Visual #2

Here is the link to my Visual #2 slideshow. These images are from my Terrafract World and are going to be a starting point for the images of my final project.
Google slideshow link here

This slideshow shows a small group of explorers who are venturing into an untamed and very dangerous region. They’re explore the surrounding environment in hopes of finding a place for their community to settle down. Missions like these aren’t uncommon, but finding anything of value is.

Blog Post #12 — Final Projects: Design

In a 300-500 word blog post, describe how you’d use AI tools to start a creative AI business. Given that everyone has access to these tools how would you add something unique?

If i had the knowledge and resources required to launch a business at this point in the timeline of AI development, I would be curious to see the potential in putting custom databases in the hands of the average consumer. While this kind of service is currently offered by runwayML in a rudimental form, its use is confined to that specific AI tool and I feel like this service could be further refined.

I envision a pandoras box of sorts that could be offered in the form of server space that has access to high end computational resources that could serve as the processing power needed to fuel complex generations. These custom databases, consisting of user uploaded content in whatever format they desired, could then be integrated by the service provider into various AI tools in order to offer a service that is currently only available at a professional level and requires strong understanding of machine learning practices.

The service provider would serve as a middleman between the consumers and AI tools, by shouldering the resource load and normally complex process of integrating custom databases into an AI workflow. Different packages could be offered that also include integrating the users custom database into an AI tool chain of production. For example, images generated on a custom database in Midjourney AI could then be automatically animated using RunwayML by the provider before being upscaled using a different AI tool and presented back to the user.

This entire chain of production could be tailored to provide opportunity for user input as well, through offering a simplified translation of options to the user in each step of the process, the user could be allowed to provide creative input at all steps of the process as if they had manually used all of the tools in the production chain individually.

While many AI developers are currently working on making custom databases/datasets more available, most options are still aimed at developers with backgrounds in machine learning. In the professional world, Vertex AI offered by Google and SageMaker by Amazon are currently very close in this regard. Also in the open-source realm, the ability to generate custom databases and libraries are available through TensorFlow and PyTorch, but they again require significant technical knowledge and computational resources.

By making this kind of service easily available and understandable to the average user, I believe an opportunity to accelerate learning, progression, and discovery would be achievable and an immense amount of useful data would be generated by the process that could in turn be used to push AI development even further.

Current primitive AI database offered by runwayML:

Google Vertex:

Amazon SageMaker:

Open Source:

Visual Narrative project


In the futuristic world of Neo Edo, where ancient traditions blend with advanced technology, a conflict emerges between the traditional Kōgami Clan and the innovative Techno Guild. The story begins during the city’s Festival of Lights, a celebration of unity between the old and the new. The festival is suddenly disrupted by a mysterious blackout, leading to suspicions against the Techno Guild for sabotaging the power grid. As tensions rise, the Kōgami Clan, staunch defenders of tradition, meet in a rain-soaked dojo to plan their response. They demand city council action against the guild, whose members are seen gearing up for a fight in their high-tech underground hub. The conflict escalates under the ancient cybernetic Ginkgo tree, where a dramatic battle merges traditional samurai tactics with futuristic technology.

After the intense confrontation, leaders from both sides gather at dawn among the battle’s remnants. Realizing their shared love for Neo Edo, they negotiate peace and agree to collaborate on a new council that integrates both tradition and technology. “The Neon Shogunate” explores the balance between preserving heritage and embracing progress, highlighting the challenges and resolutions within a society evolving through technology.

The narrative I created for this project has definitely been the best one I’ve been able to generate. It’s not an extremely complex narrative, but it has enough depth to get you intrigued. I started the chat by asking ChatGPT to help me write a short narrative that takes place in my fictional world. To get a good result, I then provided it with the instructions and requirements of the project. After this, my GPT asked me some questions such as, “What do you envision happening in this world? What are the key elements and characters you’re interested in exploring?” To these, I responded with, “I want a short narrative about conflict between different factions in this fictional world. I’d like the characters to really embody the aesthetic of Edo Japan and cyberpunk.” I think going through this process is what gave me the results I got.

The results I got for my images were also surprisingly good. ChatGPT can be a little tedious when it comes to keeping images consistent, but this time it was able to keep the images consistent throughout the whole thing.

