April 18: Final Projects – Production

To Do This Week:

Build the Final Project


Add Title and Name on projects.

Twine stories should use the present tense (to match user interaction in the present), but past tense for things that happen before the present story.

Grade: effort, design elements and storytelling (including patterns of interaction in the story)

Digital Storytelling –

  • What is the scene, passage or lexia for? What is its purpose in the plot, establishing the story world or in character development? Is it necessary? 
  • Delays in plot development is best when there is a strong expectation of what is going to happen. (Hitchcock)
  • How is the interaction meaningful for the user? If I come to a choice, has the story so far informed me about the meaning of this decision? 
  • How to develop character in interactive fiction? It is all about the actions of the character as guided by the interactions of the user.
  • How to give a sense of destiny in paths taken, and hint at what other alternative paths might have been?
  • Visual: consider how images interact with text. how can image and text be more interdependent rather than image subordinate (illustrating) to the text? 
  • Diagrammatic/Typographic: how can you use font, color, size, bold, italic, spacing between words and line to better express your story.
  • Sound: how can sound effects or music tracks help with your story’s development or atmosphere? 

To Do for the Final Project:

  • Make sure your name and story title are at the beginning of your digital story and in the file name.
  • In the blog post, in which you submit the final project, write a one paragraph statement about the work. What is the story, the format and the class modules and/or works that inspired you?

Workshop on Final Projects

Final Project:  30%

The final project is to be a digital story that incorporates at least two of the modules covered in this class: diagrammatic, visual, cinematic, hyperlinked/interactive, game-like storytelling. The work may be a significant reworking of a previous project or a new idea and direction.

The final project will have required stages and deadlines and each of these will be graded separately for a certain percentage of the final grade. It is important that you do not leave everything to the last minute. There should be progress each week until it is due. Our class time will be focused on building these stories so that you can help from me and your classmates. You are not to use this time for other class projects.

Project Critique 8% – Tuesday DUE April 25: On Tuesday we will have an in-class critique of your digital stories. The grading will be based on how much of the work you have completed. I will also be giving you my feedback.

Final Project 90% – Tuesday DUE May 2: Based on the critiques, you are to address the issues raised and complete the final version of your work for grading. Make a post with a link to the work and give a brief summary or artist statement about what you set out to do and describe the process of how you made it.

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