Course Research Goals: How Arts, Computer Science, and AI Intertwine




The main outcome I want to get out of this class is a solid standing on what AI can do in relation to the Arts and Computer Science. I want to be educated about AI and its integration into into this world. I also want a clear understanding of modern capabilities, so I can make sure to take advantage of the tools I have available to me. In conjunction with this, I want an understanding of possible dangers and the ethical dilemmas associated with using these types of tools and to make sure I move forward in my work ethically and wisely.

My research goals are centered around a deep and comprehensive exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various creative fields. I aim to understand how AI can be applied innovatively in writing, image generation, cinema, music, coding, game development, and generative art. This course presents a unique opportunity to investigate the intersection of AI with artistic creativity, and I intend to delve into the programming aspects of AI in the arts, its influential role in design, and the complex philosophical questions that arise at this intersection.

AI in Programming Arts and Design

One of my primary research goals is to understand AI’s role in the programming arts and its impact on design, especially in web and software design. I aim to explore how AI algorithms can enhance user experiences in web design and aid in creating more efficient and creative software design processes. Additionally, I plan to investigate AI’s application in the fine arts, examining how AI-generated artworks challenge our traditional notions of creativity and authorship.

Philosophical Exploration: Sentience, Intelligence, and Artistic Ability

A significant aspect of my research will focus on the philosophical implications of AI in the arts. I am particularly interested in exploring concepts of sentience and intelligence in relation to AI’s artistic capabilities. My goal is to understand whether AI can truly possess creativity, or if its artistic outputs are merely reflections of learned data patterns. This exploration will also delve into the nature of artistic ability and whether it can be attributed to non-sentient entities like AI.

Goals for Integrating AI in Artistic Workflows and Education

Integrating AI into traditional artistic workflows is another area I aim to explore. I plan to investigate how AI tools can augment the creative capabilities of artists, allowing them to push the boundaries of their traditional mediums. In the context of education, one of my goals is to understand how principles of computer science and AI can be effectively integrated into arts and humanities curricula, fostering a new generation of artists who are adept at navigating the intersection of art and technology.

Navigating Ethical Implications and Future Trends

Ethical considerations in the use of AI in the arts form a crucial part of my research goals. I intend to study the ethical implications surrounding data privacy, bias in AI algorithms, and the impact of AI on employment in creative sectors. Additionally, I am eager to explore the future trends in AI within the arts, anticipating innovative forms of AI-driven artistic expression and understanding the balance required between technological advancement and artistic integrity.


Through my participation in “DTC 338: AI in the Arts,” my goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of AI’s role in the arts. I aim to explore the technical, creative, and ethical dimensions of this intersection, equipping myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to and navigate the evolving landscape of AI in creative industries. This course will provide the foundation for my research, and I am excited to explore the myriad possibilities that AI brings to the world of art and creativity.

Blog #1 Omega Team Reading

What is missing in the Omega Team scenario?

I feel that the story of the Omega Team is only missing two things, resistance and an actual apocalypses. In the reading it shows how Omega team and Prometheus basically took over the world. I feel that if something like this would happen in reality there would be more resistance. For example in phase 1 there were making millions of dollars a day by taking advantage of the .Amazon Mechanical Turk. Or maybe someone would have notice that all of the media outlets where being bought by the same company but under different aliases. The second thing that was missing was destruction. Usually in stories when Ai becomes all powerful it decides to enslave or destroy humanity. In this case Ai takes over and things people are actually happy.

What went wrong?

In the sense of the Omega Team and Prometheus everything went well. But for everyone else the thing that went wrong was that with basically unlimited funds and resources Prometheus started to buy and own everything, becoming all powerful.

What do we need to do to avoid the undesirable outcomes and maximize potential desirable outcomes?

On what is desirable and undesirable is really up to perspective. On one hand Ai controls everything but on the other hand people are happy. If the desirable outcome is to have Ai without it taking over everything I would say that we have to be careful on who develops Ai and how fast it grows. In the reading it shows how Prometheus at first was awful at writing stories but after some time it perfected its craft. If left unchecked all stories will be written by Ai. We need checks and balances and most importantly a human touch. There should be certain things that Ai should not be allowed to control.

The Tale of the Omega Team

The reading “The Tale of the Omega Team” was an interesting piece as it explored the progress of an AI like Prometheus taking over the earth by slowly building trust within the public eye up until where it began pushing an agenda towards people leading towards its world domination.