Personal Design Firm

My business is an independent videogame development company. Currently it is just me and ChatGPT, but the AI-powered tools provide automated code suggestions that can significantly speed up my programming process. These tools leverage large databases of code to suggest snippets that fit the context of the current project. This is particularly beneficial for beginner programmers like myself, who can learn from the suggestions and see best practices in action.

I have been working with ChatGPT for almost a year now developing code together, and I believe that I am understanding the language and verbage needed to squeeze meaningful code and help from the program. The AI allows users to describe functionality in natural language, which it can then translate into code. This can drastically reduce the entry barrier for individuals new to programming, allowing them to focus on the logic of what they want to achieve rather than the syntax of how to express it. Debugging is an interesting area when it comes to AI generated code, as AI is less prone to mistakes at what it thinks you want done, the largest problem I’ve found with AI code is that it may change variable or code names without warning. The other big issue is trying to explain what it is you want from the AI and iterating through what it thinks you want. For example saying you want an image on top of another has multiple meanings, do we want them one above the other? Do we want them overlapping? Finding where the disconnect is in the human prompts is the primary issue that is repeated in my work.

Multimodal Reflective

Final project will be an interactive informative webpage to help younger audiences better understand programming concepts. It will be a page divided into 2 like a book, with the left side being a spellbook page or scroll that shows a magical spell. When you run the mouse over this image you are able to ‘see’ through the spell into C# code that does the same thing. The right side of the page will have further explanations of what is going on in the spellcode and may have links to further reading or documentation.

The essay will be about the difficulties of getting ChatGPT to do what I want, and not what it THINKS I want. One of my first issues was trying to clear up a misunderstanding about two images being on top of eachother, AI thought I wanted them stacked one and then the other below it like scrolling down a page. However I wanted them to be stacked on top of eachother overlapping, one entirely obscuring the other. It took the better part of an hour to figure out how to explain what I needed after figuring out where the disconnect was in our communication.

AI Business Plan

  1. Executive Summary

Business idea – I will Import and sell unique African goods on the U.S. market through Amazon, focusing on items such as handmade crafts, textiles, and artisanal foods that highlight the rich cultural heritage of Africa.

Mission Statement – To bridge continents through commerce by providing U.S. consumers with authentic, high-quality African products, thereby supporting sustainable development in African communities.

Product/Services – Sale of African crafts, textiles, and artisanal foods.

Target Market – Eco-conscious consumers, enthusiasts of global arts and crafts, and individuals seeking authentic and sustainably sourced products from Africa.

Financial Highlights – Anticipate reaching break-even within the first two years with a projected growth rate of 20% annually as brand recognition and market penetration increase.

  1. Company Description

Business Operations – Importing selected goods from African countries with a focus on fair trade and sustainability.

Objectives – Establish a recognized brand within the U.S. market for African goods, ensure sustainable growth, and support African artisans.

Differentiators – Commitment to authenticity, sustainability, and direct support to African communities. Use of Amazon’s vast logistics network to efficiently manage inventory and distribution.

  1. Market Analysis

Industry Overview – Growing consumer interest in sustainable and ethically sourced products, with a niche market for African goods in the U.S.

Market Size and Growth – Increasing demand for ethnic and cultural products in the U.S., especially among millennials and Gen Z who value sustainability.

Target Demographic – Consumers aged 25-45, predominantly females who are engaged in social and environmental issues.

  1. Organization and Management

Business Structure – LLC to protect personal liability with potential to transition to a corporation as the business expands.

Ownership – Sole proprietorship initially, with plans to include partners and possible investors.

Management Team – Comprised of individuals with experience in e-commerce, import/export regulation, and African market dynamics.

  1. Products or Services

Offerings – Handmade crafts like jewelry, baskets, and sculptures; textiles including fabrics and fashion items; artisanal foods like spices and teas.

Benefits – Unique, high-quality products with cultural significance; support for sustainability and fair trade.

Product Lifecycle – Regular introduction of new products based on market trends and customer feedback.

  1. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Tactics – Use of social media for brand awareness, collaborations with influencers within niche markets, SEO optimization, and Amazon’s advertising tools.

Sales Tactics – Competitive pricing, exceptional customer service, easy returns, and regular promotions on Amazon.

  1. Funding Request

Funding Needs – $100,000 to cover initial inventory, shipping, and marketing expenses.

Usage of Funds – 40% inventory, 30% marketing and promotions, 30% operational costs.

Future Financial Strategies – Reinvest profits for the first two years, potential future funding rounds for scaling operations.

