Project Plan: Visual Arts Narrative Research

1. Executive Summary

  • Project Title: Visual Arts Narratives in the Generative Age
  • Project Purpose: To explore and create visual art narratives using AI, showcased in a digital and physical gallery setting.
  • Key Stakeholder: The student (project manager, researcher, creator) and donors.

2. Project Scope

  • Inclusions: Research and usage of AI tools for generating images, text, video, and sound; development of web-based assets presented virtually and simultaneously as assets in a physical gallery.
  • Exclusions: Use of non-AI workflow methods, external professional development services.

3. Goals and Objectives

  • Research Phase: Investigate and master AI tools over 6 months, documenting the process and findings.
  • Creation Phase: Utilize the tools to create engaging visual art narratives over the next 6 months.
  • Exhibition: Display the artworks in a curated gallery setting, online and as assets in a physical space.

4. Project Schedule

  • Total Duration: 12 months from May 2024 to April 2025.
  • Key Milestones: Research completion, start and end of art creation, gallery setup and opening.

5. Resource Plan

  • Human Resources: Managed solely by the student.
  • Technology: Subscription-based AI tools for image, video, text, and sound generation, and web development tools.

6. Budget

  • Monthly Costs: Detailed subscription costs for each AI tool and web hosting services pending ($200)
  • Total Estimated Cost: $6400 for the entire project duration ($2400 in monthly costs + $4000 for two days in gallery).

7. Risk Management Plan

  • Risk 1: Inadequacy of AI tools to achieve desired artistic quality.
    • Mitigation: Test multiple tools during the initial research phase and choose the best-performing ones for art creation.
  • Risk 2: Technical difficulties with online gallery setup.
    • Mitigation: Use reliable and widely-supported platforms; have backup options for displaying the artworks.

8. Quality Management Plan

  • Artwork and Platform Standards: Regular review sessions and feedback collection to ensure both artistic value and technical functionality.

9. Communications Plan

  • Documentation and Outreach: Maintain a project blog, update stakeholders through newsletters, and engage with the community via social media.

10. Stakeholder Analysis

  • Primary Stakeholder Interests: A real example of potential for democratization of complex methods and process when made available through generative tools to creative artists.

AI Project Plan: Integrating Generative AI in Educational Game Development

Project Summary

Project Idea: The project aims to develop an educational game that leverages generative AI technologies to create adaptive learning environments for students in the field of science education. This game will use AI to generate personalized quizzes, interactive simulations, and dynamic storytelling to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

Vision Statement: “To revolutionize science education through AI-driven interactive gaming that adapts to individual learning styles, fostering deeper understanding and sustained interest in scientific inquiry.”

Skills and Technologies: The project will utilize and develop skills in machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), procedural content generation, and AI-driven animation. Technologies like TensorFlow, Unity Engine, and GPT-based models will be pivotal.

Needs Assessment

Current and Future Needs in Education

The education sector is increasingly seeking ways to personalize learning and improve engagement. Students benefit from tailored content that adapts to their pace and learning style. Moreover, the need for scalable solutions that accommodate diverse educational needs without requiring extensive resources is growing.

Role of AI in Addressing These Needs

Generative AI can significantly enhance educational content by:

  • Personalizing Learning: AI can analyze student data and generate content that targets individual weaknesses and strengths.
  • Enhancing Engagement: Through dynamic storytelling and game-based learning, AI can keep students engaged and motivated.
  • Scalability: AI-driven solutions can easily be scaled to benefit a large number of students with minimal incremental cost.

Skills and Technology Overview

Required Generative AI Skills and Technologies

  • Machine Learning: Deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch) for modeling student learning patterns.
  • Natural Language Processing: GPT-based models for generating interactive dialogues and explanations.
  • Procedural Content Generation: Algorithms to create diverse and adaptive educational content.
  • AI-driven Animation: Use of AI to generate engaging visuals and animations.

Current Skills and Development Needs

  • Current: Basic machine learning and software development skills.
  • Needs: Advanced NLP for better interaction, enhanced procedural generation techniques, and AI-driven real-time animation capabilities.

Learning and Development Plan

Acquiring Necessary Skills

  • Online Courses: Enroll in specialized courses on Coursera and Udemy focusing on advanced NLP and deep learning.
  • Workshops: Attend workshops at local tech meetups and annual AI conferences.
  • Self-Study: Utilize resources like GitHub and Stack Overflow for practical coding challenges.
  • Project-Based Learning: Develop small projects to apply learning in real-world scenarios.

