Randy Luttrell – Final Animation

[su_vimeo url=”https://vimeo.com/149524942″]


Artist Statement:

When I first started this project I knew that I wanted to mix live action footage with animated characters and elements, although it was something that I never had done before. I filmed most of the footage in my Dad’s backyard and the waterfall scene at Multnomah Falls. Already the fantasy aesthetic was taking form. I began modeling a racoon in Maya but it eventually just became a random beast. While modeling Gnombey, I was set on using a fur system for his hair and beard. I ran into a lot of problems with the UV maps and painting the hair, but I eventually figured it out and was able to use it. I had to use a program called Autodesk Match Mover in order to track my footage and create a virtual camera in Maya. This allowed me to animate my characters and have the same camera movements that matched the real footage. I also wanted to use motion capture in this project to animate my characters, so I used a Microsoft Kinect and a program called Brekel Pro Body to capture my motion and apply it to the characters. The mocap clean up process proved to be too much of a learning curve with my time constraint so I opted to not use it and just animated by hand at the last minute. Because of the time constraints and my last minute changes, I was not able to do as much as I originally had hoped. I planned to do more color correction, more sound design, and add shadows to the characters to blend better with the footage. Overall, this was more of a proof of concept for myself, and while I see a lot of room for improvement, I am still happy with the result. I learned a whole lot and I plan on taking what I learned in this project and applying it to future projects to create even better videos.







