
Why JavaScript?

JavasScript and future jobs

Computers are deterministic machines. They do exactly what they are told. Programming  is the process of problem solving with a computer, on its terms. Not exactly a language.

The Challenges of this Class:

    • detail-work + testing + lots of frustrations! = learning
    • logical/sequential/ordered thinking (step-by-step)
    • creative problem solving (big picture > small unit)
    • interaction design

Eloquent JavaScript– this is a good book for understanding. its online and free.

Review HTML/CSS, introduce Forms…

Types of Projects:

Websites and Digital Books
Pagination – scroll/swipe
Arrays – storing , structuring and retrieving data
Animation – graphic devices, sprites,  dynamic infographics and imagery,
Audio/Video – players, interactivity
Interaction (tap, click, type, drag, drop, draw )

Web Apps
APIs  (Application Programming Interface)
mash-up: geolocation, databases, social media.

Creative Programming
Art, Creative Writing, Drawing
Text/Media manipulation – dynamic, generative, networked

HTML5 Games
Computation – keyboard games, adventure, inventory

Student 477 Projects:

HTML5 Development:

Development Tools & Resources:

  • Sublime Text
  • Chrome console:
    -Mac: cmd + option+j or inspect element
    -PC: control+shift+j or inspect element


Cyberduck: uploading files using an FTP (file transfer protocol) client

Steps to upload to remote server:

  1. “Open Connection”
  2. Enter the following info:
    username: first initial + last name +year started + , all in lowercase, no spaces or symbols (so, “Sam Jones” who started DTC355 in 2017 would be “”)
    password: random password sent to you by Greg
  3. If successful, you should be in your personal server directory that has the same name as your username. Now you can either drag the folder and files in that directory or use the “action” menu to “upload”
  4. Please upload folders with the following names in all lowercase: “placestory” for the place story project, for example. You can always change the folder and file names on the remote server, as you would on your desktop.
  5. Make sure that your default page for the project is “index.html”
  6. Check how everything looks on the live absolute URL:
  7. If you cannot see images, make sure that your file names and calls to access those files are all lowercase. Servers are case-sensitive!
  8. When you are ready to hand in your project, email me the URL (
