WEEK 5: Loops


#perfectloop #RufflesOwnYourRidges #ArbysDiabloDare #CloseYourRings #fyp #viral #like

♬ original sound – EX7STENCE™


This looped video embodies a cyclical pattern with a consistent rhythm. By employing editing techniques such as cutting and splicing, the creator repositions the video’s start to its end, initiating the loop at a midpoint. These types of loops are among my favorites due to their seamless continuity, giving the impression of an endless cycle.


This looped video, similar to the previous one, features a consistent, repeating action, encapsulating a cyclical theme. The editor skillfully applies the technique of placing the start at the end, effectively leveraging editing methods to enhance the video’s continuous loop.

Loop definitions from Chat GPT below: 

  1. Cyclic: This quality refers to something that occurs in a repeated sequence or loop, suggesting a periodic nature. In the context of a video or GIF, it might show scenes or motions that restart after reaching a certain point, symbolizing the repetitive cycles in nature or life, such as the changing seasons, the moon phases, or the ebb and flow of tides.
  2. Slow: Slow motion captures moments with an extended duration, stretching time to allow a detailed observation of actions that would otherwise happen too quickly to appreciate. A slow-motion video or GIF can make transient, fleeting details visible and appreciable, such as the intricate movement of a bird’s wings in flight or the complex dynamics of a drop of water splashing.
  3. Timeless: Timelessness conveys a sense of eternity or an aspect that remains unchanged through the ages. A video or GIF with a timeless quality might depict scenes or subjects that transcend specific eras or moments, suggesting a universal or enduring relevance. This could be represented by natural landscapes that have remained unchanged for millennia, ancient architecture, or universal human experiences.
  4. Frantic: Frantic visuals are characterized by rapid, chaotic movement or activity, conveying a sense of urgency, haste, or frenetic energy. A frantic GIF or video might capture the hustle and bustle of city life, fast-paced movements in sports, or any chaotic scene with a lot of action happening simultaneously, creating a feeling of being overwhelmed or rushed.
  5. Rhythmic: This quality pertains to a regular, repeated pattern or flow, often associated with music or dance but also found in visual rhythms. A rhythmic video or GIF might showcase patterns such as the regular beat of waves on the shore, the synchronized movements of a group of dancers, or the repeating patterns of urban architecture, conveying a sense of harmony and order.

Loop Blog Post

This first one is a pin that I found on Pinterest of Indiana Jones that I always enjoyed watching how it was set up. The camera follows the marble with classic Indiana Jones movies scenes in the background made out of legos. The loop follows the music made when the marble hits each of the slots to make the melody of Indiana Jones’ main theme. The loop placement is well hidden due to how the marble remains at a constant pace at the beginning and end of the looped sequence. Due to how the music and marble placement are done, the loop feels continuous with no break from the loop.

The second one is an Minecraft animation that has a spinning cube at its center. Within the cube reflects the journey of a normal Minecraft player to complete the game from the overworld, to the nether, to the stronghold, to the end, then jumping back into the overworld. The music and sound effects help blend in the loop by making sure each part has its own segment of music and sound effects that fades in and out at the beginning and end of the cycle.

The last one is an animation tutorial about how movement of falling down to see how much movement is needed for the animation to feel more real than fake or rigid. They show how to keep the loops hidden within animation to keep those who are watching from knowing where the animation begins and where it ends.


This has always been my favorite gif- Mac and Charlie make awkward eye contact across the restaurant. Through the use of cutting, this moment is extended indefinitely. It reads entirely differently from within the context of the show. The loop now portrays this eternal moment of shock. 


This is an interesting example unique to animation- there are no cuts, so the manipulation of time is accomplished through the protraction of a single shot. Homer is continually thwarted in his Sisyphean attempts to eat a chip, but there are only really two animations that are repeating, even though it appears infinite. 


This example utilizes cutting and dialogue in tandem to create the illusion of a loop. Peter’s dialogue doesn’t register as reactive until the first time it loops, but then you realize that Brian and Peter’s statements ping-pong off each other to create an infinite conversation.

Week 5 Blog: Loops – Jackson

This looped video is a sort of a classic to me growing up. Many of this creator’s videos are loops but this is one of the most well-done of his in my opinion and as well has a secret end to the loop. It’s a great example of a loop that has a story.

Power[L]ooping FPV quadcopter.
byu/orbojunglist inperfectloops

A quick sort looped video of a drone flying through an old building. I think it fits the rhythmic tag mentioned in the blog notes. With it flowing in a perfect circle and doesn’t drag around.

[A] White cuts across black background
byu/Swipecat inperfectloops

A good example of a frantic loop, I think. Where it’s very chaotic and hard to tell exactly when and where the loop starts.

Week 5 Loops

For the First loop I choose was this establishing shot of a city skyline. It uses motion blur well to mask any repeating, to make it appear as one continuous shot.

I chose this because of its use of low speed in order to keep the loop continuous having the viewer and the light constantly moving away from each other but also appearing to be in pursuit of.

For this gif I chose because of its use of editing making it appear that the bicyclists are close to hitting each other but nearly miss in order to beep continuous motion.

Week 5 Blog Post: Loops

With this gif, time is looped to show the bear cleaning up the mess of the last bear, only to realize that it too will be crushed by the next rock. I like this gif a lot because it’s stupid, but also because the loop is seamless and feels like it is something that is actually happening and not just being played over and over again.

I like this gif because there is no sense of time. There are no signs of the start or end of the loop (unless you follow the water very closely) and could be an endless amount of time.

Same with this one, the time feels endless as if there were no end to the amount of stormtroopers in this line. I can’t find the seam where the start and end of the loop are.