  1. Financial Projections

Income Statements – Project revenue growth from $200,000 in the first year to over $500,000 by year three.

Cash Flow Statements – Positive cash flow expected by the end of the second year.

Break-even Analysis – Expected to break even by the end of the second year through effective cost management and sales strategies.

  1. Appendix

Supplementary Materials – Resumes of key management, legal import documents, contracts with African suppliers, detailed market research reports, and any third-party logistics agreements.

Skills and Technology Overview

Identified Needs – Effective use of generative AI for market analysis, customer behavior prediction, inventory management, and personalized marketing on Amazon.

Current Skills Assessment

 Technical – Basic understanding of AI and machine learning concepts, some experience with data analytics tools.

 Creative – Strong in content creation and digital marketing, limited experience in AI-driven content personalization.

Skills Development Needs

 Technical – Advanced AI and machine learning training, especially in using AI for predictive analytics and automation.

 Creative – Enhancing abilities in using AI tools for generating marketing content and customer interaction automation.

Learning and Development Plan

Training Methods

 Online Courses – Enroll in specific courses for AI and machine learning applications in business, such as Coursera’s “AI For Everyone” and “Machine Learning for Business Professionals”.

 Workshops – Attend workshops and webinars focused on the practical applications of AI in e-commerce and logistics.

Self-Study – Regularly update knowledge through reading latest research and case studies on AI in e-commerce.

Project-Based Learning – Implement small, manageable projects using AI to handle real-time market data analysis and customer feedback processing.


 Courses – Allocate approximately $2,000 for enrolling in comprehensive AI and machine learning courses.

 Workshops and Webinars – Set aside $500 for attending relevant workshops.

 Materials – Budget $300 for books and online resources.

Project Implementation – Reserve around $1,200 for software tools and platforms necessary for project-based learning, including subscriptions to AI platforms.

 Total Budget: $4,000

This budget covers all aspects of my learning and development plan, ensuring that my team and I are equipped to effectively utilize AI technologies to drive business success. Integrating these advanced skills will not only optimize internal processes but also enhance your competitive edge in the marketplace by enabling more tailored and responsive customer engagement.

The role of AI

The role of AI in my business of importing and selling African goods in the U.S. through Amazon can be significant and multifaceted, enhancing various aspects of operations, marketing, customer service, and strategic decision-making. Here’s how AI can be integrated into different areas of my business:

Market and Customer Insights, inventory and Supply Chain Management, marketing, and Customer Engagement. Generative AI can create personalized marketing content, such as product descriptions, blog posts, or social media content that resonates with specific audiences.

AI can power chatbots and virtual assistants to provide real-time customer support, handle common inquiries, and resolve simple issues without human intervention. This improves customer satisfaction by reducing wait times and is available 24/7, ensuring support is available outside of typical business hours.

AI will analyze operational data to analyze operational data to suggest efficiencies and cost-saving measures. AI will also handle risk management associated with market volatility, supply chain disruptions, and compliance with import regulations. By analyzing historical data and current market conditions, AI can provide forecasts and alerts that help mitigate potential risks before they become problematic.

Implementation Strategy

To effectively integrate AI into my business operations, I will need a phased approach:

  1. Initial Assessment – Evaluate existing processes to identify areas where AI can be most beneficial.
  2. Skill Development – As outlined in the Learning and Development Plan, I will train my team in AI and machine learning.
  3. Technology Adoption – Start with off-the-shelf AI tools tailored for e-commerce and gradually develop or customize tools as needed for more specific applications.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization – I will Continuously monitor AI implementations and optimize them based on performance data and changing business needs.



Blog post 12 AI development business

A way I would want to use AI tools for starting up a business would be to develop games that also educate kids. When I was a kid in elementary school I would always love computer time because after I did my typing exercises I would be allowed to play games. The one I remember was Cool Math Games. I’m not sure if this website actually ever taught me anything but it was successful at making me practice math without me knowing.

After discussing this topic with Chat GPT we came up with some ways AI tools could be used to develop these games.