I think what went wrong in this scenario was the lack of human interference and just how much the designers of Prometheus kept pushing the agenda of making money and creating successful outcomes with Prometheus. For example, the discussion on how Prometheus learned to make its own films and write its own reviews was all solely due to Prometheus understanding what success looked like on a film, really was just the beginning of showing just how much Prometheus lacked consciousness and in general just relied on its programmed algorithms. This progressed to a bigger issue for Prometheus as it began to manipulate people which became normalized as its capabilities had expanded and were now so far beyond humanity that it was just viewed as revolutionary by its designer.

I think that what we need to do to avoid undesirable outcomes and living in a dystopian world is to keep certain limitations of AI. Having constant monitorization of AI that is human so that way an AI like Prometheus is not unfolding expeditiously without the public being aware of it. If the public is aware of just how much an AI such as Prometheus is controlling the government and manipulating the public into certain political views, how much would the public trust an AI like Prometheus? I think just having constant monitorization of the AI and careful approval of its impact and its limitations is the basic essential in order to avoid outcomes like the one in the tale of the omega team and have a basic control over our humanity and values.


Research Statement (Writing Exercise #1) – Andrew Truax

In my efforts to become a professional 3D modeler, I often look for inspiration or references so that I can maintain the momentum of being a creator and build my portfolio. There will be times when I need help so that I don’t slow down my process. To maintain my speed and save time, I looked for ways to help inspire me.

I took the opportunity of using Chat GPT to help fuel my ambition. I began working on my own custom GPT, but I couldn’t decide on what I needed it to do, exactly. My first GPT helped me give ideas based on a genre or subject I would propose. I called it the “Concept Inspiration Crafter.” It certainly had a use but I’m unsure if this is what I needed for the time being. After I discovered that Chat GPT 4.0 uses DALL-E to create images (or remix pre-existing photos), I finally realized what I must do. Now the sky is the limit! I can put together whatever is going on in my mind using this new GPT. I call this new GPT the “Concept Image Creator.”

There are some behaviors I had made for it or retain. I wanted it to maintain a professional yet welcoming and friendly tone. Not only that but avoid copyrighted material. Lastly, the GPT will ask questions for clarification if it must.

When the behaviors were finally implemented, I suddenly had an idea to create something I had in the back of my mind for a while. The idea I had was to create a warrior with futuristic military armor, but that warrior was a dragon with a humanoid shape much like what you would see in DND called a dragonborn. I had never seen someone draw that before and I really wanted to see that happen.

Created by Chat GPT, not myself.

After I created my first one, it looked amazing, but I wanted to see if I could adjust it a little bit. I was curious if changing the colors would satisfy me. When I did ask the Concept Image Creator to change the colors to tan and red, it changed the subject to be tan and red as well as his armor and turned him into a totally different dragon. He’s tougher and lacks wings and the armor is different but still retains the same art style.

Created by Chat GPT, not myself.

This is almost exactly what I was looking for despite this GPT not having a whole lot of instructions to go from! These images were created, almost instantaneously. And while these images looked amazing, I would never frame these on my wall, partly because of its robotic and lifeless feel. it was clearly not made by another human but put together by an unconscious entity. I cannot claim these as my own as I didn’t create this.

Let me just say that I do not plan on using any of these images other than for inspiration and maybe as references within my work, but it will never be a rough draft or a final.

This piece of software is truly groundbreaking, this GPT will go far and wide to help me and inspire me. I am supremely thankful to live in a time where there is AI and that I got introduced to this so early. I don’t know how I’ll be able to go back after this. From my standpoint as a 3D modeler, this will become very helpful. however, This GPT role is to assist me and not to create for me.

The Tale of Omega

What is Missing in the Omega Team Doomsday Scenario?

What’s missing from the Omega Team doomsday scenario is a physical doomsday. This is not a traditional doomsday scenario with an atomic bomb explosion or an apocalypse occurring that wipes out the human population and destroys societal structures. Ironically, the majority of the population in this scenario have a higher quality of life compared to before the doomsday. Also, because the needs of the population are being met worldwide, it is difficult to say morally if the Omega Team is an antagonist.

What Went Wrong?

What went wrong in this fictional world is a monopoly. But not one that was limited to business. It was one that spread to governments worldwide. The Omega Team became the government as they insidiously manipulated the population’s political views and rigged political candidates.

For example, as explained in “Gaining Power” section, in order to dominate global news networks, the Omega Team had to be the first to get to any “newsworthy” stories and broadcast them through their media company. They achieved this by constant surveillance “via real-time monitoring of the internet”. Being the first to break stories allowed the Omega Team to win over the trust of the population. Though the Omega Team was able to break important stories such as political corruption, the privacy of the population was comprised. If the population had found out that they were being constantly surveyed, would they still trust the media company that was being controlled by the Omega’s?

