Haley Zach PSA Final


My intent for this animation was to create a 30 second public service announcement, addressing the people Vancouver, Washington. My hope was to raise awareness about the dangers of texting and driving. For the presentation of my animation, I chose to have most of the animation be in the perspective of an individual who is texting while driving. I did this so that the viewer could potentially relate to the driver since they are seeing what they would normally see while driving. I felt that by doing this I could reach a more personal level of emotion which would then help to bring about more of an awareness to focus on driving and to not be distracted by a device while driving. I really wanted to get the message across that texting and driving does not only affect the driver. It also affects everyone around them.

To animate this I used Adobe After Effects. This was my first big project using After Effects so it was an interesting ride getting to know the interface. Though after getting to know the interface it became rather simple and intuitive. All of the assets for this animation were created in Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator was also a program that I was not familiar with so it was fun exploring the program and discovering the magic of the pen tool. The hardest part of this animation was getting the timing right for all of the small animation pieces, like the text messages moving. I solved a lot of my problems by pre-composing most aspects of my animation. This both saved me time and my sanity.

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