Budget for Learning Materials

  • Online Courses: $500
  • Workshops and Conferences: $1,500
  • Software and Books: $300

Application and Impact

Application of Skills and Technologies

  • Educational Game Development: The learned skills will be applied to develop the educational game, utilizing AI to generate personalized learning modules.
  • Impact Assessment: Regular feedback sessions with educators and students to assess the impact on learning outcomes.

Potential Impact

  • Beneficiaries: Directly benefits students by providing an engaging and effective learning platform.
  • Societal Implications: Promotes technology-driven education, potentially reducing educational disparities.

Project Timeline

  1. Months 1-3: Learning and initial development.
  2. Months 4-6: Prototype development and testing with a small user group.
  3. Months 7-9: Full development, incorporating feedback.
  4. Months 10-12: Launch and broad implementation.
  5. Ongoing: Post-launch updates and scaling.


  • Learning and Development: $2,300
  • Software Subscriptions: $600 annually (Unity Pro, AI APIs)
  • Development and Marketing: $20,000

Evaluation and Reflection

Evaluation of Project Success

  • Milestones: Completion of learning phases, prototype success, user feedback, and launch metrics.
  • Outcomes: Measurable improvement in student engagement and test scores.


  • Learning Process: Monthly review meetings to discuss progress and hurdles.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Document and address each significant challenge during development.

This project plan outlines a comprehensive approach to integrating generative AI into educational game development, aiming for significant impacts in the educational sector. By following this structured plan, the project aims to meet current and future educational needs effectively.

In-Class Workshop: AI Project Plan (for a video game)


  1. Project Summary:
    1. I want to create my first game and be able to sell it on Steam. I will use Blender and substance painter as tools to create models and texture them. I also plan on using Chat GPT and YouTube to find code. This will be for the entertainment industry.
    2. I want to make a small single-player game on my own in Unreal Engine 5 and put it on my resume. 
  2. Needs Assessment:
    • Many of the current and future needs in the gaming industry are people who can 3D model, animate, texture and code.
    • How can AI address these needs with a focus on generative AI technologies.
  3. Skills and Technology Overview:
    • The only generative AI skills and technologies required to meet identified needs are ChatGPT
    • My current skills are 
      • Motion Capture
      • Key frame animation
      • 3D modeling
      • Texturing
      • Rigger
    • I need to develop my skills in coding.
  4. Learning and Development Plan:
    • I don’t need a budget for materials or any courses.
    • I can get all my courses from YouTube and Chat GPT.
  5. Application and Impact:
    • Substance painter is for creating textures
    • Blender is for modeling and animations
    • Unreal Engine 5 is for putting everything together as a game with code.
    • I will know If I can get the funding to create a bigger and greater game and the gamers will have found another indie developer.
  6. Project Timeline:
    1. Create the idea of game.
    2. Create models, animations and textures using Blender and Substance painter.
    3. create code for game using Unreal Engine 5 and Chat GPT.
    4. Test game so I can polish it.
    5. publish game on steam.
  7. Budget:
    • I am not paying any money to be able to create things in these programs. I already paid for substance painter with no subscription, blender is free and Unreal engine 5 doesn’t require me to pay until I’ve made a million dollars. Steam requires that I pay $100 to publish a game which is no big deal.
  8. Evaluation and Reflection:
    • The project’s success will be if it gains 10,000 sales. The price of the game will be $1. I am not expecting a lot of sales or attention but this is a good baseline for success.
    • Include a plan for reflecting on the learning process, challenges faced, and how obstacles were overcome.



Skill Development & Learning Plan

Coding Skills:

  • Objective: Learn to program in Unreal Engine 5 using its scripting languages (e.g., C++ and Blueprints).
  • Resources: Use free online resources such as YouTube tutorials on Unreal Engine 5 coding. ChatGPT can help clarify concepts, debug issues, and provide coding examples.
  • Timeline: Dedicate specific blocks of time each week for learning and practicing coding.

Integrating AI Technologies:

  • Generative AI for Game Development: Use AI tools to assist in generating code snippets, debugging, and perhaps even creating basic game assets or narrative elements.
  • ChatGPT: Utilize ChatGPT for generating dialogue, story plots, or solving specific coding problems.
  • AI-based Plugins: Explore AI plugins available for Unreal Engine 5 that can automate or simplify tasks like texturing, animation, or environmental design.


Game Development Phases

Idea & Concept Development:

  • Objective: Develop a clear, concise game concept that includes the main theme, gameplay mechanics, and storyline.
  • Tools: Mind mapping tools, storyboarding, and initial sketches using digital art software.

Asset Creation:

  • Modeling and Texturing: Use Blender for 3D modeling and Substance Painter for texturing. Employ your skills in 3D modeling, rigging, and texturing to create detailed game characters and environments.
  • Animation: Implement both motion capture and keyframe animation techniques to bring characters and elements to life.