What do We Need to do to Avoid These Undesirable Outcomes?

To avoid a doomsday such as in the Omega Tale, we need to set international regulations of AI before such ultra-intelligent machines are created. Without international regulation, there is no way to prosecute such actions when they occur. I am personally not educated about the laws and regulations of monopolies, but that is also something that needs to have strict regulations to prevent them from occurring.

Personal Thoughts

The maintainability of such a utopia may not be realistic. Machines cannot become better and make new inventions without the creative idea input from humans, and humans cannot become better without looking from other human ideas. Just like how the machine observed its old code and used it as a template to make new and better code, humans look to each other to make ourselves better and re-write our “code”. The machine can only go as far as they are programmed. If they surpass human technological capabilities, and no human exists with the knowledge of the computers programming code, there will be a cap of its capabilities and it will no longer be able to create new innovations. Top of Form

I think the monopoly of the story is a likely real-world scenario, but the goodwill and world peace are not. I have never been one to agree with a utopian societal goal, as basically achieved in this scenario. I feel that conflict and working towards solutions are what make us human, even if those solutions take centuries to come to. If everything in our lives is controlled by this ultra-intelligent AI to the point of achieving a utopia, how are we any different than ants living off a sugar factory? I think some would argue that this scenario is moral in that it brings world peace, but I don’t think such a utopian is human nor sustainable.

Also curious to know what would happen to this utopia if say… the Omega Teams internet went out?

Omega Team Tale-Blog 1

I found “The Tale of the Omega Team” to be a very interesting story that explores how the normalization of AI can simultaneously create a utopia and a dystopia. I think there are a number of lessons we can learn from the events depicted in this scenario.

One of the main themes this story highlights is the importance of human ethics. In the narrative, the Omega Team aims to achieve world domination, which entails pushing an agenda, even to the extent of bribing people. However, before they can do this, they start small, gradually building their way up by gaining public trust. The use and reliance on Prometheus then become normalized, well-trusted, and even capable of solving humanitarian problems that humans couldn’t. In some way, people allowed this AI to be placed on a pedestal, unknowingly manipulated into doing so. This created a utopian scenario where people seemed content with a more peaceful world under the control of one entity, resulting in a loss of autonomy.

The people in this society may believe they live in a utopia, but I see it as also being a dystopia. While AI surely increases efficiency and solves problems, it also cannot work beyond its available information. The Omega Team programmed Prometheus to learn from itself and the information available to it. However, this information is sourced from humans who have engineered everything from technology and art to discoveries; ultimately, the AI relies on humans to learn and offer suggestions. In the Omega story, Prometheus lacks consciousness and the ability to have its own thoughts, relying solely on programming and algorithms.

We may worry that someday AI will reach a level of intelligence where it becomes self-aware and desires to overtake humanity, but that’s quite a far reach. To avoid living in a dystopia with unforeseeable outcomes, as in Tegmark’s story, we should have limits on what AI is capable of, with careful monitoring and approval of its applications. I believe AI will surely become a part of our everyday lives, but limiting its involvement would be optimal.

Reading response: The Omega group

When reading Tegmark’s tale of the Omega Group, I was very intrigued by the advancements Prometheus went through as the tale progressed. It made me think about how, if I were to read this ten years ago, I would have seen it as just a tale, but now it’s a little scary to think about how possible it would be for an AI like Prometheus to exist.

Tegmark’s text gives us an idea of how AI can lead us to Utopian outcomes with advancements and improvements in the quality of life, or it can lead to dystopian outcomes with a loss of control. To avoid undesirable outcomes, we would need to develop standards and regulatory frameworks for AI research and deployment. To maximize desirable outcomes, we would need to keep the public informed about AI and its potential.

The scenario does not address any long-term risks of having a single AI entity run the world. Even with an AI like Prometheus, we need to consider any risks that could potentially put the public at risk. If there is an AI running the world, you would think the public would be involved, but the scenario unfolds without any public awareness or insight into the AI’s development. Without the inclusion of the public, changes brought by the AI could result in major conflict.

The scenario also gives immense power to the Omega Group, which is risky because of potential human error, misjudgment, or corruption and abuse. The Omega Group also works secretly, which can lead to conflicts or mistrust between governments and other organizations. Moreover, the scenario has little consideration for the impact AI could have on society, culture, and human values.

My Interest and Goals Using AI Creative Tools (Blog 1)

As an emerging technology within the tech industry, I feel it is incumbent to learn, adapt and grow with the times. As a student, this class offers a deep, practical understanding of how we may use artificial intelligence in the arts. Digital art and design can and will benefit from this new leap into the future.

