Week 1: Artifact – Olli Sotamaa
Week 2: “Being a Game” – Miguel Sicart Part 1 Part 2
Week 3: Game Design as Narrative Architecture – Henry Jenkins ; “Benefits of Paper Prototypes”
Week 4: Defining Game Feel — Steve Swink
Week 5: Game Mechanics Must Be Balanced
Week 6: “Designing interactive tangible games for diverse forms of play” – Bekker, Schouten, & de Graaf
Week 7: No Readings
Week 8: “Task Deployment in 3 types of game spatial structures” – Sun & Hsu
Week 9: Mechanics and Metrics of Game Feel — Steve Swink
Week 10: Spring Break
Week 11: “Sound in Game Spaces” — Steve Nitsche; “Bleeps, Blops, Clicks, and Pops” – Steve Horowitz