Brumes d’automne Blog Post

In Dimitri Kirsanoff’s film of “Brumes d’automne,” the audience is introduced to the back and forth of a woman alone and nature. Throughout the course of the film, the scenes are split in between the woman and nature and then begin merging into a single entity.

For the woman, she is seen holding some letters she either written herself or someone gave them to her. A flashback with then occur afterwards that explain parts of this woman’s life. While the audience is unable to see what is written on the letter, one can get an understanding of what those letters are about through the flashbacks.

After the audience sees the woman interacting with the letter and her flashback of them, she will then burn the letter. This is shown through the chimney in a separate shot about their burning being released into nature. For a while the woman stays inside of her house and not venture out, but towards the end of the film she eventually does. The montage between the woman and nature reveal how the two are connecting to one another and in the end, become one with the woman’s shadow being merged into the elements of nature.

While the shots change drastically throughout the entire film, they explain the thoughts of the woman clever that help explain the woman. The shots at the beginning felt organized yet unstable as they kept switching from one particular focus. As the film progresses, the shots get less organized to where one cannot know what happened to the woman.

Run Lola Run Blog Post

Run Lola Run was an interesting movie with the main focus being Lola with her presence affecting everyone around her. The beginning sequence establishes that Lola running to her destination is the main focus, some side characters will have some part to play within the storyline. The first time around, when Lola making the receiver land on the phone, the shot gives emphasis on the phone. This is later shown to be the beginning of the time loop when a traumatic event occurs to Lola.

After the beginning sequence, it show Lola beginning her run in an animated form until she exits the building with each animated part that occurs being different. On the second loop, it gives the audience a clue that Lola’s actions will be different although uncertain to how much. From her surroundings to her interactions with others are affected with each loop from where she meets them within her run to their interaction with her. While each loop looks similar at a first glance, no two interactions are the exact same.

First Loop

Second Loop

This is also true for the people Lola interacted with from their stories within the loop. On the first loop, each of the side characters had a tragic backstory that led to their current lives. As the loops continue to occur and Lola interacting with them, their stories get better. This shows that Lola’s interaction with those people have improved due to the new loop and

Lola’s own goals improve with each loop.

First Loop

Second Loop

Overall, the directors executed a well though-out storytelling method with an established time loop method. While some parts did not make sense on a normal occurrence, they still fit within the storytelling. The directors also kept the lengths of each of the loops exactly the same length to give further meaning to the time frame given with the movie. Run Lola Run is an enjoyable movie for viewers.

Courtney Minden Introduction Post

My name is Courtney Minden and I am majoring in DTC with a minor in ARTS.

My background in video is mainly in the editing/post production aspect. I enjoy the editing process of video due to how it is the step that puts the video together by combining all of the shots and adding in sounds and effects. For me, the process of creating a video allows me to think about which shots work best and what kind of manipulation of the audio I need for the video I am trying to create.