7/15 Blog – Virtual Social Media

After reading the Social Media chapter, the Rushkoff chapter on Identity and watching the documentary Life 2.0 (above), write a blog post about being in two places at once in the digital age. How has this “virtuality” changed our ideas of self, society and community? How might VR social media impact our embodied relationships? If you were going to design a VR social media platform what would it be like? What concerns and/or hopes do you have about the future of a virtual social life? 

You can now get married in Final Fantasy XIV | PC Gamer

Many people lead double lives through their virtual avatars. In MMORPGs you can work hard, collect the most coveted gear, overpower and dominate opponents, form friendships with others that share the same goals, get married, take on a new gender identity or sexuality, etc. People often feel safer living their truths or speaking unpopular opinions under the guise of their avatar. Many have more confidence in their virtual form than they do in their corporeal form. When people speak truthfully ideas can flourish and society can become more socially progressive. However, there could be a downside to this as well. There’s the physical: our bodies could start wasting away form malnutrition, lack of exercise and sunlight, etc. We might be too timid in real-life situations.

dark-science-fiction-immersive-virtual-reality-junkie-image-source-unknown  - Nicholas Woode-Smith
I am very excited about the future of VR. While my mind does sometimes drift to dystopian themes involving VR-addled junkies, I do see infinite potential for good. More VR programs could be developed that help with immersion in content. Imagine Instagram feeds, but the ability to live out a simulation of the picture instead of just seeing your friend there from one angle. The more immersion of the senses, the more experiences will resonate with others. When people feel something on a multi-sensual level they might be able to empathize more deeply.

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