You may remember that Bill Bly, electronic literature artist and author of We Descend, gave me a car full of Macs last summer when he visited me on the way to Milwaukee, MI to the ELO 2014 conference.

I asked Jeff, my former student and resident Mac hardware guru who fixes the Macs in my lab, to clean them and service those that needed motherboards, switches, etc. He arrived today with all but two ready for the lab.
Not a minute too soon. Next Saturday WSUV is celebrating its 25th Anniversary with a celebration for about 3000 people. I am opening both ELL and the MOVE Lab for tours. I will be showing my vintage computers and early electronic literature to visitors from 3-5 p.m. If you are wondering what exactly I have in my lab, check out the Electronic Literature Lab’s Catalog of computers and e-lit. We are still inputting software and other items that have been given to me for my preservation work. But the list is still pretty substantial. I will be adding the computers Bill has given me this week in time for Saturday’s festivities.

Among the many treasures that Bill gave me are two Mac Classic II, a LC 520, a very nice pre-Intel laptop, several monitors, which will come in handy, and of course this monster G3 tower (see below), which pre-dates the acrylic G3s. Everything works, save one of the Classics. Jeff is now looking for parts to fix what ails it.
If you are in the Vancouver area and want to visit the lab, next Saturday would be the perfect time. The university will be swarming with activities, and I hear there will be cake.