Travis Lane Project#1

For my animation I decided to try and persuade people to use or support their local public transportation system, in this case C-TRAN. Many people rely on public transport in order to gain access to opportunities and services including jobs, education and health care. I wanted to show that buses were an acceptable and in many cases preferable alternative to people driving themselves. For every person who chooses to ride a bus to get around that takes another car off the road which can reduce both traffic congestion and pollution. There are many reasons why someone should ride the bus whether they cannot afford a car or would just like to reduce their carbon foot print.

In the animation I show a city street with multiple people standing around waiting for the bus, as they wait cars drive by producing exhaust and creating a cloud of exhaust that blocks the screen. On the cloud is where I give my first statistics, after the cloud clears the animation zooms in on a public bus that has picked up the stick people and is now listing reasons to ride public transit. The animation ends with a screen which tells people how the can find out more about C-Tran.

I used Adobe Illustrator to create every asset in this animation with the exception of the C-TRAN logo and completed the animation in after effects. My animation changed a great deal from what I had imagined in my story board, in my storyboard I wanted to move across a bus station with buses moving across the screen each giving a new piece of information. I decided to change my idea after I realized exactly how short thirty seconds can seem when you are reading out statistics, people need time to be able to read what is being shown and by focusing on less statistics the audience is able to view the information I give for a longer time.

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