Blog Post – 3/1

The future of coding is going to change drastically as AI continues to grow more powerful. AI has changed the way coding is done, almost completely shifting the focus of coders to the creative side of their work. AI is an amazing tool which allows coders to generate their ideas extremely quickly, removing much of the workload involved in creating their ideas. For example, generating a massive table which is full of content would have taken quite a bit of time. Now all you need to do is ask AI to generate the table and you’ll have it within the minute. For those who avoid the use of AI, it will undoubtably harm their career and their future in that field of work, however, by using and gaining a better understanding of AI it will allow you to become an extremely useful worker. Despite the great power AI has, without a knowledgeable human to guide it, the AI wont be able to generate anything with real creativity or precision.

Blog #6 Summary

I wanted to choose a moment from my story that was not too complex but could still be interesting to make. The moment I chose takes place early in the story where my group of character have their first encounters with some monsters. Like a traditionally video game, my group of characters are cautiously traversing a dark cave. They spot trouble ahead, and they fight off some skeletons.

I wanted my visual style to be realistic with colors that really match the environments. The scene that I choose was in a cave system so the overall color scheme is dark with browns and greens to highlight the natural environment. I also wanted sound effects that would support the environment. For a cave I think, dripping water, foot steps, and strange echoes. For the soundtrack I wanted something epic because most of the scene is action.

Visual #3 Animation/Video

Personally I had a lot of trouble trying to create images that I could put into runway to make the video. My initial process was to draw frames in a notebook to create a story board then I would try to make the video frame by frame. I had difficulties creating the images I wanted and my AI tools had problems keeping my characters consistent. I also noticed that ChatGPT could not create any image with all of my characters accurately. The setting was always right but it would add or change my characters.

For the music I tried some ideas with Suno and Stability. Stability give me strange music that I was not happy with but I felt like I got a good track from Suno. I also tried to do sound effects with Stability, some where good but others were robotic and creepy. With the voice overs it was simple and easy I just needed to come up with what I wanted it to say.

I have never used Adobe Premiere before so it took me a little bit to figure how things worked but I got something.

Website Blog

I feel like this is the most specificity needed for an AI output so far. It’s tough to get exactly what you want, or anything with more style or creativity. I didn’t get very far with my exercise because of roadblocks. 

But that’s just me. I am excited to see where this goes in the hands of people who love web development. Being able to wrangle in ChatGPT to do what you want is its own skill, undoubtedly. I see concerns, like with any use of AI, when it directly produces the end result without and human touch or creativity.

Post Horizon (AI Project)

Creating this was interesting! There wasn’t much of a struggle with ChatGPT for stylization. It mostly got that right. The difficulty came with getting the content of images right. Especially with the last image in the video (the hands). Getting decent-looking hands wasn’t the problem, but instead creating a clear distinction between the two sides of the image. It got color and content flipped several times. The narration audio definitely needed some enhancement wit reverb. I’d love to see more tools like echo, reverb, and distortion included in voice generation in the future.


AI programming indeed stands as a transformative technology in the landscape of software development. By automating repetitive tasks, it significantly reduces time and effort traditionally associated with coding. This innovation is particularly useful in fields where time-to-market is crucial, as it allows developers to concentrate on more strategic aspects such as design, user experience, and problem-solving.

Moreover, AI programming tools like ChatGPT can interpret natural language instructions, making programming more accessible to a broader audience. This democratization of coding could lead to a surge in innovation, as people from various backgrounds can contribute ideas without needing to master traditional programming languages.

The potential for AI in programming extends beyond mere code generation. It includes optimizing existing code, identifying and fixing bugs, and even suggesting improvements based on best practices and recent advancements. This not only speeds up the development process but also enhances the quality of the software produced.

As the technology matures, we can anticipate AI programming tools to support more complex and diverse programming tasks. They might evolve to understand context better, handle more intricate requirements, and provide solutions that are closer to the users’ initial intentions. This could revolutionize how software is developed, maintained, and improved, leading to more robust, efficient, and user-friendly applications.

Furthermore, the integration of AI into programming education could provide an interactive learning experience, adapting to the student’s pace and style of learning. This personalized approach could foster a new generation of programmers who are well-versed in both traditional coding and AI-assisted development.

In conclusion, AI programming holds the promise of making software development faster, cheaper, and more accessible. By alleviating the burden of repetitive tasks, it allows developers and aspiring coders alike to focus on creative problem-solving and innovation. As this technology evolves, it is set to redefine the paradigms of programming and open new horizons in the digital world.

