai. We need checks and balances and most importantly a human touch. There should be certain things that Ai should not be allowed to control.