“Introduction: AI in the Arts” (January 12)

Class Notes

Syllabus and Q&A

Art-research – https://cas.wsu.edu/gfs/internal-funding-opportunities/

Class structure:

  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Small Groups Exercises
  • Individual Exercises
  • Class Reflection

*Attendance and late work.

  • You must communicate with me (on Slack) to arrange for the completion of late or missed work
  • Communicate with me about upcoming latenesses or absences. 5 min late to class more than two times in a row without communicating with me, will likely count as an absence



Please go into your User editor and make sure your display name is your full name and add a profile picture and brief bio.

I will provide blogging prompts and/or exercises to help you think critically and creatively about your AI art-research. Blog posts should be approximately 250-500 words, demonstrate an understanding of class themes and topics in the course readings, be crafted with proper grammar and spelling and include relevant links and media inserts.

You may use AI to help you write the text, but the ideas should be your own. Input>Output>Edit>Repeat

Write a post: What is your interest and/or goals with AI creative tools?


Intro Talk:

  • AI in the arts – explore, examine, probe, critique
  • Dreams and Myths of AI 
  • AI technology: symbolic AI,  neural networks, alignment, cultural changes?
  • AI Research – creative labor


Start to develop an art research project:

  • Use ChatGPT to help assemble your notes and additional thoughts into a plan for possible AI art research projects: go for 3-5 plans: “I am interested in… help me come up with 3-5 art-research projects that use AI creative tools to explore my interests…”
  • Share and discuss in small groups some of your ideas/results
  • Go back to the same Chat and make additions to your plan(s). Integrate your personal goals in this class: “I would like to be a better web coder and designer.”
  • Within the same Chat, work with ChatGPT to create a description of your own Research GPT that will help you with the work in this class. You might try creating an Idea Generator based on your interests and goals. Or structure the GPT to ask you questions to help you brainstorm.
  • Create your research GPT(s). You will use your personal Research GPT to reflect on and develop your ideas in this class

Examples of custom Research GPT descriptions:

Introduction: I’m a 25-year-old male passionate about creative writing, particularly short stories and graphic novels, and I have a interest in video production. My love for fiction, graphic novels, and all genres of movies fuels my creativity. I’m excited to explore the potential of AI tools in creating graphic novels. I sometimes struggle with procrastination, but it helps to have projects broken into smaller tasks.

Objective: My goal is to develop a GPT model that acts as my creative partner, assisting me in generating ideas, developing storylines, and providing guidance in AI image generation. I want the GPT to understand my unique writing style with samples of my stories. This model will also help me stay focused and motivated by breaking projects into smaller tasks.

Introduction: I am a 20-year-old biology major with a passion for painting, music, hiking, and outdoor activities. As a summer forest camp teacher for children aged 8-14, I seeks to integrate creative AI into my teaching methods. This GPT model should assist me in generating innovative ideas and techniques for teaching about the forest and the environment, leveraging AI’s creative potential.

Objective: To develop a GPT model tailored to assist in creating engaging, informative, and creative educational content and activities for young learners in a forest camp setting. The model will focus on combining elements of biology, art, music, and outdoor education with AI-driven creativity.



Colossus – The Forbin Project (1970)

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