Game Coding and Integration:

  • Objective: Program game mechanics, player interactions, and other functionalities within Unreal Engine 5.
  • Generative AI Assistance: Use AI to suggest code optimizations or troubleshoot issues as you integrate assets into the game engine.

Testing & Polishing:

  • Objective: Ensure the game is functional, enjoyable, and free of bugs.
  • Process: Conduct both closed alpha tests (personal tests) and beta tests (open to selected users) to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.


  • Objective: Launch the game on Steam.
  • Steps: Prepare all necessary marketing materials, such as trailers and screenshots. Pay the Steam Direct fee to publish your game.


Budget & Resources

  • Cost Analysis: The main cost will be the Steam Direct fee ($100). All software tools are either already owned or free.
  • Additional Costs: Consider potential expenses for marketing, additional hardware for testing, or freelance help if needed.


Evaluation & Reflection

  • Success Metrics: Aim for 10,000 sales at $1 each as a measure of success.
  • Reflection: Regularly document the development process, challenges faced, and solutions found. Reflect on what learning methods and tools were most effective, and how obstacles were overcome.


Timeline Overview

  • Month 1-2: Learning and conceptualizing game idea.
  • Month 3-6: Asset creation and initial game coding.
  • Month 7-8: Integrating assets and coding with Unreal Engine 5.
  • Month 9: Testing and making adjustments.
  • Month 10: Final preparations and publishing on Steam.

AI Project Plan

  1. Project Summary:

Project Idea: “Movie Matchmaker” aims to revolutionize the entertainment industry by creating a personalized movie and TV show recommendation service. Utilizing a sophisticated AI algorithm, this service will analyze users’ viewing histories across various streaming platforms and recommend new content based on mood, genre, and occasion. Sales on specific media and platforms will also be shown to provide the best user experience.

Vision Statement: To create a highly personalized viewing experience that caters to individual preferences and enhances content discoverability across streaming platforms. Think of it as the already existing AI on platforms like Netflix that give you recommendations based on what you’ve already watched and your ratings, but for all different streaming platforms, as well as possibly physical media.

Skills and Technologies: The project will leverage machine learning, natural language processing, and data analysis to develop a robust recommendation system. Skills in software development, AI modeling, and user interface design will be crucial.

  1. Needs Assessment:

Sector Analysis: In the entertainment industry, there’s a growing need for more sophisticated recommendation systems as the number of available streaming options and content continues to expand.

AI’s Role: AI can address these needs by implementing advanced pattern recognition to suggest content that matches users’ historical preferences and current mood, enhancing user satisfaction and platform engagement. Essentially, the AI will get to know you and your entertainment media preferences and will give you more content to watch based on its impressions.

  1. Skills and Technology Overview:

Required Technologies:

– Machine Learning (ML): For predictive analytics and recommendation algorithms.

– Natural Language Processing (NLP): To analyze user reviews and feedback.

– Database Management: To handle large volumes of user data and content metadata.

Skill Assessment:

– Current Skills: Basic programming knowledge, understanding of ML concepts.

– Development Needs: Advanced ML training, NLP techniques, full-stack development for app integration. Web designers and developers.

  1. Learning and Development Plan:

Learning Strategies:

– Enroll in specialized online courses in AI and ML (e.g., Coursera, Udacity).

– Participate in workshops and webinars focusing on AI applications in entertainment.

– Engage in project-based learning to apply skills in real-world scenarios.

– Continue to take college courses related to the use of AI and web development tools.


– Online courses: $500

– Workshops: $300

– Materials and software: $200

  1. Application and Impact:

Application: The skills and technologies will be used to develop the Movie Matchmaker app, integrating with various streaming platforms to provide a seamless and personalized user experience. The applications and website should contain customizable elements like choosing the colors and style of a user’s interface so that it feels like a personalized tool and not just another app.


– Beneficiaries: Individual users who seek more tailored entertainment options, as well as an experience that takes the work out of having to think or search for what to watch.

– Societal: Promotes a more engaging and satisfying entertainment consumption experience, potentially increasing cultural access and diversity in viewing habits.

  1. Project Timeline:

– Months 1-3: Complete educational courses and initial technology setup.

– Months 4-6: Development and testing of the AI algorithm.

– Months 7-9: App development and integration with streaming platforms.

– Month 10: Beta testing with selected users.

– Month 11-12: Full launch and marketing.