  1. Personalization and Adaptive Learning:
    • AI can analyze a child’s learning patterns and performance to adapt the game’s difficulty level and content accordingly. This helps in providing a personalized learning experience, ensuring that the game remains challenging yet achievable.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP):
    • Games can use NLP to interact with children through spoken or written language. This can be used for games that teach languages, enhance reading skills, or even help in developing communication abilities.
  3. Interactive Storytelling:
    • AI can generate dynamic storylines in educational games where choices made by the player influence the outcome. This not only makes learning more engaging but also teaches children about consequences and critical thinking.
  4. Automated Content Generation:
    • AI can create new learning modules, puzzles, and questions, keeping the content fresh and engaging. This helps in covering a broader range of topics and adapting to the learner’s evolving needs.
  5. Behavioral Analysis:
    • By monitoring how children interact with the game, AI can provide insights into their learning habits, strengths, and areas needing improvement. This information can be invaluable for educators and parents to support the child’s educational journey.
  6. Voice and Image Recognition:
    • Incorporating these technologies can make the games more interactive. For example, a game could ask kids to pronounce words correctly or identify objects in images, enhancing their vocabulary and observational skills.
  7. Simulations and Virtual Reality:
    • AI-driven simulations or VR experiences can offer hands-on learning for subjects like science, history, and geography. By experiencing content, children can better understand and remember information.
  8. Feedback and Assessment:
    • AI can provide immediate feedback to students, which is crucial for learning. It can also help in assessing a student’s progress over time, providing detailed reports that help guide future learning.
  9. Game Design and Testing:
    • AI can assist developers in designing and testing games by analyzing user feedback and behavior to improve game features or identify elements that may not be effectively engaging the audience.
  10. Accessibility Features:
    • AI can help make games more accessible to children with disabilities, such as through speech-to-text capabilities, or adapting content for various learning disabilities.

What I found really interesting was how children from this new generations are already experts in touch screen but will the next generation be experts in VR and new developing technology?

Blog Post – Business Plan

Project Summary

Vision Statement: To revolutionize the entertainment landscape by enabling instantaneous, mood-based viewing recommendations using cutting-edge AI technology, thereby transforming how viewers interact with media platforms.

Project Idea: This project will develop a proprietary AI system that analyzes viewers’ current mood and personality traits to recommend the most suitable media content instantaneously. This will decrease decision fatigue and enhance user satisfaction on entertainment platforms.

Needs Assessment

  1. Market Analysis: Research indicates a growing demand for personalized media consumption. Viewers are often overwhelmed by choices on streaming platforms, leading to decision paralysis.
  2. Technology Gap: Current recommendation engines primarily suggest content based on past viewing habits or popular trends, not real-time emotional states.
  3. AI’s Role: By integrating generative AI technologies, we can create dynamic models that understand nuanced human emotions and suggest content that aligns with the viewer’s current mood, enhancing user engagement.

Skills and Technology Overview

Required Technologies:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret user inputs about their mood.
  • Machine Learning algorithms for mood prediction models.
  • AI-driven content recommendation systems.

Current Skills:

  • Basic understanding of AI and machine learning principles.

Development Needs:

  • Advanced training in NLP and emotional AI.
  • Expertise in developing and deploying scalable AI systems.

Learning and Development Plan

  • Online Courses: Enroll in specialized courses on Coursera and Udacity focusing on AI, NLP, and recommendation systems.
  • Workshops: Attend workshops by AI experts and participate in tech conferences.
  • Project-Based Learning: Develop prototype models in stages to gain practical experience.
  • Budget: Allocate $2,000 for educational resources and workshops.

Application and Impact

Application: The developed AI system will be integrated into media streaming platforms, offering mood-based recommendations.


  • Beneficiaries: Directly benefits users by enhancing their viewing experience.
  • Societal: Reduces viewer stress and decision-making time, potentially increasing overall content consumption and satisfaction.

Project Timeline

  • Months 1-3: Learning foundational AI skills.
  • Months 4-6: Developing mood prediction models.
  • Months 7-9: Integration with a media platform for testing.
  • Month 10: Launch pilot project.
  • Month 12: Evaluate impact and refine technology.


  • Learning Materials: $2,000
  • Software Subscriptions: $500 for AI development tools and platforms.
  • Miscellaneous: $500 for unforeseen expenses.
  • Total: $3,000

Evaluation and Reflection

  • Evaluation Metrics: Measure user engagement rates, satisfaction scores, and recommendation accuracy.
  • Milestones: Successful model development, integration, and user feedback improvement.
  • Reflection: Regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and brainstorm solutions.

This business plan provides a clear roadmap for using AI to enhance the entertainment viewing experience, outlining the steps needed to develop, apply, and evaluate the necessary technologies and skills.

