AI Story Prompt

When giving ChatGPT the prompt, I gave instructions that the genre was Action/Fantasy/Adventure with the camera angles and lighting being similar to “Chronicles of Narnia” style because I loved the styles within the movies. I gave a simple prompt as well of what kind of story I wanted it to tell along with the given duration. I did not specify a costume, but I did specify the view that is being given.


Story Prompt:

In the golden hues of late afternoon, the camera pans over a lush forest trail, dappled sunlight filtering through the dense foliage. We follow Allen and Sasha, siblings of adventurous spirit, as they trek through the winding paths, their laughter mingling with the chirping of birds.

As they ascend the mountain, the camera switches to a series of breathtaking aerial shots, capturing the vastness of the landscape below. Finally, they reach the cliff’s edge, and the camera angles down to reveal the stunning panorama of floating islands, adorned with verdant trees and cascading waterfalls.

Sasha, captivated by the beauty before her, sits at the precipice, framed by the majestic scenery. Allen stands beside her, his expression serene, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. Close-up shots emphasize the tranquility of the moment, the siblings lost in silent contemplation.

As the sky turns fiery orange and pink, the camera captures the siblings exchanging a meaningful glance, a promise etched in their eyes. With a final sweep of the landscape, they reluctantly tear themselves away, their footsteps echoing against the rocky terrain.

The camera follows them down the mountain, lingering on their figures silhouetted against the fading light. With each step, their resolve strengthens, ready to embark on yet another thrilling adventure, their hearts full of memories and dreams. As they disappear into the twilight, the scene fades to black, leaving the audience with a sense of wonder and anticipation for the next chapter in their journey.

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