Blog post 4/9/24

For my final project, I’m going to explore making a “found footage” short film. The story is going to be fictional, but I’m going to record myself, relay information, and present it in a non-fictional way that gives the impression that I am actually experiencing these things in my life. The first movies that come to my mind when I think of found footage movies are blair witch project and paranormal activity. Those would be examples.

I want to explore playing with my footage and adding effects to the visuals and the audio to make it seem like these events occurred a long time ago. I have an idea in the works that I will realistically be able to execute, but I need to sort a few more things out. I have the “bones” of the story complete. I just need to sort a few minor things out.

AI Project Blog Post

I was at a loss for ideas for this project but my friend showed me an AI commercial, and I’m pretty sure someone made this and it wasn’t a legitimate Mt. Dew commercial, but my friend showed me an AI commercial about Mt. Dew and it inspired me to make an infomercial. I went to ChatGPT and asked it for infomercial ideas on medication and I saw one that I liked which was about a medication that “brings you out of the dumps and makes you feel happy”. I liked this and decided to run with it, expanding the idea that in fact this medication makes you hallucinate happy things, even if you’re unhappy with your life or surroundings. Instead of pursuing a healthy way to clean up your life and find a piece of mind, this medication just creates a new reality for your eyes to feast on, and hides your real life reality from you. ChatGPT came up with the name Blissify, which then I changed to Blissfully just because I liked the sound of it better. I wrote a script for it with my friend and created a shot list and then went from there.

Blog Post Week 4

I think looking at comics and converting that to cinema is an interesting way to manipulate time. It makes sense to me that long wide panels, converted into cinema, could be a shot that pans from left to right. Same thing with a small panel in a comic. Translating that into cinema could be a still shot. Looking at the first strip with the uncle taking a picture I imagine, if translated into cinema, the camera would start off on the uncle and move right because that’s how you read comics and that’s how the story progresses as far as the dialogue. This part of the comic almost reminds me of a scene from home alone, except in the home alone scene the camera pans from right to left instead of the other way around. If this scene were translated from cinema into a comic, I think it would unfold similar to the way the comic panel does. 

Go to 1:30 for this clip.

Blog post 2

What I took away from this there is a woman who is remembering what I presume is a past relationship with a man. I got that impression because the close up shots of her looking into the fire would cut to memories of the man in her relationship. Also, when she threw the letter in the fire that reinforced that she is maybe trying to forget this person or the memories they have had together. I think the editing also worked well for when the camera was cutting back and forth between nature and her face and how that was almost reinforcing what her feelings were. To me, it was very abstract and its hard for me to explain why the editing works but none-the-less I think it did a good job of evoking emotion through solely visuals.