Required Materials and Resources
- Unity
- GitHub
- Text Editor (Text Wrangler, Notepad ++)
- Visual Studio (PC) or XCode (Mac)
To satisfy requirements of this course, students are expected to complete:
- 1 Major Project with incremental deadlines and including a written component
- 1 Project Proposal
- 8 Homework Exercises
- 9 Reading Responses
Students will be assessed as follows:
- Final Project 600 points
- Final Paper 200 points
- Homework 200 points
- 8 Exercises 80 (10 pts each)
- 9 Reading Responses 90 (10 pts each)
- Participation 15 points
- Attendance 15 points
Course Goals:
Attendance Policy:
Missing class is never a good policy, especially for a course designed with group critiques and in class discussions. In the case of unexcused absences, students cannot make up the work. Students who miss more than three courses will be asked to drop the course and take it at a time that better fits their schedule. Tardiness is both disruptive and like missing class, albeit part of it. For that reason, students will accumulate absences with tardiness. 3 tardiness = 1 absence.
Make Up Work in Case of Absence(s)
Work missed during an unexcused absence cannot be made up. Students with excused absences must be prepared to make up all work within a week of the class she or he missed.
Missed Assignments or Exams
All assignments must be completed and submitted by the designated due date and time. If an assignment/project is turned in late, each day reduces your project grade by 10% points. For example, if you earn a 90%, your late project (by one day) would now receive 80%, or two days late will be reduced to 70%. Please submit all projects by the beginning of class on the due day; any projects submitted after the start of class will be considered 1 day late. Please communicate your situation with me in case of illness or justifiable circumstances that may prompt you to turn in late projects or miss an exam. In the event of a gap in grading, standard rounding procedures will be applied.
Grading Scale
Plus/Minus grading will be used, according to the following system:
A 93% – 100% C+ 77% – 79.99%
A- 90% – 92.99% C 73% – 76.99%
B+ 87% – 89.99% C- 70% – 72.99%
B 83% – 86.99% F 69.99% or below
B- 80% – 82.99%
University Policies
Academic Integrity is the cornerstone of the university and will be strongly enforced in this course. Any student found in violation of the academic integrity policy will be given an “F” for the course and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. For additional information about WSU’s Academic Integrity policy/procedures please contact 360.546.9573.
WSUV Reasonable Accommodation Statement
“Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. If you have a disability and need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please contact the Access Center at 360-546-9238 or (link sends e-mail).
The Access Center is located in the Classroom Building (VCLS) room 160. Accommodations may take some time to implement so it is critical that you contact the Access Center as soon as possible.”
Emergency Notification System
WSU has made an emergency notification system available for faculty, students, and staff. Please register at myWSU with emergency contact information (cell, email, text, etc). You may have been prompted to complete emergency contact information when registering for classes on RONet. In the event of a Building Evacuation, a map at each classroom entrance shows the evacuation point for each building. Please refer to it. Finally in case of class cancellation campus-wide, please check local media, the WSU Vancouver web page and/or Individual class cancellations may be made at the discretion of the instructor. Each individual is expected to make the best decision for their personal circumstances, taking safety into account. Safety plan website:
Classroom and campus safety are of paramount importance at Washington State University, and are the shared responsibility of the entire campus population. WSU urges students to follow the “Alert, Assess, Act” protocol for all types of emergencies and the “Run, Hide, Fight” response for an active shooter incident. Remain ALERT (through direct observation or emergency notification), ASSESS your specific situation, and ACT in the most appropriate way to assure your own safety (and the safety of others if you are able).
Important Dates and Deadlines
Students are encouraged to refer to the academic calendar often to be aware of critical deadlines throughout the semester. The academic calendar can be found at Questions regarding the academic calendar can be directed to the Office of Student Affairs in VSSC100
or call 360.546.9559.