In class workshop: Project plan

AI Enhanced Visions

Project Summary

 This project aims to help people harness the capabilities of AI to create a series of animated graphic designs. The primary goal is to use this technology for self-expression and to showcase how AI can serve as a powerful tool in enhancing the creative process. By integrating AI with traditional design tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere, I intend to explore new creative frontiers. This project will not only boost my understanding of AI’s potential in design but also serve as an educational resource for others interested in similar explorations.

Needs Assessment

A person’s  proficiency with design software should be able to form a solid foundation for this project. However, to fully leverage AI’s capabilities, one may need to deepen their knowledge of advanced functions and features within these tools. Additionally, while the current plan is to use ChatGPT for text-based AI tasks, one should also research alternative AI tools that could offer enhanced or different capabilities, ensuring a broad toolkit to address various design challenges.

Skills and Technology Overview

Effective use of AI in graphic design requires precise communication—being able to clearly articulate creative ideas and technical needs to the AI. While one may manage to generate some promising material, enhancing your ability to formulate and refine prompts will be crucial for achieving high-quality outcomes. Mastery over both the AI and design software is essential for this.

Learning and Development Plan

To elevate the quality of the project, you will need to engage in online courses focusing on advanced AI applications in graphic design and the effective use of Adobe tools. These resources will be vital in refining your skills and ensuring you can fully exploit the integrative capabilities of AI and graphic design software. Budgeting for subscriptions or course fees will be an integral part of this learning phase.

Application and Impact

Improving your skills in AI and graphic design will not only benefit your personal creative projects but also prepare you to contribute more significantly in professional settings. By documenting and sharing your project process and results, you will inspire others to explore and integrate AI into their creative practices, thus fostering a community of innovatively inclined designers.

Project Timeline

  • week 1-2: Research and enroll in relevant courses; begin basic experiments with AI tools.
  • week 3-4: Apply learned skills to create initial designs; receive feedback and refine techniques.
  • week 5-6: Finalize project designs and prepare presentations/documentation for sharing outcomes.


The budget includes monthly subscriptions for Adobe programs at approximately $32 and AI tools costing around $21 per month. Offering a tiered budget plan can accommodate varying levels of access among students, enabling more inclusive participation.

Evaluation and Reflection

The project’s success will be evaluated against specific milestones such as the completion of training modules, the quality and creativity of generated designs, and the effectiveness of the final presentation. You should plan to maintain a reflective journal throughout the project to document challenges, solutions, and personal growth experienced during the project.

This structured approach will ensure that the project is both educational and practical, providing a comprehensive exploration of AI’s role in enhancing graphic design.

In Class Activity: Business Plan

Executive Summary

Business Name: ARoomTech

Business Idea: Develop an AR-based application for interior design that allows users to visualize and design spaces in real time.

Mission Statement: “To innovate and democratize interior design through advanced AR technology.”

Product/Service: An AR app that integrates real-time room scanning and design modifications.

Target Market: Homeowners, real estate developers, interior designers, and DIY enthusiasts.

Financial Highlights: Seeking an initial investment of $500,000 with projected revenue of $1 million in the first year and profitability within two years.

Company Description

Core Activities: Design and deployment of an AR application for interior design.

Objectives: Capture 5% of the home renovation market within three years.

Differentiation: Superior image rendering technology, user-friendly interface, and partnerships with leading home furnishing retailers.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview: The AR market is part of the broader tech and home improvement industries, both witnessing rapid growth.

Market Size and Growth: The global AR market is expected to reach $50 billion by 2024.

Target Demographic: Tech-savvy individuals aged 25-45, who are either homeowners or in the real estate and interior design sectors.

Organization and Management

Business Structure: Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Ownership: Equal ownership between all partners. 

Management Team: Includes a CEO with tech startup experience, a CTO expert in AR development, and a CFO with backgrounds in finance and operations.

Products or Services

Offerings: AR application subscription for users; premium features include advanced design options and exclusive content.

Benefits: Reduces the need for physical sampling, lowers design costs, and increases customization possibilities.

Lifecycle: Continuous updates and feature enhancements planned quarterly.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Tactics: Digital marketing, strategic partnerships, influencer collaborations, and interactive online content.

Sales Tactics: Freemium model with upsell to a premium version, in-app purchases for exclusive features, and a referral bonus system.

Funding Request

Funding Needs: $500,000 to cover initial development, marketing, and staffing.

Usage Plans: 40% development, 40% marketing, 20% operational costs.