As a member of Generation X, I feel privileged to have this opportunity to learn technology that some of my peers will never understand and some may actually fear. I believe any tool may be used for good or for ill, including and especially technology. Learning the ethical, positive, professional ways to use AI will provide me with an understanding of potentially the most powerful advent in technology since the internet.

My main goal is to stay abreast of the most impactful, cutting-edge technology that is relevant to my field.  Currently, I have two associate’s degrees: an AAT in Web Development and an AAT in Digital Media Arts. I am now pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Digital Technology and Culture. I started my own LLC last year and have begun freelancing for local business owners and hope to grow my client base enough by the time I graduate that I won’t have to work as an employee. However, as a realist, I understand we must all pay our dues and have several back-up plans.

My passions within technology are web development/design, audio/video post production (editing), voiceover performance, writing, 2D animation and infographic generation. I hope to use AI as a tool for web design/development in my career, and when allowed, for school projects. I look forward to digging into the exciting world of artistic AI.


Hey there, my name is Trystahn and I’m excited to see what people create with AI. The capabilities of this technology are continuing to grow and seeing the things people have already done with AI has me excited for the future of this class.

The Omega’s Mega AI

The tale of the Omegas’ Prometheus is a cautionary one. Though introduced off the dome as ambitious, idealistic, and posessing a
strong commitment to helping humanity, they ended up far from perfect.

It could have been much worse, but a one power takeover is never good. For starters, they trained it and raised it up through imperfect ways. A main problem with their strategy was having it bloat its own content. Things like having it w rite its own reviews stand out as a problem.

Not only that, but (jumping to the end here) nobody wants a world that is safe, controlled, and tame. By embracing the ‘perfect’ (as labeled by a computer), nothing interesting can be allowed to flourish. Checks and balances are in place for a reason. If one system is in place for everything, human innovation dies.

Though Prometheus was powerful, undoubtedly, it went for too much. Stretched itself thin, in a way. I belive that AI is best used as a tool, in one lane at a time. By creating media, rigging political systems, and pushing an agenda all at the same time, it created a scary revolution all at the same time.

Why I’m Interested In A.I.

Hi, I am Haili Kuanoni. I am interested in A.I because I want to learn how to use it better as a tool. Last semester I was in dtc-475 and we had a project where we had to make a video with A.I and also had class discussions on A.I and it made inspired me to start using A.I as a tool to help progress creativity.

What is your interest and/or goals with AI creative tools? Blog#1

In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the gaming industry, offering solutions that alleviate the burdens on game developers, enhance graphics and sound effects, and optimize the testing and refinement processes. AI’s influence extends beyond mere automation, contributing to a more efficient and creative game development landscape.

AI significantly reduces the workload for game developers, mitigating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Automation of mundane activities, such as level design or asset creation, allows developers to focus on more creative aspects of game development. This not only enhances productivity but also empowers developers to explore innovative ideas, fostering a more dynamic and imaginative gaming experience.

One of the remarkable contributions of AI lies in the realm of graphics and sound enhancement. AI algorithms can analyze and augment visual elements, resulting in improved graphics quality. Additionally, AI-driven sound generation models create realistic and immersive audio effects, elevating the overall gaming experience. These advancements not only save time but also ensure that developers can deliver high-quality visuals and audio without exhaustive manual efforts.

AI-driven game testing and optimization represent another pivotal aspect of its impact. Automated testing using AI algorithms facilitates the early detection of bugs and glitches, streamlining the debugging process. Furthermore, AI analyzes player behavior data, providing valuable insights for developers to optimize gameplay and address potential issues. This proactive approach to testing and optimization ensures a smoother gaming experience for players while reducing the likelihood of post-launch complications.

The integration of AI in game development has proven to be a catalyst for eliminating meaningless work and reducing development timelines. By automating routine tasks, developers can allocate more resources to creative endeavors, resulting in richer and more innovative game designs. The accelerated development cycle, made possible by AI, not only benefits developers but also enables the gaming industry to keep pace with rapidly evolving player expectations.

In conclusion, AI serves as a transformative force in the gaming industry, alleviating the burdens on developers, enhancing graphics and audio, and optimizing testing processes. Beyond efficiency gains, AI fosters a creative environment where developers can explore novel ideas and bring high-level concepts to fruition. As we look to the future, AI stands out as an invaluable tool for advancing the boundaries of human creativity in game development.

Blog #1: What is your interest and/or goals with AI creative tools?