Moment Summary

The moment I will turn into a series of shots and then compile into a video sequence is when my protagonist Dr. Alexei Petrovich Romanov’s guilty conscience and internalized conflict with the reality his government is forcing him to create comes to a critical mass, leading to a panic attack in the middle of a meeting with his colleagues at the Soviet AI development base in Siberia. Alexei rushes out of the conference room and hides in a bathroom stall, hoping in the back of his mind that his colleagues won’t report him for his erratic behavior. He is able to calm down while alone in the bathroom, after which he flushes the toilet and grunts when someone walks in. His attempt to keep up appearances seems to be successful. He rejoins the meeting as if everything is fine and apologizes profusely. After the meeting, Alexei stares at the conference table for a while and makes up his mind to begin planning his alterations to the Soviet AI Ivanov.

Most of the shots will be focusing on Alexei, making very clear the mounting anxiety and self-consciousness he feels, the terror in his eyes as he races to the bathroom, and the tension and desperation while in the bathroom to not scream or do anything that will bring any more attention to himself or make his internal conflict obvious to his colleagues. During the panic attack, his face should become more red, contrasting with the greenish-blue hues of the bathroom. This whole moment should be somewhat reminiscent of a silent/minimal sound horror film, except for a persistent ringing that Alexei hears during the panic attack and his deep breaths to calm himself down. However, the toilet flush and grunts are meant to lighten the mood a little as well, almost giving the audience whiplash with the sudden shift in mood.

Troubling Discoveries


Just some information about the making of this video: I had a LOT of trouble getting the video to do what I wanted. For instance, the poster when the Gardener woman is walking by is supposed to say, “War in Space.” Chatgpt got the text good, but the image I used had the woman blocking the R in “war,” so you see “WAWA” instead. Objectively, this is pretty funny. In addition, my goal was for some of these scenes to not have narration, and let the imagery tell more of the story, however, I could not find a good way to include enough context and get the animations to work with me to achieve this. You might be able to piece together how I planned to do this with the clips I had. The narration, unfortunately, was too succinct and efficient and getting the story I was trying to tell across.

Visual 3

Previous to this project I hadn’t worked with AI sound or videos so it was a learning experience going into this project. Starting this I knew I wanted to make a creation story because I knew it would we very interesting and not have characters which I think would be more difficult to work with in a way I wanted. When I was making imagery with Chat GPT I struggled more than I thought I would to get depictions of space, the generated images didn’t have much consistency in the style and I had to use specific language to edit them. Specifying a color scheme to follow after, correcting the the lighting or environment something was in.

When it came to using Runway for making the videos I didn’t know have a set plan but I began to think about sci-fi movies and how they set up stories like this and tried to follow a similar style. With things like panning and zooming in shots although there was a lot of trail and error doing this because many of the videos would have pieces moving be out of place. As for the sound I found I wanted the narrator to sound concise and calm like how someone in my fictional planet would and I think the voice I used captured it perfectly. Including the soothing soundtrack that I created to sound ambient fit nicely.

  • A small note the quality of the video appears a bit poor on Youtube after exporting it a 720p.

AI and Coding (blog 7)

I don’t have that much experience with coding although I did take the media authoring class last semester with Luers. At the start of the semester we were taught the basics of coding to have a clear understanding and later into the semester AI was integrated to help us experiment and explain things to us. I thought that the use of AI in this instance was an incredible tool that helped with a variety of things, especially to help you get a basic structure for a website. 

In terms of a professional field I couldn’t say exactly what it means although I know that many software developers and people in computer science are worried that they will be replaced by AI similarly to screen writers in cinema. But I don’t think that’s what’s happening. I think that in this field AI can be used as a tool to help simplify timely tasks. Given the advancement of AI and its understanding of code by being able to read it it’s incredible to be able to identify problems and give complete code back in seconds which would typically take much more time to manually produce. With AI and its integration in the workplace I think that timely tasks like creating lists or tables can be much easier even for making a basic structure. Where AI is more limited is in the aspect of design, which I think works well for people and web designers. 

