Haley Zach Final Project


Production Statement:
This is an animation that I made for my Advanced Digital Animation (DTC435) class at Washington State University Vancouver. This was my second “big” 3D animation project using Autodesk Maya. The inspiration for characters and the general theme of the project came from a variety of places. Some of these being the movie Tangled (Disney) and the popular game series Final Fantasy. I really enjoyed attempting to create my first complex characters. They by no means are perfect but I enjoyed the process of trial and error when it came to creating them. It was also fun to be able to do some sound design work with this project. While this project was enjoyable is also presented a lot of problems for me. One of the main problems I had was with my rigging. This was my first time rigging “complicated” characters and I had thought that I had rigged them correctly but when I would go to pose my characters the rigging that I had done would not allow for certain poses. As a result of this I had to find alternative ways to move my characters and use creative camera work to hide weird rigging in order to evoke what I wanted. Another thing that I struggled with was actually having a solid narrative in my animation. For the story that I have it is very minimalist and in my opinion lacking of that certain something that makes a good story. I plan on working on my storytelling so that in the future I can produce better stories.