Week 7 Blog Post – AI Story

I decided to link the chat I had with ChatGPT. I went into a lot of detail and asked it serval ways to describe it. Evolving and expanding upon the story. I think it’s interesting to see how it was able to expand from the first details I gave to it and how the final result I am going with came out. I also think I went into much more detail than what was asked but I ended up really liking this result.

Here is the link to the full conversation and ideas:


This is the final story summary that ChatGPT gave me:

“In a world where time reigns supreme, a desolate cityscape stands as a testament to a civilization collapsed under its own temporal weight. Nature reclaims the ruins, weaving its way through dilapidated skyscrapers and forgotten gardens, creating a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere. A lone young man embarks on a quest to slow down time, navigating the overgrown remnants in search of a solution to rewrite the world’s destiny.

The narrative unfolds through a series of scenic atmosphere shots, capturing the serenity of the surroundings as the protagonist traverses flower-laden streets and discovers the secrets within a decaying clock tower. These shots, characterized by sweeping drone views and graceful tracking of the protagonist, establish the tranquil beauty of the desolation.

As the story delves into mystery, action, and adventure, the cinematography seamlessly transitions into suspenseful thriller shots during pivotal moments. The clock tower’s interior is revealed with slow pans and soft lighting, creating an atmosphere of anticipation. In forgotten gardens, vibrant colors are showcased through medium shots, contrasting with the desolation and instilling a sense of hope.

The suspenseful thriller shots intensify during key scenes, such as the young man’s revelation in the ancient library and the ominous pursuit through the garden. Shaky handheld shots and quick cuts elevate the urgency, heightening the stakes of the adventure. The climactic confrontation atop the towering ruin transforms the scenic backdrop into a tense battleground. Wide shots capture the vast cityscape, while dynamic cuts and intense lighting convey the thrill of the action.

In the film’s climax, the scenic atmosphere seamlessly blends with suspense as the young man activates a time-altering device. The visuals shift into a pulsating energy, featuring rapid, disorienting cuts and close-ups, immersing the audience in the thrilling uncertainty of temporal manipulation. This cinematic journey weaves together the tranquility of a world lost in time with the heart-pounding suspense of rewriting destiny.”

I plan to have it shot just like the prompts I gave it. A sort of very cinematic film with various unique angles that give off the feeling of time being distorted. Like the world itself is lost or broken in time.

It may be ambitious but I am hoping it will turn out well.

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