AI Project Blog Post

I was at a loss for ideas for this project but my friend showed me an AI commercial, and I’m pretty sure someone made this and it wasn’t a legitimate Mt. Dew commercial, but my friend showed me an AI commercial about Mt. Dew and it inspired me to make an infomercial. I went to ChatGPT and asked it for infomercial ideas on medication and I saw one that I liked which was about a medication that “brings you out of the dumps and makes you feel happy”. I liked this and decided to run with it, expanding the idea that in fact this medication makes you hallucinate happy things, even if you’re unhappy with your life or surroundings. Instead of pursuing a healthy way to clean up your life and find a piece of mind, this medication just creates a new reality for your eyes to feast on, and hides your real life reality from you. ChatGPT came up with the name Blissify, which then I changed to Blissfully just because I liked the sound of it better. I wrote a script for it with my friend and created a shot list and then went from there.

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