Run Lola Run Post

In the movie Run Lola Run momentum is held with looping and the use of certain events that are used to anchor the viewer.

Black and White, Photos and Music are also used as ways of flashback and inner monologues to give an incite to how Lola is feeling during her runs.


The beginning of the movie has a sort of Overture of shots that give the viewer an idea of the filming techniques that are to come and be used through out the movie. This helps the audience locked into the story that is happening without confusion.  Their is always an animated sequence that starts of the 20 minute segment of the movie.


Their is small variations to this sequence that can show how this coming segment of the film maybe effected. the first segment teaches the audience what needs to be done within the 20 minute time. An example that comes to mind is the second attempt at helping Manni were in the starting of this sequence the child trips Lola and that makes her late to certain events and has ultimately a bad outcome for her. Another tool that is used is still photography sequences that show more about the characters and how they are effected by how Lola’s attempts to help Manni. Showing where Lola is in sequence to her 20 minute deadline.

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