WEEK 5: Loops (February 6)

To Do This Week

Blog: Search for 3 short looped videos or gif animations that express a quality of time: cyclic, slow, timeless, frantic, rhythmic.  With each loop that you post, discuss briefly how editing manipulates time for the effect. (Tik Tok, Instagram and other social media you can post into WordPress using the embed code, if not the link itself)


View Montage videos…

Continuity and a phone conversation

Montage and stillness:



Expressive repetition in “The Faithful Heart” by Jean Epstein (1923)


Exact Repetition

short-term memory =  under 20 seconds

Narrative loops – beginning > middle > end


Fractured narrative loops

Adam Goldberg Vines










Semi-static (infinite loop)



Montage loops

variable duration of each shot



Continuity in loops


Why is this the most liked transition video? 🧐 #transition #transitions #loop #foryou

♬ original sound – TRIPPIIEWINXX


Loops in new media 

movement and interactivity

FilmText, by Mark Amerika

Zoe Beloff


Simultaneous Loops

spatial montage = “coexisting temporalities” (Lev Manovich)

Flora petrinsularis by Jean-Louis Boissier 1993

Interactive Cinema, by Uda Atsuko http://www.iamas.ac.jp/~makura/index_old.html


Sequential Loops

Eric Loyer calls these comic panel loops “temporal polyrhythms”

The temporal map of the comic’s inter-panel progression with the various nested intra-panel movements.


“Our Toyota Was Fantastic” -Gilles Roussel a.k.a. Boulet

Interactive Cinema, by Uda Atsuko http://www.iamas.ac.jp/~makura/index_old.html


Nested Loops

an asynchronous assemblage of nested loops offers a picture of fractal time;

simultaneous temporalities of different scales, rhythms and durations.



(portion of image is in movement)


In-Class loop activity: 

In small groups, come up with ideas for loops in each category. Shoot and edit together.

  1. Continuity loop
  2. Montage loop
  3. Infinite loop
  4. Narrative loop (beginning> middle> end)


ASSIGNMENT: Due Next Class 

Loops (5%):
no more than 10 seconds per loop
Shoot and edit 3 video loops (6-10 second mini-narratives) that depict or evoke different subjective experiences of time: cyclic, slow, timeless, frantic, rhythmic. In one loop try to incorporate continuity editing – POV shot, match on action, etc – to maintain unity. In another, try out a more discontinuous/montage style by contrasting edited shots – dark/light, fast/slow, close-up/long-shot. In the third, attempt a perfect/infinite loop or a mini-narrative loop.  Create a variety of shot durations for emphasis. A 4-second shot sandwiched between 2-second shots, will seem to stretch time.

The best way to show the loop is to repeat (times 3-5) the edited loop in the video track before uploading to YouTube or Vimeo.

Final Project (20%)

(up to 5 minutes total in length- best at 2-3 minutes total)

Based on the assignments, readings , screenings and class discussions, create a final project that explores/exploits  at least two techniques of “digital cinema” discussed in class: continuity, montage, temporal manipulation, video loops, glitched video, composited video, networked video, hyperlinked video, database video and video essay.

You may create a fictional, non-fictional or abstract project. However, the project must be made of video (moving digital images originally captured as video), incorporate thoughtful editing and you must engage with the class ideas in the conception of your project. Your grade we will be based on the quality and effort of your creative work as well as its conceptual foundation.

Some suggested ideas:

  • a short documentary
  • a short fiction
  • another profile
  • a video essay
  • a prototype of a Youtube web series (2-3 short episodes)
  • video loops in an hyperlinked html project
  • a multilinear database narrative (html based)

Group projects are possible. Each student must write an artist statement about the project.



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