I don’t know much about game or app design but I think that AI would be a tool in this aspect as well. It would be making the apps or games by itself. There needs an idea and creativity behind it to produce something further. For several types of  professions and in almost any case involving AI I think people have a strong fear that it will replace them but it’s a bit of a misconception because many people don’t know how AI works or can be used to help you. I myself personally do not think I will further pursue a number of these professions but do think it’s important to embrace AI because it is the future.

Writing #3

In the Neo-Synthesis Era, centuries after humanity’s greatest minds united to reconstruct Earth’s core and save the planet from death, a new world has emerged where technology and nature exist in harmonious symbiosis. This era is characterized by its futuristic cities that rise towards the sky, their exteriors a fusion of photovoltaic glass and lush vertical gardens. These urban landscapes are surrounded by expansive wilds, restored to their pristine conditions, showcasing humanity’s commitment to ecological stewardship.

The environment is a testament to technological marvel, with climate AIs meticulously regulating weather patterns to ensure a stable, hospitable planet. These intelligent systems manage rainfall for agriculture and maintain temperatures ideal for both human comfort and ecological diversity. This careful balance has revitalized the planet’s geography, now a blend of vibrant ecosystems and human ingenuity.

Cuisine reflects this era’s ethos, blending traditional recipes with sustainable innovations like lab-grown meats and hydroponically grown vegetables. Food is a celebration of cultural heritage, intertwined with communal practices that underscore the unity between communities, technology, and nature. The culture itself is deeply integrated with AI, manifesting in festivals that honor the symbiotic relationship between technological advancements and natural preservation, and in interactive digital art that bridges the gap between the tangible and the virtual.

Economically, the world thrives on renewable energy, technological innovation, and the valorization of ecosystem services. Automation, driven by AI, has reshaped the workforce, emphasizing creative and caretaking roles, and fostering an economy grounded in sustainability and ethical practices.

Education and religion reflect the profound respect for life and the planet, with AI playing a central role in personal development and spiritual practices. Education is customized and lifelong, facilitated by AI tutors that cater to individual learning styles. Meanwhile, religious practices have evolved to incorporate AI, celebrating the unity of technology, spirituality, and the sanctity of Earth.

Technological advancements, particularly in human-AI symbiosis, define this era. AI is not just a tool but a companion, deeply woven into the fabric of society, guiding its inhabitants towards a balance between technological growth and environmental preservation.

What sets this world apart is its unique integration of AI into every facet of life, fostering a society that values balance and mutual respect. This deep integration has birthed a civilization where technology and nature evolve as one, marking the Neo-Synthesis Era as a testament to humanity’s ability to not only survive but thrive by embracing its creations in stewardship of the Earth.

AI in Cinema

What are your thoughts on the risks and opportunities of AI Cinema? 

AI provides many tools for the average person to be able to make a film on a budget, without access to professional industry resources. From scriptwriting, pre-production, special effects, audience analysis, and distribution, AI can greatly assist and streamline the entire process. This is a tremendous development for an industry that has historically had a very high barrier for entry—and with tremendous developments come a multitude of risks and opportunities, all of which are valid and should be approached with cautious optimism.

What do these tools mean for the future of Hollywood entertainment and for independent artists working in the industry?

Having AI tools at your disposal for filmmaking means that you no longer need a huge chunk of money and fancy equipment to make a film. This is great for independent artists who may be struggling with getting a big enough budget and high-spec gear, by lowering the historically high barrier for entry into the industry and democratizing the whole process. There is even potential for such independent artists to produce quality demos or trailers that they could then pitch to a large-scale production company to have them bring in the big bucks and develop the film to give it the blockbuster treatment.

That being said, Hollywood professionals who have built their whole career on specializing in just one, maybe two parts of the whole process may find their jobs exceedingly taken over by AI, which has the capacity to heavily assist in all parts of the process for a much lower cost. I would hope that these professionals are not driven out entirely by an industry that favors low cost—instead, I think they should be allowed to continue their work as they have been, while using AI tools to assist them. They are professionals, after all—experience in an industry and a specific craft is a very valuable thing. Once again, I am inclined to think that humans should be centered in all conversations about AI and its applications, as losing a job you’ve developed your whole career in would be a huge shock to anyone, regardless of the reason.

AI Space Race – Visual Exercise #2

Link to slides here:


In this alternate 1950s, the Cold War has escalated into a fierce space race, with the United States and the Soviet Union leveraging AI technologies controlled by dominant corporate-government syndicates. The Soviet AI “Ivanov” and the American AI “Liberty” have become central to these power struggles, extending the conflict beyond Earth’s atmosphere. The surreptitious hijacking of a U.S. satellite by Ivanov sets off a chain of events, revealing a dystopian world where corporate-government entities use AI to dominate space and exert authoritarian control over global communications and surveillance.


