WEEK 12: Networked Video (April 2)

To Do This Week

Work on your HTML Cinema Projects and the final cut of the Video Essays


View Video Essays…

HTML Cinema works…

Discuss video/cinema and the network. Skam, webisodes, video blogs, viral vids, data tracking

Video Blogging 2001-2008:

Youtube (2005) , purchased by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion

YouTube Statistics 2024

  • YouTube has more than 2.49 billion monthly users
  • India has the largest YouTube audience, followed by the United States and Brazil
  • YouTube Shorts were watched by more monthly logged-in users than videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels. Its viewership has increased by around 500 million users since 2022.
  • YouTubers between ages 25 to 34 years old represent the biggest share of YouTube users
  • 72% of people used YouTube to consume fitness content in 2020
  • Of the top 100 searches on YouTube, 20% are related to music.
  • There are around 62 Million Youtube creators.
  • The number of channels that earn $10,000 USD per year or more on YouTube grew by 50%, year over year
  • 1 hour of new video every second / 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute!
  • Approximately 20% of the people who start your video will leave after the first 10 seconds.
  • One of the youngest YouTube star Ryan Toys Review who is six years old made $35,000,000 in 2022. Ryan Kaji’s
    estimated net worth is $100 million
  • Like Nastya has  110 million followers and earns between

    $20 million to US$260 million.

  • MrBeast began as a YouTuber at age 13 in 2012, starting with simple Minecraft videos. Now 25-year-old’s videos focuses on philanthropy, big giveaways, reaction videos and fast-paced content, which has seen his following grow to over 200 million subscribers. His net worth is now $500 million.
  • DisneyCollectorBR earned $1.5 and $23.4 million each year


“Viral” Videos:

“A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture—often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning represented by the meme.  A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices, that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.

Proponents theorize that memes are a viral phenomenon that may evolve by natural selection in a manner analogous to that of biological evolution. Memes do this through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance, each of which influences a meme’s reproductive success. Memes spread through the behavior that they generate in their hosts.”from wikipedia

“… getting more than 5 million views in a 3–7 day period” can  be considered “viral”.”from wikipedia

Over 250 million views = about $ .5- 1 million
150,000 views per day = $450 per day

Revenue per 1,000 impressions (RPM) = $0.25 – $4 range

1 view = around 16 seconds

Related image

Image result for sneezing panda the movie

Web Series (webisodes)

YouTube takes a 45% cut and sometimes the YouTuber also has Multi Channel Network representing who also takes around 45%. So the YouTuber, who gets on average 600k+ views a week, will end up with around $1-3k a week from CPMs [cost per thousand impressions – technically, “cost per mille”]” – Chasing their Star on YouTube 

lonelygirl15 | June 2006 to August 1, 2008,
season 1

Haunted Sunshine Girl

Vimeo VOD:
Vimeo pays out $0.10 per view for the first 1000 views and then $0.15 for every view after that. If you have a video with 1001 views, you will earn $100.10 from Vimeo.
Everybody Street


Strategy for Starting a Youtube Channel:

from Ali Abdaal

  1. make your first 3 videos
  2. get better at the craft of making videos (many skills involved)
  3. grow you channel – getting viewer to click, hold their attention, leave viewers satisfied
  4. Figure out you niche – target and value
  5. Manage your time – think like a business, build systems of production

Google Analytics:


Cinema and Big Data > Netflix

What Netflix tracks:

  • When you pause, rewind, or fast forward
  • What day you watch content (Netflix has found people watch TV shows during the week and movies during the weekend.)
  • The date you watch
  • What time you watch content
  • Where you watch (zip code)
  • What device you use to watch (Do you like to use your tablet for TV shows and your Roku for movies? Do people access the Just for Kids feature more on their iPads, etc.?)
  • When you pause and leave content (and if you ever come back)
  • The ratings given (about 4 million per day)
  • Searches (about 3 million per day)
  • Browsing and scrolling behavior
  • Netflix also looks at data within movies. They take various “screen shots” to look at “in the moment” characteristics. Netflix has confirmed they know when the credits start rolling; but there’s far more to it than just that. Some have figured these characteristics may be the volume, colors, and scenery that help Netflix find out what users like.

from https://neilpatel.com/blog/how-netflix-uses-analytics/

Netflix Stats:

  1. Netflix earned $33.724 Billion in 2023.
  2. Europe, Middle East, And Africa Are The World’s Largest Netflix Markets
  3. Netflix Has 260.28 Million Subscribers As Of 2024
  4. Netflix has set up 1,300 recommendation clusters, based on our viewing preferences.
  5. Netflix has over 76,000 hidden TV show/Movie categories.
  6. Currently, Netflix facts show they have 13,000 employees.

from https://techjury.net/stats-about/netflix/


HTML Cinema Project (10%)

Due April 9th

Project Overview:

Bring together video and interactive design to explore complex ideas, emotions, or stories, creating a space where differences and similarities among clips enrich the overall narrative or thematic impact. With this project you are to create an interactive website that is made of short video or loops, each ranging from 10 to 60 seconds. This project is an opportunity to integrate HTML/CSS and basic JavaScript with video. You may start from provided HTML templates or you can use  ChatGPT for coding assistance to build out your own idea.

