A message from Colleen Hoss:
“I just finished the cash accounting on the 3 day antiques and collectibles show. Milestones & Memories raised $2,881.00. Absolutely Amazing!!
A huge thank you to all of you who donated. You will receive a formal thank you with a notation of how much your donation raised for Milestones & Memories in case you want the verification for tax purposes. An even huger thank you to Dee and Claude Gove who definitely know their antiques and collectibles and without whom we could never have accomplished this event and to Mary Young for helping set up and staff and Liz Jansen for use of her workshop for storing and pricing items.
The show was a whole lot of work and I’m no way interested in going into that business but this was a fantastic opportunity. I really enjoyed the professional environment and the vendors with whom we were working. So many of them were Dee’s and Claude’s acquaintances from their estate sale business that Milestones & Memories gained immediate credibility. That was a real plus and resulted in untold sales to vendors who might not have considered us but for Dee’s and Claude’s credentials.
We received some unsolicited donations to the project and two businesses offered to donate to our dinner/auction in March. I continue to believe that people want to be involved if given an opportunity. Most people who came by the booth were very impressed that all of the money raised was going to charity and that most items had been donated. Bless both Dee and Claude for wonderful promotion of Milestones and Memories throughout the three days.
My son, Duncan has offered to store the remaining inventory. We have a family garage/rummage/estate/whatever sale planned for the springtime and he suggested we could put the Milestones & Memories “residue” out with special tags indicating the sales would go to the project.
Now it’s on to the dinner/auction Share A Little Green scheduled for Saturday, March 16. If you have ideas for auction items, we have the procurement package complete and I’ll be happy to get copies of the materials to you. My next big undertaking is to get the ticket/table packets ready within the next couple of days. There is interest, we just need to get the information to people. I’ll get that packet out to you as soon as it is available.”
— Colleen Hoss