AI Group Game

Link to game:

I worked with Shannon and Zelin. Our game is an escape game. As for my role in my group I was in charge of creating the images of each scenario as well as the music and sound effects. I came up with the characters description and created the theme around the house style. I was also in charge of writing the dialogue for interactions between the characters and objects. And finally I helped with an early version of the cover menu at the beginning in the game that helps the user understand the objective of the game, and it was later modified by my teammates into a more stylized version with color. Our group worked hard to make sure the interactions between the objects and characters was responsive. 

Visual #3: Video Animation


For this project I approached from the perspective of how AI robots are a part of the daily lives of people in the Kingdom of Glacium. I show images of just how much AI is important to the kingdom due to how much they help the kingdom thrive from its cold environment in order to survive.  wanted to highlight how the people have adapted into the lifestyle of having AI robots around and just how normalized it is. One of the biggest challenges for this project was generating the images into a video in the direction I wanted, sometimes the movement was hard to control. I think this aspect of AI of turning images into video still is a work in progress but overall it is fascinating how it can bring an image into video, it reminded me a lot of parallax animations. I utilized ChatGPT to create my images from my GPT dedicated to my fictional world, and used Runway to turn them into videos. Sunoo was used to create a soft soundtrack and eleven labs for generated voiceover. Sunoo and Eleven Labs were much easier to have control over.

Blog: AI Business Plan

For my business idea I would like to do an AI-Enhanced Social Media Monitoring Tool

Objective: Develop a sophisticated AI tool that automates the monitoring of social media for brand mentions, sentiments, trends, and more, providing real-time analytics to manage brand health and respond to potential crises efficiently.

The way I would utilize AI would be by outlining my needs in order to develop this business plan, as I would not even know where to start. I would ask AI to outline what I would need to initiate my business plan and then use what it told me to do my own research on the information it gave me. Other usage of AI to begin creating a business would be to use AI Tools and Software in my business. For example, utilizing AI-powered software tools for market analysis, financial forecasting, and customer insights. Tools like IBM Watson, Google Cloud AI, and other specialized software can provide these analytics. Additionally, using AI to plan the collaboration with AI experts such as  working with data scientists or AI specialists to develop custom models tailored to the specific needs of my market analysis and business planning process. Given the tools of AI I can research how many business have similar outcomes like mine and in what ways I could develop my business in a more unique way that makes it stand out from the rest.

Here is my business plan: 

Mission Statement: To empower businesses with cutting-edge AI tools for real-time social media intelligence, enhancing their ability to manage online reputation and engage effectively with their audience.

Product/Service: A software platform that uses AI to provide sentiment analysis, real-time alerts, influencer and trend detection, and comprehensive reporting on social media activities.

Target Market: Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) within industries such as retail, hospitality, and entertainment where brand perception is crucial.

Financial Highlights:

Year 1: Development phase, limited revenue.

Year 2: Soft launch, expected revenue of $500K.

Year 3: Full launch and scaling, projected revenue of $2M.

Company Description:

Provides an AI-driven platform for monitoring social media that automates the detection of brand mentions, analyzes sentiments, and tracks market trends.

Offers real-time analytics to help businesses manage public relations, engage with customers, and benchmark against competitors.


  • To become the leading provider of AI-based social media monitoring tools in North America within 5 years.
  • To expand our service offerings to include predictive analytics for market trends and consumer behavior by Year 3.


  • Advanced AI capabilities that provide more accurate and granular analysis compared to traditional monitoring tools.
  • Real-time processing and alerts that enable immediate responses to potential crises.
  • User-friendly interface with customizable dashboards tailored to specific business needs.
  • Market Analysis

Industry Overview:

  • The social media analytics industry is growing as businesses increasingly rely on data-driven strategies to engage with customers and manage their brands online.

Market Size and Growth Expectations:

Initially targeting the U.S. market, which comprises over 30 million SMEs actively using social media for branding.

Target Demographic:

  • Small to medium-sized businesses in sectors with high customer interaction such as retail, restaurants, and entertainment.
  • Marketing agencies looking to add sophisticated social media tools to their offerings.

Blog: Game Dev

For the game I wanted to do some kind of storytelling where you had the user who’s playing be able to interact with the game. I wanted to do some kind of scavenger hunt or puzzle game. 

My group ended up doing an escape game, where the user needed to help the main character (Teddy) escape the house by interacting with objects and characters within the game. As for my role in my group I was in charge of creating  the images of each scenario as well as the music and sound effects. I was also in charge of writing the dialogue for interactions between the characters and objects. And finally I helped with an early version of the cover menu at the beginning in the game that helps the user understand the objective of the game. 

Blog: Generative Arts with AI

I found randomness and true random really interesting as it provides examples of the generated art that comes out of this concept. I think having the creation of generating art at random is fun for both the artist and user as each sequence of art will be different and it helps the experience be interactive. I found the art that gets generated from code to be really cool, and how it can vary due to the randomness it is generated from. 

Here are the techniques I explored:

Blog: AI and Coding

I think as of right now it’s best to learn coding on your own to understand what the terms mean and get familiar with what terms do to code. But I do think AI in coding can definitely be a good resource to have on hand once you understand what the terms are. 

I took a coding class a year ago and have not touched coding since then but I do remember how the exercises I did in class helped me in understanding what each term did to the code. I think utilizing AI if you understand the coding language could be beneficial but I do see how AI can be lacking in the way you want to be creative in coding as the technical language can be a little complicated (at least for what I experienced with chat gpt). I think AI would be the most beneficial for generating simple stuff for beginners but can be a bit too much once you try to do complicated code as perhaps the code has different layers to how it makes it work. As for concerns of professions I do think there would be some potential job cuts as AI advances but for now I think coding still needs human touch and oversight. The way code is formatted is very structured to reflect a human’s way of thinking and creating complicated projects could confuse AI and complicate things as a user, especially if you don’t understand where to place what in the code. 

I think if you are going into coding because of your profession it will be best to learn coding for yourself rather than just relying on AI. I see coding as something that you really have to learn from scratch (AI guidance is good), but in order to produce projects that have more advanced and complicated web development that are satisfactory rather than just general in terms of AI. 

AI as a beginner is a great way to create fun projects as you learn and have an assistant that can guide you through reasoning behind mistakes and your learning. As for the relying on just AI to code I think it’s not the right path as learning on your own will be the most beneficial on the long run as you will develop strong coding skills to go further into creative projects.