Multimodal Reflective Essay (April 5)

To Do This Week

Blog Prompt: This week, start thinking/researching/chatting about your final project and research essay. By class, post a description of both your project idea and essay topic.

Generate an html page for your essay. Have a “header” with an “h1” as the title, followed by your name as author. A footer should also have your name and date. The main section will be for your essay.

I will share the Zoom link in the class Slack Channel.

The Multimodal Research Essay and The Final Art Work are Due the last class:  April 26th

The Arts-based Research Essay:

An arts-based research essay, especially in the context of exploring AI in creative production, is a dynamic blend of critical inquiry and artistic exploration. It diverges from traditional academic essays by prioritizing the process of discovery over the presentation of conclusive arguments. This form of essay places a central question or creative challenge at its heart, around which the student weaves a narrative that combines theoretical insights, personal reflections, and practical experimentation with AI tools. The aim is to deeply investigate the possibilities and limitations of AI in augmenting creative processes, engaging with both the technological underpinnings of AI and the ethical considerations of such hybrid human-AI creativity.

The essay is divided into two main components. The first is a reflective analysis, where students articulate their central creative question, explore related sub-questions, and delve into the technology and ethics of AI in the arts. This section serves as a foundation, framing the student’s approach to their creative project. The second component is a reflection/discussion on the execution of the creative project itself – a work of art that embodies the main inquiry. This project is not just a practical exercise but a form of artistic research that provides insights into the central question.

To fully express the exploratory nature of this research, the essay employs a multimodal format, integrating text with various media elements developed during the creative process. These may include images, videos, sound clips, or interactive elements that document and enrich the narrative of discovery. This multimedia integration not only illustrates the student’s creative journey but also enhances the reader’s engagement with the essay, offering a richer, more nuanced understanding of the research findings. The final product is a cohesive, visually engaging HTML document that reflects a deep, reflective engagement with AI in creative production, showcasing both the process and the product of artistic inquiry.


  • The minimum text length is 1200 words. The maximum is 3000 words.
  • At the end of the essay, briefly introduce the art work with a link to the project. You will also generate a single HTML page for the presentation of your art work.
  • In generating the HTML page for the essay, consider color, typography and layout for a pleasing design and please specify a responsive design so that the work is readable on the phone. We will go over basic  HTML/CSS in class for those new to web development.
  • Make one folder called “final-ai-project” to contain both your art work and the essay. The essay is the introduction and should be titled “index.html.”

In-Zoom Exercise Overview:

Part 1: Class Discussion and Forming Groups (30 Minutes)

Class Discussion Topics:

  • Strategies for AI to help with writing and research.
  • Improving your interaction with your Research GPT.
  • Brainstorming for your final project and its research essay.

Small Group Discussion:

  • Form small groups (3-4 students).
  • Discuss and give feedback on each other’s project ideas.

Part 2: solo Writing with AI’s Help (60-90 Minutes)

Research Dialogue with AI:

  • Talk to your Research GPT to refine your project idea and sketch an essay outline.
  • Decide ChatGPT’s role (e.g., creative partner, research assistant, expert in arts-based research) and your goals or outcomes.
  • Example Prompt: “As an expert in creative arts-based research, I’m starting a project that merges my interest in [insert your interest here, such as digital landscapes, interactive art, etc.] with generative AI. Your role in this project is [choose: creative partner/research assistant/conceptual advisor]. I aim to achieve [outline specific outcomes, such as creating a AI video, exploring the intersection of AI and traditional art forms, etc.]. Based on my interests, how can you help me create a generative AI project and an accompanying research essay that explores [insert specific aspect or question related to your interest]?”

Outlining with AI:

  • Outline your research essay, focusing on key questions and the use of AI in the creative process of your final project. 


  • Write a brief description of your AI art project.
  • Write a rough draft of your essay focusing on the main themes and questions of your project. Express your core ideas without worrying about perfection. Just write.

AI-Assisted Editing:

  • Use ChatGPT to improve your draft, focusing on structure and clarity.

Personal Editing:

  • Make sure the edits reflect your style and voice.

Review and Repeat:

  • Go back to ChatGPT for further clarity and refine until you’re happy with it.

Part 3: Feedback and Reflection (30 Minutes)

Group Sharing:

  • Share your drafts in groups, read aloud while screen-sharing, and get feedback on AI vs. your writing style balance.

One-on-One Meetings:

  • Optional meetings with the instructor for more feedback.

Final Class Discussion:

  • Discuss the role of AI in writing, the value of peer feedback, and reflect on maintaining your voice in AI-assisted writing.






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