Joshua Townsend
Visit Site

This project was for DTC 355 Multimedia Authoring at Washington State University, Vancouver. The purpose of this project was to display the poem "Blackbird" by Wallace Stevens. This was the first website I had designed and coded by hand. My focus was to make the site visually appealing and easy to follow.

Visit Site

This project was for DTC 355 Multimedia Authoring at Washington State University, Vancouver. The task for this project was to use responsive design techniques in CSS and effectively present a recipe. The challenge was to make the site easy to use on any user device.

Visit Site

This project was for DTC 355 Multimedia Authoring at Washington State University, Vancouver. The purpose of this project was to build a responsive 1-5 page website that follows a sequential path to tell a narrative. I used a parallax scroll effect on the website, using HTML and CSS techniques to do so.

Angels Rest View Point

My Projects