
With all of the current social media apps, and the new ones that come along, people can find themselves living their lives through the screen. Social media is a way for someone to escape their lives or make their lives look much more “interesting” then it really is. Like Dwight, from The Office.

(The Office)

With all of these platforms people can create another type of them. Maybe someone wanted nicer things, being successful at their dream job or create a profile to get the courage to talk to someone they are interested in.

The main reason why I like social media is because I can stay connected to my family who lives through out the US. I think that actually having a “real life” connection with makes it more important. When random people want to “be friends”, it really makes you wonder if the person in the picture is the person behind the screen.

My concern for a second life is that you don’t know who is on the other side of the screen. It makes me worried for my daughters, technology is going to change so much. Even though people can make is so believable right now, I can’t imagine what the next step will be to catfish someone. I worry that with it advancing so much, predators can be so much than then they are now.

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