Satellite Hijacking and Space Race Escalation: A clandestine Soviet facility in the snowy landscapes of Siberia. The facility is a blend of 1950s Soviet architecture and futuristic elements, featuring large, imposing buildings with satellite dishes and antennas, buzzing with covert activity.

Dr. Alexei Petrovich Romanov, in his mid-40s, is a top scientist in the Soviet AI program. Raised in Leningrad, his exceptional skills in mathematics and engineering earmarked him for a state-directed career in computing and AI. While brilliant, Alexei is deeply conflicted, burdened by the weight of his contributions to Ivanov, a system he increasingly views as oppressive.

Global Surveillance Network: Ivanov and Liberty are instrumental in creating a network of satellites, enabling the Shadow Syndicate to monitor and control global communications. This network acts as a digital panopticon, stifling dissent and opposition under the guise of maintaining global stability.

The Shadow Syndicate Treaty and Space Dominance: The U.S. and Soviet Union formalize their alliance, establishing a shadow syndicate, a ruling oligarchy controlling AI and space assets. The treaty’s hidden agenda includes global surveillance, and the colonization of space and exploitation of extraterrestrial resources for their benefit.

Turning Point: After a crisis of conscience, Alexei decides to act. He covertly contacts members of the international scientific community and shares his concerns, sowing the seeds of a resistance movement. While Alexei manages to introduce some ethical constraints into Ivanov, his ability to significantly alter the course of events is limited. He remains a small cog in a much larger and more dangerous machine.

Quiet Defiance: Alexei is discovered as a traitor to the Soviet Union’s interests and goals with Ivanov. Alexei decides he has no choice but to disappear, and his final act is one of quiet defiance. Keeping a smile on his face with the knowledge that he at least tried to change things, he leaves behind encrypted information about Ivanov’s design and the Syndicate’s plans, hoping it will eventually fall into the right hands.


Starting with the basic outline I created for Writing Assignment #3, I decided to make some adjustments that would put a focus on politics, authoritarianism, and the space race. I kept bouncing ideas off ChatGPT until it started going into a direction I liked, with the addition of the shadow syndicate secretly pulling strings nearly everywhere. I think too many narratives have strong, “heroic” heroes, so I wanted a protagonist that was very visibly anxious or unhappy with his circumstances and his complicit role in shaping a dystopian world. I was very frustrated with the first five sets of images DALL·E generated for Alexei—he either looked too young, too old, or too gloomy. I wanted Alexei to look like someone who could still function as if everything was fine, but with a strong feeling of internal dread with the cross he feels obligated to bear for his complicit role.

AI Worldbuilding

After looking at the Codex Seraphinianus, The Visual Dome and reading the essay about an imagined film, how would you go about creating a visual and text presentation of a fictional world using AI tools? What steps would you take?

All of my strengths are in nonfiction writing, so I would be leaning quite heavily on ChatGPT to help me come up with my fictional world. I would start by focusing on one single element and brainstorming what could make that one element unique, because obviously I don’t want to just come up with a fictional world that is similar to what someone else has already created and produced narratives with. I might choose to center my world around this one element for whatever reason. Then, I would think about how that one element may impact other elements within the world and ask ChatGPT corresponding questions, just to see if it would come up with an idea or angle I hadn’t considered yet. For example, If a world’s primary source of sustenance is wheat, how might that impact its society? How might it impact its infrastructure and economy? What challenges arise when a society is heavily dependent upon this primary source of sustenance? How do they mitigate the effects of famine? How do they assign value to food, whether economic or social? I would use ChatGPT to bounce ideas off of, as well as testing the logic within my world. With this method, I can break down the worldbuilding process into smaller, manageable steps that don’t seem as daunting, while ensuring that my world is built in a way that is logical and makes sense.

What are some themes and ideas you want to explore in your world?

I want to explore power dynamics between individuals and/or factions within a society. I don’t think I would attempt the kind of social commentary present in the Barbie movie or Fight Club, but I believe that conflict is what makes stories interesting, and power dynamics are an effective way to set the scene for conflict. I am also interested in how events, however small, can lead to large events—applications of the butterfly effect.