Featured Artists & Works at the "Avenues of Access" Exhibit
Electronic Literature is viewed by many of its scholars and artists,
such as C.T. Funkhouser and Eduardo Kac, as a descendant of experimental
poetry produced in Europe, North America, and South America. It is a
trajectory that begins in the early 20th century and has continued on to
the current time, encompassing a variety of forms. The driving force
behind it, however, is technological experimentation and innovation, not
necessary limited to the computer but certainly at its center until the
end of the 20th century.
The artists and works featured in this exhibit represent a broad cross
section of approaches and styles. It also showcases works in and
outside of the U.S. and, so, highlights 33 artists and 30 works of
literary art from Canada, the UK, France, Portugal, Germany, Austria,
and Australia. Because the ultimate goal of this exhibit is to present
Electronic Literature in a way that makes it is approachable to
non-practitioners and scholars new to it, it is into five categories:
e-Essay, Multimodal Poetry, Multimodal Narrative, Literary Games, and
Mark Amerika, "Grammatron"
Evan Bissell and Erik Loyer, "Knotted Line"
Will Luers, "217 Views of the Tokaido Line"
Alexandra Saemmer, "Böhmische Dörfer"
Multimodal Poetry
Jim Andrews, "Aleph Null"
Alan Bigelow, "Last Word"
Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse, "Between Page and Screen"
Jhave, "Mups"
Nick Montfort and Stephanie Strickland, "Sea and Spar Between"
Jody Zellen, "Spine Sonnet"; special note: this work will also be shown in its app format.
Multimodal Narrative
Bill Bly, "We
Descend 2.0"
Serge Bouchardon, "Opacity"
J.R. Carpenter, "Notes on the Voyage of Owl and Girl"
M.D. Coverley, "Quaker
Oat Box -- Infinite Regress"
Caitlin Fisher, "Circle"; special note: this is an augmented reality installation.
Megan Heyward, "Of Day Of Night"
Alexander Mouton, "Passing Through"
Aaron Reed, "Almost Goodbye"
Literary Games
Eric LeMay, "Losing the Lottery"
A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz, "Afeeld"
Mark Marino, "Living Will"
Christine Wilks, "Rememori"
Mobile and Locative Works
Jason Edward Lewis, "The P.o.E.M.M. cycle: What They Speak When They Speak to
Judy Malloy, "its name was Penelope"; special note: this app will be available for viewing
at the exhibit by permission of Eastgate Systems.
Jason Nelson, "Uncontrollable Semantics"
Paul Notzold, "MCTXT"
Jörg Piringer, "Konsonant"
Manuel Portela, "Google Earth: a poem for Voice and Internet"; special note: this is a sound &
video recording of a live performance.
Steve Tomasula, TOC
Laura Zaylea, "#Speak2MeinCode"; video documentation of Zaylea reading her work at the Friday Night performance.
Jody Zellen, "Spine Sonnet"; special note: this work will also be shown in its web-based format.
Friday Night Performances
On Friday, January 4, 2013, the curators are hosting a special evening of performances by artists
featured in the exhibit. This free event takes place from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. at Emerson College's
Bordy Theatre, 216 Tremont Street,
Boston, MA 02116, 617-824-8780. Featured artists include:
Alan Bigelow
Amaranth Borsuk
Nick Montfort
Bill Bly
Caitlin Fisher
Mark Marino
Stephanie Strickland
Laura Zaylea
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A special thanks to the MLA Staff and Organizing Committee for allowing us, once again, to provide this scholarship to the organization at the conference.