7/8 Blog – Hypermedia Storytelling

Digital technology easily remediates the narrative arts of all other media (radio, movies, tv, fiction), but it also introduces new possibilities that may challenge our very notions of narrative – that a story needs a beginning, middle and end, for example. Which of the above digital texts engage you most and why? Discuss how we can approach new digital works that present stories in unfamiliar and challenging ways. What are your thoughts/experiences of how the digital, hyperlinks and the web are changing the art of storytelling.

I enjoyed “With Those We Love Alive” the most.  I liked that we were prompted to put on headphones since it allows you to block out distractions and hear things more clearly. The music was almost trance inducing. I feel like the multi-modal mediums used really helps with engagement in the project. It sucks you into a fictional world, the choices seeming nonsensical and dreamlike. I naturally want to make meaning out of the randomness. Many lines read like poetry.

I appreciate this attempt at immersion within a HTML-based world. I think focusing on creating an immersive experience with digital art going forward will really push the boundaries of how art is felt and perceived. Virtual reality will continue to advance, becoming more and more seamless, which in turn will allow people to resonate more with storytelling and simulated experiences.

Review: 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch' — Netflix's first interactive movie –  HS Insider

Storytelling is already being explored in new ways. The Black Mirror movie on Netflix is one major example I thought of which reflects the “Choose your own adventure” style of these hypermedia pages and twines. The viewer can choose how the story progresses based on prompts during pauses. I have also seen numerous video games that are time-based and have options of how to respond in quick-thinking situations. Your decisions or indecision can result in many different outcomes.

Ex.)Detroit: Become Human on Steam

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