Final Projects: Design (April 12)

To Do This Week

Work on Projects

Blog Prompt: 

Consider how the entertainment industry (games, tv, movies, music), commercial design and marketing companies, and the artists that work for them, will be using Generative AI in the near future. If you were to start a small AI digital design/development/content company or service, how would you use AI to get started? How would you leverage what you know so far in the course to write a project plan, research, budget, create and market your idea?

Use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for starting a small AI digital design or development business focusing on either entertainment (games, TV, movies, music), education, commercial design, or marketing. In a 300-500 word blog post, describe how you’d use AI tools to start a creative AI business. Given that everyone has access to these tools how would you add something unique?



Graphics from:Sequoiacap

Try These:

The Arts-based Research Essay:

An arts-based research essay, especially in the context of exploring AI in creative production, is a dynamic blend of critical inquiry and artistic exploration. It diverges from traditional academic essays by prioritizing the process of discovery over the presentation of conclusive arguments. This form of essay places a central question or creative challenge at its heart, around which the student weaves a narrative that combines theoretical insights, personal reflections, and practical experimentation with AI tools. The aim is to deeply investigate the possibilities and limitations of AI in augmenting creative processes, engaging with both the technological underpinnings of AI and the ethical considerations of such hybrid human-AI creativity.

The essay is divided into two main components. The first is a reflective analysis, where students articulate their central creative question, explore related sub-questions, and delve into the technology and ethics of AI in the arts. This section serves as a foundation, framing the student’s approach to their creative project. The second component is a reflection/discussion on the execution of the creative project itself – a work of art that embodies the main inquiry. This project is not just a practical exercise but a form of artistic research that provides insights into the central question.

To fully express the exploratory nature of this research, the essay employs a multimodal format, integrating text with various media elements developed during the creative process. These may include images, videos, sound clips, or interactive elements that document and enrich the narrative of discovery. This multimedia integration not only illustrates the student’s creative journey but also enhances the reader’s engagement with the essay, offering a richer, more nuanced understanding of the research findings. The final product is a cohesive, visually engaging HTML document that reflects a deep, reflective engagement with AI in creative production, showcasing both the process and the product of artistic inquiry.

The minimum text length is 1200 words. The maximum is 3000 words.
At the end of the essay, briefly introduce the art work with a link to the project. You will also generate a single HTML page for the presentation of your art work.
In generating the HTML page for the essay, consider color, typography and layout for a pleasing design and please specify a responsive design so that the work is readable on the phone. We will go over basic  HTML/CSS in class for those new to web development.
Make one folder called “final-ai-project” to contain both your art work and the essay. The essay is the introduction and should be titled “index.html.”


View Games

Discuss application of Generative AI in the World

Create a business/project plan for your wild idea

ChatGPT4 Prompt:
What are the best work and gig opportunities for young people using Generative AI? List the sectors and skill sets that will be most useful between 2024 and 2030?


For young people looking to leverage Generative AI between 2024 and 2030, focusing on sectors where AI can augment human capabilities and skill sets that allow for the creative and ethical application of AI technology will be crucial. Here’s a comprehensive overview:

Sectors with High Potential

  1. Creative Industries
    • Content Creation: Writing, art, music, and video production are areas where Generative AI can assist in generating ideas, composing drafts, or creating preliminary sketches.
    • Entertainment and Gaming: Developing immersive experiences, storytelling, game design, and character creation.
  2. Technology and Development
    • AI Model Training and Customization: Tailoring AI models to specific industry needs.
    • Software Development: Integrating Generative AI into apps, tools, and platforms.
  3. Education and Research
    • Educational Content Development: Customizing learning materials and interactive learning environments.
    • Research Assistance: Accelerating literature reviews, hypothesis generation, and data analysis.
  4. Marketing and Advertising
    • Digital Marketing: Creating targeted advertising content, market analysis, and customer interaction models.
    • Social Media Management: Generating engaging content and analyzing trends.
  5. Healthcare
    • Medical Research: Assisting in drug discovery and medical literature synthesis.
    • Personalized Medicine: Tailoring health advice and treatment plans.
  6. Legal and Compliance
    • Document Review and Legal Research: Streamlining the review of legal documents and researching precedents.
    • Compliance Monitoring: Automating the detection of compliance issues in various industries.
  7. Finance and Economics
    • Financial Analysis: Enhancing market predictions and risk assessment.
    • Personal Finance Management: Developing tools for budgeting, investing, and financial planning.

