7/20 : Data & Information

As such, this revolutionary change is good for humanity, as it advances humanity’s interests in learning as well as provides a more comfortable way for many to live. However, most of the time, this recommended interest is manipulated by big corporations in order to turn a profit. Data is collected and stored by companies such as Google, then sold to companies wishing to profit off of certain demographics. By giving away data that shouldn’t be given away, threats to human culture are introduced, as it ignores the desire for inherent learning in humans and instead concentrates on the profit of a single corporation instead of the interests of individuals. The collection of unnecessary data, including events we say, is another threat from a device with a microphone that listens and records. There have been instances when I have had my devices listen to me say something completely out of the blue and then show me ads connected to that topic not even seconds after I said it. It is a total invasion of privacy as that shows your devices are always listening to what you have to say. At the same time, this technology is amazing and terrifying.

Why marketers need to engage rather than enrage to solve the mobile advertising divide - Marketing Tech News

Depending on what purpose you serve in society, big data and data analytics have two unique sides. It is exciting to see the use of data analytics and improved technologies throughout the healthcare industry, as well as in the transportation industry. By using data, you can help all of us monitor our wellness and make our trips safer and more enjoyable. It can be used to tell a person what their health looks like right now, and to forewarn them of potential changes that might impact them in the future. As well as provide you with the ability to connect more with your families as you drive around or be more effective in jobs as we behind to have more time for oursefls. My opinion is that such technology would benefit everybody on our planet.

How to improve the self-driving car passenger experience - EricssonVideo: Watch the mind-blowing hologram that allows doctors to practice surgery in 3D - Irish Mirror Online

Users like me can benefit a great deal from algorithms that show them what they are looking for on the web. When I move around the web, I always look to learn new things, and if the algorithm notices this, it will show me more videos and works that relate to what I’m interested in right now, making learning new things so much easier.

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