Blog Post #10 — AI Workflows

1. As AI becomes more integral to the creative process, what skills do you believe are most important for professionals in your industry to develop?

2. From your perspective, what are the emerging trends in AI that you believe will have the most significant impact on the creative industry in the next five years?

3. Could you share insights on how HappyFinish integrates AI into its creative processes? How does the company balance between AI automation and human creativity?

Blog Post: Happy Finish

  1. In most of your projects, how long does it usually take to complete a project? How big a role does AI technology play in improving efficiency?
  2. I think the “V&A | Made in Code” project is a cool design. It allows people of different ages, genders and body types to experience the feeling of wearing Maria Grachvogel’s brand. My question is, what gives you the impetus to develop this kind of innovative technology? (For example, were there industry insights or consumer behavior trends that highlighted a gap or opportunity in the market for virtual try-on experiences? Or something else).

Questions for Toby Roberts

In the 10 years you’ve been President and COO of Happy Finish, how has the process of integrating AI into the company’s overall workflow gone? I would imagine it didn’t all happen at once.

How do you establish your company in this somewhat new field of really leaning into AI? How has your company grown to work with some of the biggest brands in the world?

Happy Finish Questions (blog 10)

Questions for Toby Roberts:

  • To what limit is AI used in the work place? What are the guidelines and or limits to which employees are using AI tools, to which point is it not used?
  • With using AI as a tool how do you think this has impacted employees’ workflow,  in what ways does it have an advantage and or disadvantage?

Happy Finish

    • We all know that AI is quickly taking over the world, putting companies who do not use it at a disadvantage. Can you provide examples of how AI has led to breakthroughs in your creative process or output?
    • Using AI can be sometimes challenging as it is not perfect. What are the most significant challenges you face when incorporating AI into your projects, and how do you address them?
    • We do not want AI to take total control of Art because this can put artists out of work. How does AI facilitate collaboration between artists and technologists within your team?

Generative Arts Blog post

Just like Amy Goodchild, I believe that the definition of generative arts to be inclusive and not restrictive because arts seem to appear in everything we do. Art permeates our lives in a multitude of ways even in ways we have no intention to appear artsy. Art enriches our daily experiences, influences our thoughts and feelings, and contributes to our culture and identity. Some of the way we chance upon art in our daily lives are through cooking, home décor, street art, and video games. The techniques Goodchild points at in her blog are mind-boggling and here are some of the techniques that interests me.

Randomness – Randomness drives most of what we think of as “generative art”, says Goodchild.

According to my understanding, Randomness refers to the lack of pattern or predictability in events.

Pseudorandom technique is also quite intriguing as it explains that several algorithms are widely used for pseudorandom number generation. This is an element in many fields of computer science, most importantly as it helps strike a balance between the need for randomness and the need for determinism and efficiency. Whenever pseudorandom is utilized, there must be an intended motive behind it. According to Goodchild, even if we do not consider these theoretical ideas, pseudorandommness and procedural number generators like Perlin noise provide us with stress-free nonetheless potent avenues to produce effective and varied results.

Another interesting one is the Cellular automa. This caught my attention because it tends to imitate real-life cells which grow by multiplying and forming life on their own.

“This results in surprisingly complex patterns across the whole grid, which are also determined by the starting pattern”, says Goodchild.


Happy Finish:

Follow up questions

  1. During hiring, what do you consider relevant experience with Generative AI?
  2. What guidelines do you have for creating copyrightable assets with Generative AI?
  3. What Generative AI do you use in production?
  4. How do you control, secure and/or privatize your instances of AI tools and related asset workflows?

Guest Speaker Preparation

Questions for Happy Finish Guest Speaker:

  • What was the best skill or strategy that you used to be successful in this job market?
    • As in, are there any aspects of your career journey that stick out to you as an especially good skill/lesson that helped you be successful
  • What experiences/education requirements/certifications do you look for in new hires, and where does AI work come into play here?
  • How has AI art changed the competition and your interaction with clients? It is becoming easier or harder to engage with them?
  • How has AI art changed your workflow and team dynamics?

AI Games

I’m not super interested in super gravity-physics based or story based games for this project. I like the idea of puzzle games. In that, they require you to figure out a puzzle using the mechanics of the game. Even simple sudoku type games interest me. I think the opportunity for more generative-based approaches might be interesting in this regard. I would most definitely be a coder in this scenario, as I have some experience in program design with my degree/minor. Games that require a lot of collision detection and\or physics stress me out a little bit because they can get blown up very easily, but I am open to most ideas. In addition, I would find it hard to make a branching story game interesting without having the persistent temptation to go over the top very quickly.


As I am turning in the blog post late, I can also give an update on the game progress so far. It’s going very well, and I am very impressed with what we have put together. On ChatGPT’s coding abilities, it made a product that worked, but it missed the mark style-wise on a few things. One example of this is that I created an abstract class for the falling objects that hit the player, and then I created two types of falling objects that implement the abstract class. However, since we wanted certain aspects of the game to behave differently based on the type of falling object, that means that information has to be changed in methods of the classes themselves, and ChatGPT put them in the game loop. This is a very small example of one of ChatGPT’s big issues. It doesn’t always produce elegant and scalable code.

Happy Finish Questions

Here are my questions for Toby Roberts:

  1. What is the most fulfilling aspect of working with a client at Happy Finish?
  2. What makes Happy Finish excel at types of advertisements like augmented reality and commercials?

Game Genre

The kind of game genre my group member, Tiffany, and I want to create is a narrative game. We want to use ChatGPT to generate captivating visuals and sound elements that will help bring our game to life. This is an interesting and fun game we want to collaborate on and an educative one to embark on. However, we will be the ones to create the dialogue and push the game toward the direction we want it to go. Since I do not play games a lot and have limited knowledge in this area, but I read books and sort of see a co-relation in how to create a narrative, exploratory game structure, we decided to go with the idea.With my background in DTC 355 and DTC 477, I am responsible for creating HTML5, CSS and the JavaScript. However, my team member also helps creates prompts for ChatGPT to produce this cohesive and engaging game. At this point, we are working with ChatGPT, but it is sometimes frustrating as it does not produce exactly what you ask it to. Therefore, I will code and the both of us will still design the game and write the dialogue. My team member and I are learning as we experiment with the AI because we know that the possibilities are limitless. This narrative game will take the shape of a game whereby the characters will interact by talking to each other. The player can have the choice of moving ahead to the next scenario if they want without stopping to interact. My team member and I intend to build on the game as we make more research.