
This was one of my first websites I designed. We used the the poem by Wallace Stevens titled “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.” I used aspects of the Adobe Creative cloud for my imagery and contrasting colors. It was a great way to get started learning CSS and HTML and my work has definitely improved since This is a nice reminder of where I started and how far I will go.


This project we were working with using the responsive design element so that the website was adaptable to all screensizes. I enjoyed creating a simple look and used the colors from my image of the cocktail for the color scheme. The CSS element of this website was fun to play with and I used some transparent elements to make it pop.


For this project I used my own images that I captured of people and their hands doing something in their everyday life. I used the style of parallex to design this website and I kept the text very simple. I didn't want to take away from the images themselves, so I also used a black and white color scheme.