Emerging Job Roles and Skills

As Generative AI reshapes the workforce, certain jobs are at higher risk of automation, including customer service representatives, receptionists, accountants, and warehouse workers. However, this shift also heralds the creation of new roles and the transformation of existing ones, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning​ (Nexford University)​.

Essential Skill Sets

  • Technical Skills: Understanding of AI and machine learning fundamentals, coding (Python, JavaScript), data analysis, and cybersecurity practices to ensure ethical use and data protection.
  • Creativity and Innovation: Ability to use AI tools to generate novel ideas and creative solutions.
  • Critical Thinking: Evaluating AI-generated content and decisions critically to ensure accuracy and ethical considerations.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and interpreting human emotions, especially in customer-facing roles where AI-generated responses need human oversight.
  • Ethical Judgment: Navigating the ethical implications of AI applications, including bias, privacy, and impact on society.
  • Lifelong Learning: Staying updated with the fast-paced developments in AI technology and applications.

The landscape between 2024 and 2030 is one of opportunity, challenge, and transformation. Young people entering the workforce with a grounding in Generative AI applications, along with a commitment to continuous learning and adaptability, will be well-positioned to thrive in this new era. Embracing both the technological capabilities of Generative AI and the irreplaceable value of human insights will be key to forging successful careers in the coming years.

AI Business Plan

A business plan is a detailed document that outlines the foundation, strategy, and financial expectations of a new business. It serves several key purposes: it helps entrepreneurs clarify their business idea, set specific objectives, manage their business, allocate resources, and secure funding or investments. Typically, a business plan includes:

  • Executive Summary: A snapshot of the business that covers the business idea, mission statement, product/service, target market, and financial highlights.
  • Company Description: Detailed information about what the business does, its objectives, and what differentiates it from competitors.
  • Market Analysis: An examination of the industry, market size, growth expectations, and the target demographic.
  • Organization and Management: The business structure, ownership details, and information on the management team.
  • Products or Services: Details on what’s being sold or offered, the benefits, and the product lifecycle.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: How the business plans to attract and retain customers through marketing and sales tactics.
  • Funding Request: For businesses seeking investment, specifics on the funding needs, usage plans, and future financial strategies.
  • Financial Projections: Forecasts of the business’s financial performance, including income, cash flow statements, and a break-even analysis.
  • Appendix: Supplementary information such as resumes, legal documents, and other relevant data.

AI Project Plan

The primary objective of a project plan is to create a explanatory document with goals, research, a budget and development plan. It can be used for fundraising, grant-writing and any other kind of support.

  1. Project Summary:
    • Briefly outline the project idea, focusing on a specific need within a chosen sector (education, healthcare, marketing, entertainment).
    • Include a vision statement and a concise description of the skills and technologies to be developed or utilized.
  2. Needs Assessment:
    • Conduct research to identify current and future needs in the chosen sector.
    • Analyze how AI can address these needs, with a focus on generative AI technologies.
  3. Skills and Technology Overview:
    • List the generative AI skills and technologies required to meet the identified needs.
    • Include an assessment of current skills and what needs to be developed, considering both technical and creative abilities.
  4. Learning and Development Plan:
    • Outline a plan for acquiring the necessary skills. This could involve online courses, workshops, self-study, and project-based learning.
    • Budget for any courses or materials needed.
  5. Application and Impact:
    • Describe how the skills and technologies will be applied to address the identified needs.
    • Include potential impact, considering both the beneficiaries and the broader societal implications.
  6. Project Timeline:
    • Provide a detailed timeline for the learning and development plan, application of skills, and evaluation of impact.
  7. Budget:
    • Outline a budget that includes learning materials, software subscriptions (if needed), and any other resources.
    • Consider offering a range of budget options to accommodate different resources and access levels among students.
  8. Evaluation and Reflection:
    • Detail how the project’s success will be evaluated, with specific milestones and outcomes.
    • Include a plan for reflecting on the learning process, challenges faced, and how obstacles were overcome.

In-class Research Strategy

  1. Small Group Discussions on generative AI’s potential in the emerging world, focusing on brainstorming and initial ideas.
  2. Individual Research Chats using AI tools to explore sector-specific needs. Use real-time data and forecasts (with Bing) in your analyses.
  3. Project Plan Development starts with outlining the plan, then progresses to detailed sections co-written with AI, including speculative budgeting using AI tools for current data.
  4. Presentation and Feedback, where students share their project plans, incorporating both speculative applications of AI and grounded business strategies.

Project Workshop

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