Financial Strategy: To achieve break-even within 24 months, followed by reinvestment of profits for growth.

Financial Projections

Income Forecast: Year 1: $1M, Year 2: $2.5M, Year 3: $4.5M.

Cash Flow Statements: Positive cash flow expected from Year 2.

Break-even Analysis: Expected within the first two years post-launch.


Resumes of Key Personnel: To establish credibility and showcase experience.

Legal Documents: Incorporation certificates, patents, or trademarks associated with the app.

Supporting Data: Research data on market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor analysis.

In Class Activity — Business Plan

Project Title

“WSUV InfoBot: An AI-Driven Campus Information System”

Project Description

The WSUV InfoBot project aims to develop an integrated AI-powered system that provides students, faculty, and visitors with real-time, tailored information about campus resources, events, and academic programs. This system will utilize advanced AI algorithms to process and deliver information through an intuitive interface, supporting both web and mobile platforms.


  1. Create a Comprehensive Database: Aggregate and organize all relevant information about WSUV, including academic programs, faculty directories, campus events, and administrative services.
  2. Develop an AI Reference Tool: Utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to develop an AI that can understand and respond to queries with accurate and relevant information.
  3. Enhance Campus Communication: Improve the accessibility of information, reducing barriers for students and staff and enhancing the overall campus experience.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

  • Digital Technology and Communications Department: Will oversee the content management, ensuring that the database is comprehensive and up-to-date, and manage the interface through which the campus community interacts with the AI.
  • Computer Science Department: Will handle the technical development of the AI, including programming, testing, and integrating the AI with existing campus IT infrastructure.

Grant-Worthy Aspects

  • Innovation: The project introduces a novel use of AI technology to improve information dissemination and accessibility in an educational setting.
  • Impact: By providing immediate access to campus information, the project aims to enhance student engagement, improve academic outcomes, and streamline campus operations.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Combines expertise in communications, database management, and AI development, embodying a collaborative approach that can serve as a model for other institutions.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensuring the protection of sensitive information by adhering to best practices in data security and compliance with legal standards.
  • User Adoption: Developing training and promotional strategies to encourage widespread use of the system among all campus demographics.

Expected Outcomes

  • Short-term: A functional prototype of the WSUV InfoBot with basic query capabilities ready for campus-wide testing.
  • Long-term: A fully integrated, AI-powered campus information system that serves as a central hub for WSUV communications and resources.

Funding Request

  • Budget Overview: Detailed costs associated with software development, hardware acquisition (if necessary), personnel involved, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Resource Allocation: Clear delineation of how grant funds will be used to support project phases, including research, development, implementation, and evaluation.

Detailed Project Plan for AI Business Integration

Project Summary

Vision Statement: “Our vision is to revolutionize the review process of Quality Assurance Project Plans by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, significantly reducing review time and improving the quality of environmental data reporting.”

Project Idea: This project will develop an AI-driven system that evaluates and improves the quality of Quality Assurance Project Plans for environmental measurement. By utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), the system will identify high-quality and low-quality elements within QAPPs, accelerating approval processes and enhancing environmental data reliability.

Technologies and Skills:

  • Data Collection: Acquiring and labeling historical QAPPs with regulatory feedback.
  • NLP and ML Algorithms: Developing models that can understand and evaluate document quality.
  • User Interface (UI) Design: Crafting a user-friendly platform for document submission and review feedback.
  • AI Integration: Incorporating AI tools into existing regulatory review workflows.

Needs Assessment

Sector Needs: In environmental regulation, the quality and accuracy of QAPPs are crucial. Delays in approval or subpar data collection strategies can lead to significant environmental and public health risks.

AI’s Role: AI can automate the initial review of QAPPs, highlighting potential issues and recommending improvements, thus reducing human error and speeding up the approval process.

Skills and Technology Overview:

  • Current: Basic understanding of NLP, some regulatory knowledge.
  • Development Needed: Advanced NLP techniques, ML model training, UI development, integration of AI with regulatory systems.

Learning and Development Plan

  • Training: Enroll in online courses covering advanced NLP, ML, and software development.
  • Workshops: Attend workshops on AI in regulatory technology.
  • Self-study: Regular self-learning sessions using resources like papers and case studies on similar AI applications.
  • Project-based learning: Develop initial prototypes using smaller datasets.