  1. Budget:

– Learning and Development: $1,000

– Software Subscriptions: $500 (APIs and server costs)

– Development and Marketing: $2,000

– Total: $3,500

  1. Evaluation and Reflection:

Evaluation Metrics:

– User adoption rates and retention metrics.

– Accuracy of the recommendation system (user satisfaction surveys).

– Feedback on usability and functionality of the app.


– Monthly review meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and adjustments needed.

– Post-launch, a comprehensive review to evaluate the overall success and areas for improvement.

– Easy in-app and on-site bug reporting and an entire team dedicated to responding to and fixing problems on these report tickets as they come.

In Class Exercise: Business Plan

Le Olfactique

Executive Summary

Business Idea: We harness cutting-edge AI technology to offer personalized fragrances crafted to reflect individual emotions, preferences, and personality traits through a seamless online interface.

Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower individuals to express their unique selves through the art of scent, using AI to bridge the gap between personal identity and fragrance.

Product/Service: Customized fragrances developed using an AI algorithm that interprets emotional and psychological inputs from users to create perfectly tailored scent profiles.

Target Market: Primarily targeting tech-savvy young adults aged 18-40 who value individuality and are looking for unique luxury items in the global online marketplace.

Financial Highlights: Initial investment aimed at establishing a robust AI platform and setting up a state-of-the-art fragrance mixing and distribution center, targeting breakeven within 24 months through direct-to-consumer sales and exclusive offers.

Company Description

What the Business Does: We provide a unique service where customers interact with an AI assistant to design their own fragrance. This AI uses natural language processing to understand user preferences and a sophisticated algorithm to suggest scents based on emotional resonance and personality insights.

Objectives: To disrupt the traditional fragrance market by introducing a highly personalized product line and to expand our technological capabilities to enhance user experience continuously.

Differentiation: Our AI-driven approach not only crafts individualized scents but also educates users on fragrance notes and their emotional impacts, setting us apart from conventional fragrance companies.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview: The fragrance industry is ripe for innovation, particularly with the increasing demand for bespoke products driven by advancements in technology and shifts in consumer behavior towards personalization.

Market Size and Growth Expectations: With a robust growth trajectory in the personalized beauty products sector, our AI-driven custom fragrances are positioned to capture a significant market share.

Target Demographic: Emphasis on digital natives who are enthusiastic about combining technology with traditional products like fragrances, focusing on markets with high online engagement and spending power.

Organization and Management

Business Structure: Structured as an LLC to provide flexibility and protect personal liability, with a clear path for scaling operations globally.

Ownership: Equitable distribution among founders with planned stakes for early investors and employee stock options to incentivize performance and innovation.

Management Team: Includes experts in AI, perfumery, supply chain management, and online retail, ensuring a comprehensive approach to product development and market penetration.

Products or Services

Product Details: Each fragrance is mixed using an automated system that interprets AI-generated formulas. These machines precisely measure and combine essential oils and other ingredients to create a unique fragrance batch that matches the AI’s design.

Benefits: Customers receive a product that is not only personalized but also crafted with high precision and consistency, enhancing the overall sensory experience.

Product Lifecycle: Regular updates to AI algorithms allow for ongoing improvement in scent accuracy and customer satisfaction, while limited-time offers and seasonal scents encourage repeat purchases.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Tactics: Digital-first approach, utilizing data analytics for targeted advertising, creating interactive and immersive online experiences that allow customers to explore scent-building through AI insights.

Sales Tactics: Online storefront supplemented by pop-up experiences in high-traffic urban areas to increase brand visibility and allow firsthand interaction with the product.

Funding Request

Funding Needs: Detailed allocation includes investments in AI development, machinery for automated fragrance mixing, initial inventory, and strategic marketing campaigns.

Usage Plans: Emphasizing the setup of a fully automated production line which includes procurement of high-precision dispensing and mixing technology to ensure product quality and consistency.

Future Financial Strategies: Include scaling production capabilities and expanding AI features to support new product lines and international markets.

Financial Projections

Forecasts: Detailed income and cash flow projections underscore the scalability of the AI-driven approach, with efficiency gains lowering production costs over time.

Break-Even Analysis: Focused on achieving a quick turnaround by leveraging direct sales and reducing dependencies on intermediaries.


Supplementary Information: Technical documentation on AI algorithms, operational blueprints for fragrance mixing processes, and partnerships with technology providers.

This enhanced business plan now better reflects the integration of AI technology with the physical production of custom fragrances, providing a comprehensive roadmap for potential investors and partners.

