Mandinka Tribe

Jolla Tribe Fulla Tribe Mandinka Tribe Wolof Tribe
Dejembe Drum Kutirinding Drum Tran Bat Drum Balafong Drum

Mandinka Tribe

Also know, as ”Mande” Manding are any of the people related as a cultural group who speak Mande-deroved languages. Manding people reside, generally, within Mali, SeneGambia, Cote d`Ivoire, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. These are the descendants of the founders and rulers of the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires that existed at least as early as the eighth century and lasted through about sixteenth century. In the Mandinka tribe they have three drums, one play on sabaro (lead) drum, one on the kutiriba (bass), and one on the kutirinding (rhythm), but there are other instruments, which are acoustic instrument like Korra, Balanfong and Kontin