  • Learning Materials: $500 for online courses and workshops.
  • Software Subscriptions: $300 monthly for AI development platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure).
  • UI Development Tools: $200 monthly for software licenses (e.g., Adobe XD, Sketch).
  • Miscellaneous: $200 for unforeseen costs.

Application and Impact


  • Automating the preliminary review of QAPPs.
  • Providing structured feedback to improve document quality.


  • Regulatory agencies can process QAPPs faster, improving environmental data quality.
  • Companies can refine QAPPs more effectively, ensuring compliance and enhancing operational efficiency.

Project Timeline

  • Mid-April: Project kickoff, initial training, and data collection.
  • May: Development of NLP models and UI design.
  • June: Integration of AI tools and initial testing with sample data.
  • Early July: Final testing and refinements.
  • Mid-July: Project completion and review.

Evaluation and Reflection

Evaluation Metrics:

  • Accuracy of the AI in identifying document quality.
  • Reduction in average review time for QAPPs.
  • Feedback from regulatory personnel and industry users.


  • Monthly review meetings to discuss challenges, progress, and learnings.
  • Adjustments to the project plan based on feedback and testing outcomes.

This structured approach to your project plan ensures a clear roadmap, defined goals, and a practical framework for achieving significant improvements in the review process of environmental QAPPs.

Project Plan: AI Character Creation – Character Forge AI

    1. Project Summary:
      • Character Forge AI is designed to transform the tabletop gaming world by enabling users to create unique and richly detailed character sheets. This tool will provide the character sheet, along with 2D images and 3D models, thereby making character creation a more immersive, interactive, and customizable experience. By leveraging AI technologies, Character Forge AI aims to cater to both novice and seasoned gamers, bringing a new level of depth to their gaming sessions.
    2. Needs Assessment:
      • Tabletop gaming has seen a resurgence, with a growing number of players seeking more engaging and personalized experiences. Many gamers find existing character creation tools to be lacking in flexibility and creativity, which can diminish their overall gaming experience. An AI-powered tool that simplifies this process while allowing deep customization will not only save time but also enhance storytelling and gameplay, making games more engaging and accessible to a broader audience.
    3. Skills and Technology Overview:
  • Skills needed:
      • AI and Machine Learning**: Proficiency in NLP to interpret user input, GANs for generating complex images, and understanding of neural networks to handle various AI tasks.
      • Software Development: Advanced skills in Python for backend development, with practical knowledge of web technologies like React for creating a responsive frontend. JavaScript expertise for client-side scripting.
      • Graphic Design and 3D Modeling: Ability to design aesthetic and functional digital art, familiarity with 3D modeling tools like Blender or Autodesk Maya, and understanding of design principles specific to gaming.
  • Tools/Technology required:
  • NLP Frameworks: Utilize libraries such as NLTK or spaCy for language processing.
  • GAN Libraries: TensorFlow and PyTorch for creating generative adversarial networks to produce original character images.
  • 3D Modeling Tools: Integration of AI with tools like Blender for automating part of the modeling process.
  • Web Development Frameworks: React for building a dynamic and scalable web interface, Node.js for server-side logic.


  1. Learning and Development Plan:
    • Self-paced Learning: Allocate time for online courses and tutorials to enhance knowledge in specific AI techniques and 3D modeling.
    • Online Courses: Enroll in specific courses on Coursera or Udemy focusing on advanced NLP applications, deep learning with PyTorch, and advanced 3D modeling techniques.
    • Community Engagement: Participate in forums and communities for advice, feedback, and staying updated with the latest trends and tools.
    • Workshops and Webinars: Attend monthly webinars on the latest developments in AI and gaming technologies.
  2. Application and Impact:
    • Character Forge AI will revolutionize character creation by reducing the time required to develop complex characters from hours to minutes, allowing more time for gameplay. This tool will appeal to a wide range of gamers and can potentially be adopted by game developers and storytellers in other media like web series or graphic novels.
  3. Project Timeline:
    • Month 1-2: Research and Planning. Learn necessary technologies.
    • Month 3-5: Develop the core functionality (NLP input and character sheet generation).
    • Month 6-8: Implement the image generation and start on basic 3D modeling.
    • Month 9-10: Develop the web interface and integrate all components.
    • Month 11: Testing and refining.
    • Month 12: Launch and initial marketing efforts.
    • Month 13-16: Post-Launch Support and iteration. Implement user feedback, improve features, and expand marketing efforts.
  4. Budget:
    • Software Licenses and Tools: $1,000 for software like Blender, Adobe Suite, and developer tools.
    • Marketing: $500 for initial web hosting, domain registration, and promotional materials like posters or online ads.
    • Contingencies and Miscellaneous: $500 to cover unexpected expenses or additional tools needed.
    • Total:$2,000
  5. Evaluation and Reflection:
    • Beta Testing: Organize multiple rounds of testing with diverse groups of gamers to ensure broad usability and appeal. Use feedback from early users to adjust and improve functionalities.
    • Performance Metrics: Analyze user engagement, feedback, and usage patterns to gauge success. Track metrics such as user retention rate, frequency of use, and user satisfaction through surveys and usage data.
    • Personal Reflection: Regularly schedule reflections on project progress, challenges faced, and lessons learned to guide future projects or iterations. Maintain a developer diary to document challenges, successes, and insights gained throughout the project for future reference and continuous improvement.