Generative AI in Business

I am going to de-rail this and talk about how I am actively using AI in my line of work as I think it is a better use of my time for this blog post. In addition, I think it’s cool (although my definition of “cool” may be different than others’ lol). I work for an environmental technology company that specializes in using beams of UV light to measure gases along long paths. We do both community work and industry work. Our industry work includes monitoring emissions along oil refinery fencelines. I work as a data analyst for this company, and we use data in many different ways.

Since we develop this technology and maintain it, QA is a big aspect of data analytics in our business. Our systems operate on a real-time basis, and specifically that means we get new data every 5 minutes from all of our systems at every project we manage. This is a lot of data. As a company, it is important to us that we are producing high quality data. This means the numbers accurately reflect reality and the systems are turned on and operational as much as possible. Since starting at this company, I have learned this is no easy task. and this is where we get to AI integration.

A lot of times there are indications the systems aren’t operating optimally from the data. However, sometimes these can be very subtle, and it has been shown to us very clearly that a human cannot sit there and go through all the data that we’re producing on their own. In order to combat this, we are working on creating machine learning models that can track the system performance as data is coming in, and alert us if there are issues that may need to be addressed.

One way that you can tell a system is operating properly is by comparing to other systems nearby and making sure they match. To do this well, we will often measure additional gases that are always in the air and are not the target pollutants we’re measuring. This means that is something goes funky with the measurement of this extra gas, we know the system isn’t working. We are investigating ways to use AI and machine learning to create correlations between our systems and publically available data (such as data from local government agency sites) to make sure the measurements are similar. If they do not match, then we have an indication our instruments are not working properly.

Another aspect of machine learning we are investigating is natural language models. All of the work we do is based on Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs). If the QAPP is strong and implemented well, the resulting data produced will be the same. Regulatory agencies are required to review these to evaluate the success of a project. We are investigating ways in which an AI can review the project plans and give feedback on what it does well and what it doesn’t. This would allow for a fast way for government agencies to approve/reject QAPPs and for contractors to create QAPPs more easily without as much time going back and forth for review.

Visualization and UI are a big part of these projects as well, and they serve as interesting examples as to what businesses are looking to do with these types of tools, especially in writing and data analytics.

AI Business Plan


I am interested in the applications of AI (including generative) in non-ambulatory medical transportation services. Create a business plan outlining the foundation, strategy, and financial expectations of a new business in non-ambulatory transportation that uses AI, including the following:

  • Executive Summary: A snapshot of the business that covers the business idea, mission statement, product/service, target market, and financial highlights.
  • Company Description: Detailed information about what the business does, its objectives, and what differentiates it from competitors.
  • Market Analysis: An examination of the industry, market size, growth expectations, and the target demographic.
  • Organization and Management: The business structure, ownership details, and information on the management team.
  • Products or Services: Details on what’s being sold or offered, the benefits, and the product lifecycle.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: How the business plans to attract and retain customers through marketing and sales tactics.
  • Funding Request: For businesses seeking investment, specifics on the funding needs, usage plans, and future financial strategies.
  • Financial Projections: Forecasts of the business’s financial performance, including income, cash flow statements, and a break-even analysis.
  • Appendix: Supplementary information such as resumes, legal documents, and other relevant data.

ChatGPT Output: Business Plan for AI-Enhanced Non-Ambulatory Medical Transportation Services

1. Executive Summary

Business Idea:

AI-Enabled CareTransit aims to revolutionize the non-ambulatory medical transportation industry by integrating advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies, focusing on safety, efficiency, and patient care.

Mission Statement:

To provide reliable, timely, and compassionate non-ambulatory transportation services enhanced by artificial intelligence, ensuring an exceptional and safe travel experience for mobility-impaired patients.


The company will offer AI-driven non-ambulatory transportation services, utilizing smart route optimization, automated scheduling systems, and AI-enhanced safety features to improve patient transport services.

Target Market:

Healthcare facilities, elderly care homes, rehabilitation centers, and private residences across metropolitan areas with a focus on patients requiring non-ambulatory transportation.

Financial Highlights:

We project robust growth with a break-even point within the first two years. Initial funding of $2 million is sought to establish operations, with anticipated first-year revenue of $1.2 million.

2. Company Description

What We Do:

AI-Enabled CareTransit provides technologically advanced transportation services for non-ambulatory patients, leveraging AI to enhance safety, optimize routes, and manage logistics efficiently.

  • To decrease patient wait times by 30% using AI-driven scheduling.
  • To increase transportation safety with AI-monitored vehicle systems.
  • To expand operational cities by 50% within three years.
  • AI Route Optimization: Reduces transit times by calculating the fastest and safest routes.
  • AI Scheduling Systems: Improves accuracy in appointment and vehicle scheduling.
  • Enhanced Safety Features: AI systems monitor vehicle safety parameters in real time, improving patient security.