Your project can be an interactive visual essay, a branching short fiction work, or experimental montage centered around a theme, idea, or passion that is meaningful to you. Consider this a short project that can be expanded for the Final Project.

The core challenge lies in integrating separate videos or video loops, with text and design, to form a cohesive narrative or thematic exploration, using the unique properties of web interactivity to engage viewers in a multilinear storytelling experience. What connects the separate videos? How does the user interact with the videos ? How do the differences and similarities in the videos to create echos and networks of meaning? The idea with this project is to show multiple views or perspectives on a single subject. The micro-narratives can add up to one overall narrative or remain discrete fragments that are in association with the others for a montage or poetic effect.

Project Objectives:

  • Interactivity and Engagement: Design a user interface that encourages viewers to interact with the video content in meaningful ways, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the underlying theme or story.
  • Video: Create a series of videos that, when viewed together, convey a unified narrative or thematic concept, exploring different facets of a single idea or passion.
  • Media Integration: Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create a web environment that integrates video loops, text, sound and/or graphic elements offering a smooth and intuitive user experience. Use ChatGPT to help you.

Steps to Completion:

  1. Theme or Narrative Development: Begin by identifying the central idea, passion, or story you wish to explore through your user interface. Sketch it out and consult with ChatGPT. This concept will guide the selection and creation of your video content.
  2. Video Curation and Creation: Create short video loops that reflect different perspectives or facets of your chosen theme. Each video should stand on its own while also contributing to the overall narrative or thematic framework.
  3. Web Page Design: Using either the provided HTML templates or custom code assisted by ChatGPT, design a website or single page that effectively showcases your videos. Focus on creating a user-friendly interface that encourages exploration and interaction.
  4. Interactivity Implementation: Incorporate interactive elements that enhance the viewing experience, such as clickable links that alter video playback, navigation controls that reveal thematic connections, or dynamic layouts that change based on user interaction.
  5. Narrative and Thematic Integration: Carefully arrange your videos, interactive and design elements, text and other media, to highlight the connections between them.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Innovation and Creativity: The originality of your theme or narrative concept and the creative use of video and web technologies to explore it.
  • Technical Proficiency: Your ability to effectively use HTML and JavaScript to create a functional, engaging web page.
  • Video/Audio Creation: Work at the framing, pacing, camera movements. Use montage, continuity and looping for effect. Work at the sound. You may use AI Tools!
  • User Engagement: The effectiveness of your design in encouraging user interaction and exploration, enhancing the overall impact of your narrative or thematic presentation.

Using either the HTML templates I created or ChatGPT to help code your own HTML and JavaScript, create a web page with a selection of 3-6 short video loops* (10-60 seconds each) that is either a short visual essay about an idea or passion or a short fiction. What connects the separate videos? How does the user interact with the videos?**  How do the differences and similarities in the videos create networks of meaning?

The idea with this project is to show multiple views or perspectives on a single subject. The micro-narratives can add up to one overall narrative or remain discrete fragments that are in association with the others for a narrative or poetic effect.

*To avoid loading or bandwidth issues, please export your videos to a smaller size – around 400-500px width.

** You must force the user to click somewhere on the page/site to allow autoplay on videos.

AUDIO/VIDEO & JavaScript

In-class Group Database Project



Final Project (20%)

Rough Cuts Due Tuesday 23rd
Final Projects DUE Tuesday April 30th


This final project is a culmination of your exploration into digital cinema throughout this course. Drawing upon the knowledge gained from assignments, readings, screenings, and class discussions, you are to create a comprehensive project that investigates at least two facets of digital cinema. This exploration can include, but is not limited to, looped video, AI video, composited video, networked video, hyperlinked video, database video and the video essay.


You have the freedom to choose the format of your project, which can range from a fictional narrative, a non-fictional documentary, to an abstract or experimental piece. Regardless of the chosen format, the following criteria must be met:

  • Medium: The project should primarily be made of video (moving digital images originally captured as video) as its medium. Remix of video is OK.
  • Cinema Language: Incorporate elements of cinema language, such as thoughtful continuity editing and/or montage, to tell your story or present your concept effectively.
  • Conceptual Engagement: Your project should reflect a deep engagement with the ideas and themes discussed in class, demonstrating how these concepts have influenced the conception and execution of your work.


Your grade will be determined by both the creative quality and effort evident in your work, as well as the depth of its conceptual underpinnings. Projects will be assessed based on their originality, technical execution, and the extent to which they engage with and reflect class discussions and readings.


  • A mini-documentary exploring a significant topic or issue.
  • A detailed profile of an individual, company, product, or institution.
  • A fictional short video that tells a compelling story.
  • A video essay that presents a critical analysis of a particular subject.
  • A series of video loops that explore thematic or conceptual ideas.
  • A work of database or hypercinema using HTML5 to create an interactive experience.
  • An experimental video that employs hybrid spaces through composting, spatial montage, and other effects.
  • A YouTube channel series: at least three short (one-minute) videos that are variations on the central theme of your channel idea. Include thumbnails and a catchy title for each video as well as a logo, title and description for your channel.



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