AI Cinema

Story synopsis: A detective navigates through a futuristic alien city, interrogating a variety of outlandish puppet creatures in an attempt to solve a murder case. Emphasis is placed on the expansive shots of a foreign setting, which I hope to emphasize through prompting. Things like dubious gravity as city blocks are constructed sideways up walls, the architectural verticality of the city, and flying vehicles that weave through aerial traffic. 

This is contrasted with shots of building interiors, where the detective describes his luck (or lack of it) interviewing these alien creatures. The interiors are grungy, with eccentric technologies populating every corner of the frame. The creatures are meant to imitate practical effects of the 80s/ 90s, almost like Henson creations. 

I would like to try to find an ai voice that replicates the golden age transatlantic noir accent. It describes the peculiarities of the city, the struggle of the job, sort of rambles like a real person might while recounting a narrative. The story concludes with the detective unable to locate a suspect, resulting in the dismissal from his job. This city will chew you up and swallow you whole…

Look and style: Something moody, with harsh lighting and a grimy tactility; A science fiction noir a la Dark City, Minority Report. The neon of skyscrapers and billboards contrast the oppressive shadows of perpetual night. Lots of static wide shots with narration, since I think the look of ai when it tries to recreate moving figures is pretty ghoulish (and in general, but…)

Making Space Video

I had some issues coming up with a concept or story that could help depict continuity editing. Though, I feel this video of me making and enjoying a cup of coffee worked with the overall technique needed for this video. I tried to keep the coffee mug in the same hand for every different walking scene. Also, I picked up the coffee mug using the same hand that I am walking and holding the coffee mug in for those scenes.