In class Exercise: Business plan

Project Plan: AI Character Integration in Interactive Storytelling

Project Overview
The project will develop an AI-driven character, “AIC”, which can learn and adapt within a narrative. AIC will interact with human characters and environments, learning speech patterns, behaviors, and emotional responses to become a dynamic participant in the story. The character’s development will occur in real-time, offering a unique, evolving narrative experience to users.

1. **Develop the AI Character (AIC):** Create an AI that can adapt and evolve within any given story.
2. **Interactive Story Development:** Craft a narrative that allows AIC to interact meaningfully with the environment and other characters.
3. **Integration and Testing:** Seamlessly integrate AIC into the story, ensuring robust interaction and learning capabilities.
4. **User Interaction Model:** Develop a model that allows users to interact with AIC, influencing its development and story outcomes.
5. **Market Launch and Feedback Loop:** Launch the product to a select audience and use feedback to refine AIC and the story.

**Phase 1: Concept and Design (Months 1-3)**
– **Month 1:** Research and concept development. Define the personality traits, learning algorithms, and initial knowledge base for AIC.
– **Month 2:** Outline the interactive story. Define key plot points, character interactions, and decision trees that affect AIC’s development.
– **Month 3:** Design the AI learning model. Develop algorithms for speech pattern recognition, behavior mimicking, and emotional response learning.

**Phase 2: Development (Months 4-8)**
– **Months 4-6:** Software development. Code the basic AI functionalities using AI and machine learning platforms.
– **Months 7-8:** Story and character integration. Embed AIC into the story, ensuring it can interact and evolve based on predefined story arcs and user interactions.

**Phase 3: Testing and Refinement (Months 9-10)**
– **Month 9:** Internal testing. Run simulations and role-plays to test AIC’s interactions and learning capabilities within the story.
– **Month 10:** Beta testing. Release the story in a controlled environment to a limited audience to gather feedback on AI performance and user engagement.

**Phase 4: Launch and Expansion (Months 11-12)**
– **Month 11:** Analyze beta test feedback and refine AIC and the story accordingly. Prepare for public launch.
– **Month 12:** Official launch. Release the product to the public, accompanied by marketing campaigns targeted at tech enthusiasts and interactive fiction communities.

– **Research and Development:** $10,000
– **Software and Licensing:** $5,000
– **Marketing and Launch:** $2,000
– **Miscellaneous and Contingency:** $3,000
– **Total:** $20,000

Tools and Technologies
– **AI Development Platforms:** TensorFlow, OpenAI API
– **Programming Languages:** Python, JavaScript
– **Interactive Story Software:** Twine, Ren’Py
– **User Interface Design:** Adobe XD, Sketch

Success Metrics
– **User Engagement:** Time spent interacting with AIC and replay value.
– **Learning Efficacy:** How well AIC adapts and learns over multiple interactions.
– **User Feedback:** Satisfaction ratings and qualitative feedback from initial users.
– **Adaptability:** The ease with which AIC can be integrated into different stories or platforms.

Risks and Mitigation Strategies
– **Complexity in AI Behavior:** Regular review and adjustment of learning algorithms.
– **User Acceptance:** Continuous user feedback loops during beta testing to adjust story and AI attributes.
– **Technical Issues:** Regular updates and patches post-launch to fix bugs and improve performance.

This project plan outlines a structured approach to creating a versatile AI character that can bring innovative storytelling to interactive media, providing both a unique narrative experience and potentially transforming how stories are told and experienced.