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Jackson Lester

Final Project Video (Final Cut) – Jackson (Wren)

Final Project Idea – Jackson

For my final project, I have two main ideas on what I want to do. My main and first idea depends on if we can use a copyrighted song. I plan to take the Pure Imagination song from the recent Wonka movie and make a sort of cinematic video for it. As the song progresses and becomes more “imagination” I want to try to edit the footage I take with AI and make it surreal. Or like something only in imagination.

My second idea is more so just a sort of cinematic type documentary/essay video. I am still unsure on the exact topic I want to cover but I do have ideas that center around the word “curious.”


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My Favorite Place – Jackson Lester

Week 8 Blog Post

This is a YouTube channel that I watch often, a person who goes by Filmento and makes essays explaining why some movies work or fail. In this video, he explains why Marvel Infinity War worked while DC Justice League didn’t.

Although he has points of humor to poke fun at scenes or weird writing he explains his reasoning as to his opinions well. He adds a well-thought-out and in-depth description of underlying tones or story beats you may not fully grasp or notice in the first viewing. The edits he has to help explain his ideas also really help you understand his points.

Although more of a documentary, I also want to recommend this video by Lemmino. A really great visual documentary about the Jack The Ripper murders. He has a perfect way of storytelling that grabs you attention. Along with unique animated visuals and music, he makes entirely for each personal project, including this video.

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Week 7 Blog Post – AI Story

I decided to link the chat I had with ChatGPT. I went into a lot of detail and asked it serval ways to describe it. Evolving and expanding upon the story. I think it’s interesting to see how it was able to expand from the first details I gave to it and how the final result I am going with came out. I also think I went into much more detail than what was asked but I ended up really liking this result.

Here is the link to the full conversation and ideas:


This is the final story summary that ChatGPT gave me:

“In a world where time reigns supreme, a desolate cityscape stands as a testament to a civilization collapsed under its own temporal weight. Nature reclaims the ruins, weaving its way through dilapidated skyscrapers and forgotten gardens, creating a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere. A lone young man embarks on a quest to slow down time, navigating the overgrown remnants in search of a solution to rewrite the world’s destiny.

The narrative unfolds through a series of scenic atmosphere shots, capturing the serenity of the surroundings as the protagonist traverses flower-laden streets and discovers the secrets within a decaying clock tower. These shots, characterized by sweeping drone views and graceful tracking of the protagonist, establish the tranquil beauty of the desolation.

As the story delves into mystery, action, and adventure, the cinematography seamlessly transitions into suspenseful thriller shots during pivotal moments. The clock tower’s interior is revealed with slow pans and soft lighting, creating an atmosphere of anticipation. In forgotten gardens, vibrant colors are showcased through medium shots, contrasting with the desolation and instilling a sense of hope.

The suspenseful thriller shots intensify during key scenes, such as the young man’s revelation in the ancient library and the ominous pursuit through the garden. Shaky handheld shots and quick cuts elevate the urgency, heightening the stakes of the adventure. The climactic confrontation atop the towering ruin transforms the scenic backdrop into a tense battleground. Wide shots capture the vast cityscape, while dynamic cuts and intense lighting convey the thrill of the action.

In the film’s climax, the scenic atmosphere seamlessly blends with suspense as the young man activates a time-altering device. The visuals shift into a pulsating energy, featuring rapid, disorienting cuts and close-ups, immersing the audience in the thrilling uncertainty of temporal manipulation. This cinematic journey weaves together the tranquility of a world lost in time with the heart-pounding suspense of rewriting destiny.”

I plan to have it shot just like the prompts I gave it. A sort of very cinematic film with various unique angles that give off the feeling of time being distorted. Like the world itself is lost or broken in time.

It may be ambitious but I am hoping it will turn out well.

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Personal Multiple Video Loops – Jackson

Various Video Loops – Jackson & Evan

Week 5 Blog: Loops – Jackson

This looped video is a sort of a classic to me growing up. Many of this creator’s videos are loops but this is one of the most well-done of his in my opinion and as well has a secret end to the loop. It’s a great example of a loop that has a story.

Power[L]ooping FPV quadcopter.
byu/orbojunglist inperfectloops

A quick sort looped video of a drone flying through an old building. I think it fits the rhythmic tag mentioned in the blog notes. With it flowing in a perfect circle and doesn’t drag around.

