Simplicity is what I was trying to achieve with this public service announcement. I was after simple lines and a sort of rhythmic movement. I chose a Madonna like figure that I had drawn years back for a similar reason. This maternal apparition is seemingly nurturing small invisible parts that belong to your imagination. With these imaginary parts, she is planting portions of continents and islands, using these bits of local thought to create a global organism.

Even though I tried a voice over, it was distracting so I chose music instead. The music was simple with a steady beat, once again keeping the project simple.

I used the Adobe Illustrator program to draw the female in three specific parts those being legs, torso / head and arms. This enabled me to animate by moving the pivot points to the shoulder and mid waist. The globe and all continents and islands were likewise vector illustrations.

Finally, as the earth dissolves and disappears an impact statement, “act now’” circles into view. Surrounded by local homeless organizations “act now,” invites the viewer to scan organizations.

Hopefully this public service announcement is thought provoking enough to get my point across and still remain simple and elegant.

Brad Davis PSA Final

This project was made to let people know the dangers of flushing wet-wipes. They do not biodegrade very quickly and can lead to massive blockages, which can cost millions of dollars and cause massive amounts of structural damage. When making it, I thought I may be a good idea to exaggerate the consequences of flushing wet-wipes, so that people might learn about the issue in a humorous way, that will hopefully make the message better resonate with the audience.