WEEK 14: Post-Production/ Rough Cuts(April 16)

To Do This Week

Work on Final Projects


Final Project Rough Cuts Due Tuesday 23rd
Final Projects DUE Tuesday April 30th

View HTML Cinema Projects…

Discuss Vertigo

Opening Credits: Eye and spiral? Other spirals?

Hitchcock Zoom/Track effect.



Continuity and Objective camera. Establishing shot > medium shot > close-ups

Hitchcock high-angle shot for emotional emphasis – a twist

Hitchcock’s direct and  indirect POV shots. Indirect POV suggests character’s focus or emotional state through framing, focus, and camera movement, without directly mimicking the character’s visual perspective.

The audience takes the place of Scotty. Feels his emotional roller-coster.

  • POV shot of Scotty – from heights, also of Madeleine/Judy
  • Midge’s studio – corsets and bras, objectively shot
  • Gavin Elster office –  shipbuilding, models
  • Ernie’s Restaurant – Scotty’s POV of Madeleine
  • Flower Shop –
  • Wandering Madeleine – Mission Dolores, Carlota Valdes, Museum, McKittrick Hotel, Golden Gate > Scotty’s Apartment
  • Wander to Redwoods and Ocean kiss
  • Journey to Covent 1:11- car
  • Hospital – 1:25
  • Hotel –  Judy 1:37
  • Transformation 1:55
  • Drive back to Convent 1:59


Discontinuous Editing:




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