Final Project

Project 3- Final Project 25%

Build a responsive skrollr web app that uses some JavaScript and some  jQuery  on a subject of your choice.  While the project is open, think how you can develop an idea with a segmented narrative. Use the scroll/swipe template I provided as a starting point, but  please take the project in your own direction.  It should look like your own project, not the template with some styles!   Also, include a designed web app icon for your project so that mobile users can save your projects to the home screen.

Multimedia means using text, images, video, audio, maps in an integrated way. Javascript and jQuery can be used to add animation, create galleries, video/audio play buttons, interactive bits -anything you want. You may use jQuery/JavaScript for pagination and controlling swipes in multiple directions, as shown in the template.

Project Landing Page/Statement:
To provide good documentation for your portfolio, please include a project statement (on an about page or jQuery pop-up) describing the purpose and features of your web app and some of the challenges you experienced in the design/building process. Include information about the class (dtc477) as well as the coding languages and APIs that you used.

Design Process: