
  • Spring 2021: Tuesday/Thursday 10:35-11:50am, synchronously via Zoom link found on Canvas site.
  • Prof Grell’s Office Hours via Zoom – Tues 1-3pm, Thurs 1-2pm & by appointment.
  • Office: via the CMDC’s Slack — dtc435-spring2021 channel in You will receive an email with the Slack invite.
  • Course Canvas:— Grades, zoom class link & class recordings.
  • Course Website: – Homework & Project descriptions, links, and resources.
  • CMDC Website: – Resources for DTC majors and minors.
  • Class WSU OneDrive folder: Homework & projects submitted here. You will receive an email invite to the folder. Please make sure you put your work in the proper homework folder. 
  • Tech Issues – email Greg Philbrook greg.philbrook(at)

DTC 435 Syllabus – Spring 2021

Week 1:

Photoshop Tips for Working with a Wacom Tablet

Check out the rest of Wacom’s videos on their YouTube channel.

Animated Loops Contemporary Zoetropes
How to Tutorial on Making Animated GIFS in Illustrator and Photoshop
A Brief History of Animated GIF Art Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
GIF of the Day – NSFW!
Spotlight on GIF artist, Jess MacCormack
Surface, Mana Contemporary’s gallery exhibit of 5 Artist’s Animated GIFs
Ori Toor’s Looopism
Lukas Geronimas Miasma Animated GIF (2008)
three frames – three frames animated gifs from a single film
Adobe info on animation, keyframes, and expressions
Looping your Animation in AE
AE keyboard shortcuts

Animations with Abstractions

Synchromy from National Film Board of Canada on Vimeo.

Sound Resources
Free Music Archive 
Free Sound
Sound Bible
CC and Public Domain Sound Content

Walk Cycles, Dance Moves, and Animation Techniques

Early Animations
The Atlantic article: Before Walt Disney: 5 Pioneers of Early Animation

Early Japanese Animations (have google translate the page)

Info on the history of Public Service Announcements

Recycling PSA from Alex Pease on Vimeo.

Drowsy Driving from Shane on Vimeo.

Are GMOs Safe? from Shane on Vimeo.

3D Modeling, Printing, and Animating
The Pixar Story, part 1.
Utah Teapot, additional photos

Eva Zeisel

Eva Zeisel: Distinguished By Design from Jeremy Bales on Vimeo.

Project #2
Rebecca Allen on Kraftwerk’s Musique Non Stop
Stuffed Teddy Bear pics
topmake it evil looking!

Video on working with curves for your rig
Common Rigging Pitfalls

UV Mapping
Intro UV mapping tutorial

CC0 Textures – free textures

HDRI Haven Images – Images for the Arnold Skydome

Great Women Animators

Contemporary Animation Approaches

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