3. Market Analysis

Industry Overview:

The non-ambulatory medical transportation industry is essential for healthcare access, particularly for the disabled and elderly. This industry is poised for transformation with technological advancements like AI.

Market Size and Growth:

The U.S. medical transportation market size was $15 billion in 2020, expected to grow at 7% annually. Innovations such as AI integration are forecast to significantly enhance market growth and service quality.

Target Demographic:

Elderly individuals, patients with disabilities, and healthcare facilities in urban environments. An estimated 20% of urban residents are over 65, highlighting substantial demand.

4. Organization and Management

Business Structure:

LLC owned by multiple partners with diverse expertise in healthcare, AI technology, and logistics.


Jane Doe (40%), John Smith (40%), and AI Tech Partner (20%).

Management Team:
  • CEO: Jane Doe, with 20 years in healthcare management.
  • CTO: John Smith, expert in AI technologies and system integration.
  • COO: To be hired, experienced in logistics and operations.

5. Products or Services

Services Offered:
  • AI-Enhanced Route Planning
  • Real-Time Safety Monitoring
  • Automated Scheduling
  • Reduced wait times and enhanced patient satisfaction.
  • Increased safety with less human error.
  • Higher efficiency leading to more trips per day and lower costs.
Product Lifecycle:
  • Initial Launch: Focus on major urban centers.
  • Growth: Expand to additional cities and integrate advanced AI features.
  • Maturity: Optimize existing services and explore new markets.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing Tactics:

Digital Marketing: SEO, social media, and targeted ads.
Partnerships: Collaborate with hospitals and elderly care centers.
Outreach: Community programs to raise brand awareness.

Sales Strategy:
  • Direct Sales Team to engage large healthcare providers.
  • Online Platform for easy booking and management.

7. Funding Request

Funding Needs:

$2 million for initial setup, fleet acquisition, and technology development.

Usage Plans:
  • $1 million for fleet vehicles and modifications.
  • $500,000 for technology development including AI software.
  • $500,000 for operational costs and marketing.
Future Financial Strategies:
  • Potential for reinvestment of profits to accelerate expansion.
  • Exploring additional funding or equity offers in Year 2.

8. Financial Projections

  • Year 1: Revenue of $1.2 million, with a net loss of $300,000.
  • Year 2: Revenue of $2.5 million, net profit of $150,000.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Expected within the first 24 months.

9. Appendix

  • Resumes of the management team.
  • Legal documents and business registration.
  • Technical descriptions of the AI systems.
  • Market research data and references.

This business plan sets the foundation for a technology-forward approach in the non-ambulatory medical transportation sector, promising enhanced service quality and operational efficiency through the application of artificial intelligence.

Personally, I don’t think the initial funding of $2 million is realistic or even a good idea. I also raised an eyebrow at the projected net loss of $300,000 in the first year and the projected net profit of $150,000 in the second year. If any business or accounting students have thoughts on these numbers I am interested in hearing them.

In Class Workshop: AI Business Plan

Executive Summary

Business Name: Timeless Memories Restoration Services

Business Model: Timeless Memories provides digital photo restoration services, utilizing advanced Adobe Photoshop capabilities enhanced with AI to repair, restore, and rejuvenate aged or damaged photographs. This service targets individuals, families, historical societies, and educational institutions with a need to preserve precious memories and historical documents.

Services Offered

  • Basic Restoration: Includes scratch removal, minor color corrections, and small damage repairs.
  • Standard Restoration: Covers moderate damage repairs, detailed color corrections, and some restorative enhancements.
  • Premium Restoration: Involves extensive damage repair, detailed restorative enhancements, colorizing black and white photos, and custom requests like background changes.

Market Analysis

  • Target Market: Focuses on both personal users (families, individual collectors) and institutional clients (museums, archives, schools).
  • Market Need: Growing interest in genealogy, historical research, and personal memorabilia preservation.
  • Competition: Local photo restoration services and online platforms offering similar services. Differentiation through quality, customer service, and advanced AI integration.

Marketing Strategy

  • Online Marketing: Robust social media presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest showcasing before-and-after photos, customer testimonials, and engaging content.
  • SEO Strategy: Optimize the website to rank highly for keywords related to photo restoration services.
  • Local Advertising: Partner with local businesses, historical societies, and educational institutions; participate in community events.

Operational Plan

  • Technology: Use the latest version of Adobe Photoshop with AI tools. Secure data handling with platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox for photo submissions.
  • Workflow: Detailed process from photo submission to restoration and final delivery. Quality checks to ensure high standards.
  • Customer Service: Responsive customer support system via email, phone, and live chat on the website.

