Week 8 Blog Post

This is a YouTube channel that I watch often, a person who goes by Filmento and makes essays explaining why some movies work or fail. In this video, he explains why Marvel Infinity War worked while DC Justice League didn’t.

Although he has points of humor to poke fun at scenes or weird writing he explains his reasoning as to his opinions well. He adds a well-thought-out and in-depth description of underlying tones or story beats you may not fully grasp or notice in the first viewing. The edits he has to help explain his ideas also really help you understand his points.

Although more of a documentary, I also want to recommend this video by Lemmino. A really great visual documentary about the Jack The Ripper murders. He has a perfect way of storytelling that grabs you attention. Along with unique animated visuals and music, he makes entirely for each personal project, including this video.

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