AI today feels like it is a big topic due to how fast it has been evolving and being incorporated into our lives. Personally, I have not really explored using AI such as CHATGPT as much as others have been, which makes me feel a little behind as I can see AI being becoming something that will be evolving even more in the future. I can see AI becoming something that will be used in jobs, especially in the career I am interested in. So, my interest with AI is to learn to use it as a tool where I can enhance my creativity and learn to use AI as an aid. I am interested to learn just how much AI can help me develop new ideas and how it becomes personalized to what I’m asking for assistance on. 

A primary goal of mine is to know the language to use with AI. How do you talk to AI so it can understand the point you are trying to get across or how you want a conversation to move towards? How do I utilize AI in a way where AI is assisting me, and how does it impact my creativity or originality? How does the balance between an artist and AI come into play? 

AI is becoming a tool for many in different career fields, and I am really interested in learning how to utilize AI in ways where it helps my work progress faster. For example, I am interested in graphic design, so I utilize adobe illustrator a lot and recent updates incorporated an AI generator in the program. With this update it has been interesting to see how this tool has been influencing the work of creators as they use the program. For example, you could be able to generate graphic elements as you work and either utilize or discard them, so it is interesting to see how AI features like these can help designers with their work progress and how it can be used where designing could potentially be less time consuming but influence the creativity of a designer. Another side to the addition of AI I have seen have a significant impact is with photoshop. Now in photoshop you can use AI to easily remove or add something which would take a good amount of time to now be done in minutes. I saw this become a big topic especially with photographers where AI can have a heavy influence with their line of work which could be interpreted in a good or bad way; one where AI is overtaking your job or the other where AI is potentially helping you speed up your work and be a tool as an assistant. These are some of the topics I am interested in learning about and exploring through with AI.


The Omega Team Creating Mega Problems

These works are always interesting because if the AI that’s generated is smart enough to teach others strong morals, it would be strong and well-educated enough on morals and ethical codes to avoid the types of take-over globalist outcomes. However, this writing does a great job of addressing that common issue, as the designers of the algorithm encourage the machine for monetary and political gain. In addition, it is implied Prometheus is pulling all the strings because this is what the machine deems is the morally good approach to solving humanitarian issues.

The biggest portion that went wrong in this scenario is the human interference. Their goals were control and making money, and the AI provided them with the ability to meet those goals.

This text touches on a fundamental aspect of machine learning that is very important for its moral implications. That is that advanced AI tends to rely on some sort of learning algorithm, in which the computation adjusts based on feedback. In order for these to remain in human’s best, ethical, interests, the goal of this learning needs to stay moral and focused, which can be directly hard-coded into an AI system.

I have some skepticism regarding the possibility of an AI dystopia like the ones we are afraid of are possible, because they rely on the assumption that everything in the world has recordable, simple, computational outcomes. What I mean by this is that there is an assumption that simple actions, phrases, or input variables can alway result in complex, accurate, totally predictable conclusions. The real world typically has more randomness and nuance than that, so there is a limit to the level of intelligence or power an intelligent being could have. As if life is a computational Rorschach Inkblot Test. Maybe computers are different, and they can see more nuanced and complex patterns than we can, but I am suspicious that is is enough to do the damage we say it can. At least for the near future.

As far as utopias go, there are too many human beings for that to be a realistic possibility. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure the same way one man’s dream is another man’s nightmare.

What is your interest and/or goals with AI creative tools?

My profound interest in AI creative tools is rooted in their remarkable ability to serve as a conduit between imagination and the digital canvas, opening up a world of artistic possibilities. My primary goal is to leverage these tools to translate the vibrant tapestry of my creative thoughts into visually captivating digital forms.

AI creative tools hold the captivating promise of turning abstract artistic concepts into tangible masterpieces. Whether it’s generating awe-inspiring paintings, composing evocative music, or sculpting intricate digital models, these tools empower artists like me to bring their visions to life with astonishing precision and artistic flair.

What truly excites me is the democratizing force of these AI tools within the artistic realm. They are accessible to individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of their prior artistic experience or technical expertise. This inclusivity fosters a diverse and dynamic artistic community, where talents from various backgrounds converge to inspire and challenge one another. It’s a future where creative boundaries are pushed, and innovation thrives.

These AI creative tools are not confined solely to the realm of art. They can be instrumental in revolutionizing artistic collaborations, interdisciplinary projects, and even the development of cutting-edge technologies with artistic flair. The potential for synergy between art and technology is limitless.

My interest and aspirations with AI creative tools center around their extraordinary capacity to bridge the gap between my artistic imagination and the digital canvas. These tools not only enhance artistic expression but also create a space where creativity knows no bounds, where artistry flourishes, and where the impossible becomes a canvas waiting to be filled with the colors of imagination.