[A] White cuts across black background
byu/Swipecat inperfectloops

A good example of a frantic loop, I think. Where it’s very chaotic and hard to tell exactly when and where the loop starts.

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Week 4 Blog – Jackson

When reading this short comic strip about Time Frames by Scott McCloud all I could think about was the translation of said comics, or manga, to animation and sometimes, rarely, film/live action.

The whole concept of time and sound wasn’t something you would think of in the moment but would understand subconsciously. Yet through the description and examples that McCloud gives, you can clearly understand more how some talented animators and directors can translate those action lines and blurs into amazing shots. Take simple frames like this that show motion and actually portray that motion well.

Here is some other examples of motion done in comics/manga that were translated to animation.

There was able the talk of space and its use to portray time as well. An iconic shot and panel in a manga that I think about when reading that section was this:

This single drawing took up the full two pages of the book and I think is a perfect depiction of what McCloud was talking about. A  scene where it goes outside the bounds of the page to show how massive and how much time it should take up. As when this was animated, it went on for several seconds.

A director that I think uses the essence of time and cutting to its fullest advantage is Edgar Wright. Many of his movies feel like they are ripped right out of a comic or storyboard. Every second is intentional and matches the beat of each sound perfectly. He is a master of montages and the use of time and direction in them. Here is a quick video to show his skill:

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Making Space – Jackson Lester

Here is my short video for the Make Space assignment. It was a bit late as I somehow missed it during the snowstorm the previous week. Let me know what you think and what could be improved.

– Jackson Lester

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Week Two Blog – Autumn Mists

The way that the director describes this short film, Autumn Mists, is a perfect way to describe it, in my opinion. It is built much like any other montage you see today but the structure of the individual shots and how they are put together really sells his description of it.

To represent a state of mind “through drastically changed images in which nature was losing its density and unity.” 

The various items and scenes captured, along with the editing, make it feel almost panicked or stressful. How things feel almost unconnected or unordered although still having a structure to it. Each scene shows emotion, especially when the main character first appears. Her emotions and thoughts are shown purely through what we are allowed to see. Various shots of things that can relate to her mental state, much of it being a sort of chaos and breaking.

The use of music in the film also sells it well. The very calm moments of the song fit the sort of calm images and the same for the opposite can be said. When we she her start to sort of panic the music speeds up and becomes broken and intense.

I feel the mix of intense and somber music fits the well-edited shots throughout the film. They are both great into each other and can’t have one without the other.

– Jackson Lester

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Week One Blog – Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run is by far one of the most unique or creative movies I have seen when it comes to the way it portrays and tells its evolving story. Right away you understand the story when the phone call between Lola and Manni comes to an end. From here on, the story seems to be rather straightforward with some sad/upsetting moments in it. You would hope and think it will wrap up with a happy ending, maybe with the two running away together. That’s what I had thought at first, that is until the main character we follow, Lola, suddenly gets shot and dies in front of Manni.

Suddenly we are sent back to when the phone was first hung up by Lola, the same scene plays as she’s running out the door. Afterwards, things almost feel the same so you think it will end the same. However, there are slight differences with different outcomes that lead to changes in the ending. She keeps getting faster with each reset and thus changes the story’s ending.

All of this, her being faster, is hinted at throughout each phase. From the variation in the way things are shot or the actions taken by Lola. A great example of this is the animation section that plays when she is running down the stairs at the beginning of each reset. The first go is rather straightforward but seems to take quite a while, while the second is interrupted by her getting tripped and falling down said stairs, injuring herself. Finally, in the last run, she clears it in the shortest amount of time. Avoiding the obstacles and getting an incredible amount of extra time, time that came in handy when she made a risky gamble to win the money.

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Day in 30 Sec (58 sec…..) – Jackson Lester

Hey Everyone, Here is my day in 30-seconds video. Although it’s actually just under a minute, I noticed that it could be between 30-60 sec so I hope this is okay.

I think I should have spent a little more time getting a sort of story and not so much random shots. I think it worked out okay however

Day in 30 Sec – Jackson Lester

Thank you, let me know what I could do to improve


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Introduction – Jackson Lester

Hey, my name is Jackson.

I have always had a passion/interest in video and cinematography. including things such as visual effects and anything that goes into making a film. Although I am lacking in experience and technical ability, for now, I hope to dedicate and push myself to pursue this passion of mine.

Here are some great videos about the use of AI in animation, visual effects, and cinema in general.

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