
This project was fun and at the same time infuriating due to missteps that I had taken. Although this turned out well there are mistakes that I could have caught onto before rendering. Though again, I think the animation turned out well and I got to learn or rather relearn to frustrations of rigging. Let us start with what I enjoyed from doing this and how it will have affected my own approach from here on. First off, the characters were designed to be slightly cartoony, though there was an issues with using too many edges so they required a quick cleanup of unnecessary things. After that though came rigging and my own personal nightmare in a way. Another thing I noticed only after I had rendered this was that some of the surfaces are reflective, something i didn’t notice until i had taken this to After Effects, though at that I could only work with what I got. Another thing that i had trouble with is of rigging. Rigging in my own opinion can be considered an art, one of which I became all too aware of during the times when I could rig. One of the things I noticed was that I was not properly parenting them, though I tried to fix that as much as I could. I don’t think it I did enough to get the rig to look right although what I got out of this mistake was experience for what not to do in the next rigging.
There are many things that I could work better on for the next time I need to rig a character for animation and what I’ve learned from here will prove invaluable in what to do properly at that time.

Music came from Free Music Archive: Oh! By Jingo! By All-Star Trio

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