AI Art Showcase (April 26)

To Do This Week

Work on Projects


Send me the Folder with your project promotional material,via Slack:

This folder should be titled in lowercase first initial + last name: mine would be “wluers”. The folder should contain the following: 

  • One poster image: 500px x 281px / a 16:9 ratio (any image that best expresses your project)
  • A text file with your project description: 2-3 sentences max
  • Followed by the AI tools you used in the project: list 2-5
  • Followed by the project url:  the absolute url to your project on the server:[your directory]/[your project folder]/ File and folder names should be all lowercase with no spaces!

HTML/CSS Design (essay and project pages). 

  • color scheme: use images for Adobe Kuler
  • layout: simple one column is fine, integrate at least 3 images/video/sound files in the text
  • typography: select 1-2 fonts for headings and body that are readable and fit with your project
  • responsiveness: add a #wrapper surrounding all content that has the following CSS:
    width: 90%;
    max-width: 1000px;
    margin: 3% auto;
  • Make all images 100% width: img {width: 100%;}

Peer Critique/Evaluation Questions

Use these questions as guidelines in your evaluation. Take notes as you silently evaluate each work in your pod. When everyone is done with the evaluation, gather into a group around one screen and discuss each work consecutively. The aim is to give each author solid feedback.

For the Multimodal Research Essay:

  1. Writing Quality and Clarity:
    • Is the essay well-written, free from grammatical and spelling errors?
    • Are the ideas clearly articulated, and is the language engaging and accessible?
  2. Human Touch:
    • Does the essay reflect a personal and human perspective, or does it feel overly mechanical or impersonal, as if generated by an AI like ChatGPT?
  3. Relevance and Depth of Central Research Question:
    • How compelling and relevant is the central research question to the course’s themes?
    • Does the question provoke further thought and exploration about AI in the creative process?
  4. Multimodal Presentation and Design:
    • Is the HTML/CSS design of the essay aesthetically pleasing and functional?
    • Are multimedia elements like images and videos effectively integrated and do they enhance the text?
  5. Reflection and Insight:
    • Does the essay effectively reflect the student’s creative process and experiences with AI tools?
    • Are there insightful discussions about the AI technologies used and the technology behind these tools?
  6. Completeness and Structure:
    • Does the essay include a title, author’s name?
    • After the essay, is there a clear link to the project page and a brief introduction to the creative project?

For the Final Creative Project:

  1. Alignment and Cohesion:
    • How well does the creative project relate to and expand upon the central research question established in the essay?
    • Is there a seamless connection between the essay’s insights and the project’s execution?
  2. Originality and Creativity:
    • How original and creatively engaging is the project?
    • Does the project provide a new perspective or innovative approach to using AI in the arts?
  3. Technical Execution and Artistic Expression:
    • How proficiently does the project utilize AI tools and techniques?
    • Does the project reflect the student’s unique artistic voice and vision?
  4. Presentation and Documentation:
    • Is the project presented in a professional manner, with careful consideration of visual hierarchy and design principles?
    • Are all elements of the project complete and well-organized?
  5. Reflective Engagement:
    • Does the project demonstrate a deep and thoughtful engagement with the themes explored in the essay?
    • How effectively does the project showcase the student’s reflection on their creative and technical process?

Additional Questions for Overall Reflection:

  • Does the work critique or advance current discussions about AI in the arts?
  • How does the project contribute to broader conversations in the field?


AI Showcase

Course Evaluations


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