Financial Plan

  • Pricing: Tiered pricing model based on the complexity of the restoration work. Offer discounts for bulk orders and repeat customers.
  • Revenue Streams: Direct payments from clients, subscription models for regular customers, potential partnerships with archives and institutions.
  • Budget: Initial investment in software licenses, website development, and marketing. Ongoing costs include technology updates, advertising, and payroll.

Legal and Administrative Aspects

  • Business Structure: Sole proprietorship, transitioning to an LLC as the business scales.
  • Contracts: Digital service agreements outlining the scope of work, pricing, and privacy policies to protect both the business and clients.
  • Payment Methods: Integration of payment systems like PayPal, Stripe, and Square for easy and secure transactions.

Launch Strategy

  • Soft Launch: Offer services at a discounted rate to family and friends to refine processes and gather initial portfolio pieces.
  • Full Launch: Implement a full-scale marketing campaign, focusing on online engagement and local partnerships. Promotional offers for first-time customers.

Timeless Memories Restoration Services aims to become a leading provider in the photo restoration industry by leveraging cutting-edge technology and providing unparalleled customer service. The focus on quality restoration, combined with strategic marketing and efficient operations, positions the business for success in a niche market with growing demand.

Blog Post #12

AI tools could be used to start a creative AI business by helping you to brainstorm ideas, develop upon them, and execute them. For example, a business having to do with AI content creation could have its name, business plan, etc. generated through an AI text generator like ChatGPT and then elaborated upon by the actual human developer. Human input would ultimately be the difference between creating an AI business that is generic or unique enough to stand out in whatever industry or category it falls into.

Some ideas for AI businesses that I think would be cool to work on are: 

  • An AI character creation tool that comes up with character names, appearances, stats, and personality traits. I think a way to make this unique would be to add a filter for specific games and their lore and it would generate you a character that has qualities that would match that world.
  • A branding design tool that could generate names, color stories, mood boards, and logo ideas for businesses, as a start to coming up with their brand identity. To make this unique, one could go as far as to develop an AI tool that’s main objective is to generate logo designs based off of sketches or word prompts.
  • A movie/TV show matchmaker tool that contains a database of all media of those types from all different platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, etc.) and ratings of all the ones you’ve watched before. It would give you recommendations on what to watch based on a variety of factors of your choice such as your mood, genre, the occasion (kids party, holidays, a date, etc.) This could also give a user recommendations based on sales on specific platforms or sales of certain movies or series’. I think that this idea is pretty unique on its own, due to it containing a variety of platforms. The technology already exists, but is usually isolated to whatever service you’re actively using.

WK14: Blog Post

Blog Prompt:

Consider how the entertainment industry (games, tv, movies, music), commercial design and marketing companies, and the artists that work for them, will be using Generative AI in the near future. If you were to start a small AI digital design/development/content company or service, how would you use AI to get started? How would you leverage what you know so far in the course to write a project plan, research, budget, create and market your idea?

Use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for starting a small AI digital design or development business focusing on either entertainment (games, TV, movies, music), education, commercial design, or marketing. In a 300-500 word blog post, describe how you’d use AI tools to start a creative AI business. Given that everyone has access to these tools how would you add something unique?

Starting a photo restoration business leveraging Adobe Photoshop and AI integration offers a valuable service to individuals and organizations looking to preserve or restore old photographs. This business will cater to a wide range of clients, from families with cherished personal memories to historical societies and educational institutions with archival needs.

The business will provide tiered services—basic, standard, and premium—depending on the extent of restoration required. Basic services will cover minor fixes such as scratch removal, while premium services will handle intensive restorations like severe damage repair and color corrections. Pricing will be structured accordingly, with discounts or package deals for large volumes or repeat customers.

Clients will submit their photos digitally via secure file transfer platforms such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Payments will be facilitated through reliable services like PayPal, Stripe, or Square, accommodating both credit card and bank transfers. A digital contract outlining the scope of work, pricing, and service terms will need to be signed by clients to ensure clear agreements and protect both parties.

A dedicated business website will serve as the central hub for service information, photo submissions, contractual processes, and payments. This site will also feature a portfolio of before-and-after photos to demonstrate service quality and effectiveness.

Marketing strategies will include a robust online presence, utilizing social media platforms to showcase work and engage with potential customers. SEO will be critical to increase visibility and attract users actively searching for photo restoration services. Additionally, local advertising and community engagement will help build a loyal customer base in the local area.

The operational plan will ensure a streamlined workflow from photo submission to delivery, emphasizing quality control and customer satisfaction. Initial steps include a soft launch with friends and family to refine the process, followed by a full launch with targeted marketing campaigns and promotional offers to attract a broader audience.

