WEEK 2: JavaScript Values, Types & Operators
(January 13 & 15)

To Do This Week:

NO CLASS on Monday, January 15th – MLK DAY. We will meet on Wednesday, January 17th.


CodeAcademy: Complete the lessons (not the projects) from the Learn JavaScript module:

  1. “Welcome to Learn JavaScript”
  2. “Introduction to JavaScript”, “Variables”
  3. “Conditionals”

Optional Reading:

Read chapters from Eloquent JavaScript:


JavaScript Lecture/Demo: Variables and Conditionals

Use this JavaScript Starter File for practice.

Practice scripts:


Keep up with your assignments and ensure you are ready for Wednesday’s class. Review the materials and practice as needed.







To Do This Week:

NO CLASS on Monday January 15th – MLK DAY. We will meet on Wednesday the 17th.

CodeAcademy – just the lessons, not the projects 
Learn Javascript :
. Welcome to Learn JavaScript”,
2. “
Introduction to JavaScript“, “Variables,”
3. “Conditionals”

Read (optional): Eloquent Javascript


JavaScript Lecture/Demo: Variables and Conditionals

JavaScript Starter file

Change Circles Script
Circles Script
Circles Script – letters
