
Simulation is the most fascinating form of Computational Technique to me. It allows for the individual to create a way to find a solution to multiple different problems using one program. Simulating the results possible for every scenario in a situation makes finding the right solution or at the very least the least dangerous solution, incredibly efficient.

On the more artistic side of simulation is Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. The possibilities in both offer unique views on the way the world is built. Virtual reality, when integrated with enough technology, could simulate entire universes at the push of a button. Most standard VR sets don’t even need buttons nowadays, as hand and finger recognition is getting so advanced that it’s becoming the standard for companies like VTC and Oculus. There are also more advanced rigs that allow for leg tracking for movement or kicking inside a virtual space.

As an art form, I believe that art galleries and national monuments will be something that can be simulated from one’s own home. A few years ago I participated in a VR Art Gallery hosted by the Louvre as part of an art class. I have never been to France yet if it werent for the fact I was barefoot and standing on carpet, I would have been completely immersed in that virtual space. It was so realistic that the only thing that kept me grounded was the lack of interactability with the actual art pieces. With this in mind, it wouldn’t surprise me if entire art galleries were held in a virtual space in the future, with pieces being other digital artist’s use of VR Space.

I personally would love to make simulated cooking. I feel with the introduction of a “smellovision” to a complicated VR rig someone would be able to recreate different dishes and cooking techniques to such a degree that they would even be able to learn those skills and replicate them in real life. It would be a great way to experiment with food and test out dishes without wasting food on things you may not end up enjoying as much as you initially think. I feel like some way to simulate smells accurately would not only benefit my personal idea but many artists’ goals of creating immersive spaces for their own projects.

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