IdentityVibe Company AI Blog Post

Business Concept

The core of the business would be to use generative AI to create multiple versions of media content—such as commercials, movie trailers, or music videos—that are specifically tailored to various personality types. This customization would ensure that the content resonates more deeply with diverse audiences, enhancing engagement and effectiveness.

AI Tools and Implementation

  1. Personality Recognition AI: Develop or integrate AI tools capable of analyzing and classifying personality traits from available data points like social media activity, consumer behavior, and even direct inputs from users through interactive platforms.
  2. Generative AI for Content Creation: Use advanced generative AI models, like GPT and DALL-E, to generate textual content (scripts, dialogues) and visual content (scenes, characters) that align with the identified personality traits. For instance, a commercial aimed at extroverts might be more vibrant and fast-paced, while one for introverts might focus on detail and subtlety.
  3. Adaptive AI Algorithms: Implement AI algorithms that can learn from audience feedback to continuously improve the personalization of the content. This could involve modifying aspects of the content that did not engage well with its intended audience.

Unique Selling Proposition

To stand out in a market where AI tools are widely accessible, the business would focus on the depth of personalization and the scientific approach to understanding personality types. Leveraging psychological research and cutting-edge AI to create highly targeted content could be your competitive edge.

Project Plan Outline

  1. Research and Development:
    • Conduct in-depth research on personality psychology and AI capabilities.
    • Develop or license AI tools for personality analysis and content generation.
  2. Prototype:
    • Create a pilot project, such as a series of commercials for a single product targeted at different personality groups.
    • Test these commercials with focus groups to refine AI algorithms.
  3. Budgeting:
    • Initial funding will focus on technology acquisition, talent recruitment, and marketing.
    • Set aside resources for ongoing AI training and development.
  4. Marketing and Sales:
    • Develop marketing strategies that highlight the effectiveness of personality-customized content.
    • Target industries and clients who are most likely to benefit from increased engagement, like marketing firms, entertainment industries, and educational content providers.
  5. Scaling:
    • Expand the content portfolio to include other types of media.
    • Explore licensing the technology to other companies as a B2B service.


By focusing on creating deeply personalized content using sophisticated AI, your business can cater uniquely to the vast spectrum of human personalities. This not only improves user engagement but also opens up new possibilities in how media and entertainment are conceptualized and delivered. The key to success will be in the accurate analysis of personality types and the effective generation of tailored content that genuinely resonates with different audiences.

Group AI Game

You will each submit your own version of the group game to the server and share in a blog post along with a short statement about what your contributed was to the collaboration.


Statement of Collaboration:
I was sick for the day of team assignments and therefore had my first meetup with the group during the next class. This resulted in missing the initial brainstorming, project idea, and coding that was produced.
However, I still feel like I was able to have a significant contribution to this project as outlined below.

  • Collaborated and suggested improvements to the project that would give me useful material to contribute.
  • Created audio samples and edited samples found online.
  • Implemented the audio into existing code.
  • Modified and adjusted images in Adobe Photoshop to better fit our needs.
  • Implemented imagery into existing code.
  • Scheduled online meet-ups and assisted in development of late stages of coding including a start screen and other basic functionality.

AI business (blog 12)

For an AI creative business design I would go in the direction of a graphic design firm. This would integrate the skills that I have using AI tools and services with my experience in design. Using AI the business would create several mock up designs based on a clients likes and needs, as a way of getting started. The AI itself doesn’t need to come up with the finished product because human designers could interfere and help make improvements or changes as needed from the perspective of a designer or based on a client. The firm would specialize in things like logos, perhaps mock up websites or even merchandise. 

Graphic design has a lot of competition already as it is but I think that AI is a tool that can make this business bloom because of its rapidness. Really I think something essential to this business would be in prompt writing. People need to have the proper language and ability to describe what a client is looking for. Not only that but they should have some type of experience in design so they can make decisions to achieve the best results. 

I think that the best way to start a project like this would be to gather a team of some sorts with experience in using AI tools and people in design. But in order to gather a team there would need to be some type of market to get the ball rolling. I’d say a good way to begin is by designing or redesigning logos/merch for small local companies and expanding marketing through social media. Reaching out to businesses and asking if they would be interested or even looking for sponsors. In order to do this there would need to be some type of market research on the efficiency of using AI tools in this aspect, what types of AI are optimal in this aspect but beginning by trying to budget carefully by working from home or in a small space would be best. I’d say to start this business it would definitely take some type of investment to pay off any licensing and fees for AI services.