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Exploring Accessibility

Web Design Best Practices
for Cognitive Disabilities

About the Creators

Benjamin Woodruff

A passionate User Experience Developer skilled in researching, testing, and designing digital products like Websites, Apps, and VR, AR, and 3D Games. In 2018, he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Digital Technology and Culture at Washington State University Vancouver and is always learning, always looking for better ways of doing excellent work, and loves to collaborate towards a more accessible Web.

Shannon Woolley

A junior at Washing State University Vancouver earning a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, with a minor in Digital Technology and Culture. Shannon's focus is in demographics, design, and branding. Currently working as a freelance creative, she enjoys a fast pace and challenging work environment. Her freetime consists of interior design dreaming and playing with her puppy.

Valerie Eldridge

A junior at Washington State University Vancouver earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Technology and Culture, with a minor in Film Studies. Valerie’s focus in the degree is video editing and plans to continue this as a career. Her hopes are to go on to make more interview and documentary style videos that inform viewers on important topics such as web accessibility.

Burke Johnson

A senior at Washington State University Vancouver and acquiring a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Technology and Culture, with a minor in Spanish. Burke prefers to focus more with social media aspects of the DTC program and hopes to incorporate his Spanish in the future. After graduation Burke will be traveling to Spain and South America for a few months networking and plans to find a job in his field and have the experience of living in another country.

Alissa Carder

A Junior at Washington State University, majoring in Digital Technology and Culture, with a minor in Film Studies. With a special focus on broadcast media and production, she hopes one day to create video content for news broadcast and to document important events. Alissa is always eager to learn new things in our growing world of technology, and to make those advancements available to everyone.

Kaitlyn Slorey

A student at Washington State University Vancouver receiving a bachelor's degree in Digital Technology and Culture with a minor in Fine Arts. Kaitlyn is also the Marketing Director for the Salmon Creek Journal, WSUV's student led literary and artwork publication. Having compassion for all things beautiful, her goal is to make individuals look at things differently than they did before and question what they see. She strives to keep things clean, simple, and visually eye-catching.